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Everything posted by PurdueGuy

  1. Ah, another 310 guy here? Or at least, you were! Just a quick tip...if you use 310#######@mms.att.net you might like the format better.
  2. Sorry, I meant newer camera firmware. The newer camera firmware requires encrypted passwords.
  3. Are you using new firmware? It might require encrypted passwords, that ISY doesn't have.
  4. You need to copy the new scene settings to each controller. In the ISY Admin Console, you will need to expand the scene, click the controller you want to adjust settings for (it will be red). Then click "Copy Scene Attributes from " In general, this allows you to define a scene once, and have different setting for each device when controlled from different controllers. The name scene name is when ISY is the control (Admin console, dashboard, programs).
  5. As far as I have seen, ISY doesn't keep track of timestamps for the current state of devices. It has timestamps for programs and variables, since you can write conditions for them, but not device/node status.
  6. You don't accidentally have a program running that is being triggered by the "Off" button, do you? As oberkc stated, try a factory reset. You might have some mutual exclusion set up accidentally.
  7. I would use an integer variable. Set it to 0, and increment it by 1 every day at a given time (say 1 AM), and set the init value to the new value. Then at whatever time you want something to happen, have another program that checks the current time AND if the variable is set to 3 or more. The if clause would take whatever action you want, and then set the variable (and init value) back to 0. Then, given an example of something happening at 7 AM, the timeline would be: Day1 - @1 AM - variable increments to 1 Day1 - @7 AM - variable is less then 3, program doesn't run Day2 - @1 AM - variable increments to 2 Day2 - @7 AM - variable is less then 3, program doesn't run Day3 - @1 AM - variable increments to 3 Day3 - @7 AM - variable is 3, program runs, resets to 0 Day4 - @1 AM - variable increments to 1 Day4 - @7 AM - variable is less then 3, program doesn't run Day5 - @1 AM - variable increments to 2 Day5 - @7 AM - variable is less then 3, program doesn't run Day6 - @1 AM - variable increments to 3 Day6 - @7 AM - variable is 3, program runs, resets to 0
  8. Your post mentions wanting your yard lights to turn off, but then your program has them turning on. Perhaps you can better clarify what you want? I'm guessing you want them to turn off at 11 PM Sun-Thurs, and 2 AM Fri/Sat (really Sat/Sun)? If so, I would use this: If On Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu Time is 11:00:00PM Or On Sat, Sun Time is 2:00:00AM Then Set Scene 'Outside' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') You don't need to check if they are on, just turn them off. If they are already off, they will stay off.
  9. Why does it matter? What is your use case? The latest message is always the latest state. Are you attempting to build logic to know how long it has been since something happened, and then take some action? You could connect, and until you don't get events for some configurable time (say 3 seconds?) then consider it all the initial state. After the timeout, consider the events that come to be occurring in real time, and you can timestamp them.
  10. When you first subscribe, the blast is the current state of everything (every node, variables, program, etc). You stay subscribed, then as changes occur, the ISY sends an update for only that item which changed.
  11. I assume you have a program such as: If From Sunrise To Sunset (same day) And ( Status 'Devices / Outside / Front' is not Off Or Status 'Devices / Outside / Porch' is not Off Or Status 'Devices / Outside / Outside1' is not Off ) Then Set Scene 'Scenes / Outside / All Outside' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Option 1: You could add an integer variable, named something like "KeepOutsideLightsOff" Setting it to 1 keeps the program running, setting it to 0 prevents the program from running. You would add 1 more condition to the check. If From Sunrise To Sunset (same day) And ( Status 'Devices / Outside / Front' is not Off Or Status 'Devices / Outside / Porch' is not Off Or Status 'Devices / Outside / Outside1' is not Off ) And $KeepOutsideLightsOff is 1 Then Set Scene 'Scenes / Outside / All Outside' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Note: I made it an integer variable just to that changing it wouldn't unnecessarily trigger the program. You could make it a state variable, and changing it would trigger the program, but I don't think it would do much. Then create programs to set that variable to a 0 or 1. Option 2: If you have a spare KPL button, you could use that instead. Forget the variable, and use the status of the KPL button. The program would change to: If From Sunrise To Sunset (same day) And ( Status 'Devices / Outside / Front' is not Off Or Status 'Devices / Outside / Porch' is not Off Or Status 'Devices / Outside / Outside1' is not Off ) And Status '' is Off Then Set Scene 'Scenes / Outside / All Outside' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Note: I have it using the KPL button status of "Off" so that usually the KPL button won't be lit. So: Off=Program runs as usual (no daytime use) On=Allow daytime use
  12. Also, Insteon is probably more reliable. I hated my Z-Wave door sensors. If you want a full security system, I'd recommend going that route right away, even if it isn't monitored by a service to start.
  13. Your title mentions an ISY99i? The Z-Wave add-on goes inside a ISY994i.
  14. You just missed the SmartHome 20% Memorial Day sale...try to hold out for a July 4th sale.
  15. If you haven't forwarded ports, it is probably safer than most other devices on your network. Different consumer-level routers have their strengths and weaknesses, so I think you would have more to worry about there. The ISY doesn't reach out remotely like the Veras do, so that threat vector doesn't exist in this instance.
  16. To add to what LeeG said, once you create each scene, you need to go into that specific controller of the scene (it will be red). Be sure you have the settings correct there too. You can click "Copy Scene Attributes from " to make sure.
  17. Isn't that similar to what they said before Apple entered the cell phone market?
  18. PurdueGuy


    MorningLinc devices are one way. The ISY can command a lock or unlock, but it won't know of the command was received and processed. ISY also won't know when the lock is operated manually via key or internal latch. From this page: http://www.smarthome.com/2458A1/Morning ... ler/p.aspx
  19. Looks like there is a sale starting on Monday. viewtopic.php?f=41&t=14835&p=115527&hilit=memorial#p115527 Nothing is live yet.
  20. No, the OutletLinc Relay (2473S) is not a controller, so ISY can't be notified directly/immediately. However, the On/Off Module (#2635-222) can be a controller, but doesn't even have Load Sense built in. It might have been removed because it would trigger when it shouldn't. The 2473S manual states:
  21. I just hope I don't have two special ones! haha Phew...I verified with a 3rd outletlinc dimmer just to be sure. I'd hate having someone spend $100 and be wrong! If you buy direct from SmartHome, I am hoping for a Memorial Day sale from them, so maybe wait a couple days!
  22. Wow, that is what I have been looking for. Installing is not issue, since there are only 2 lamp plugs that I need to be able to turn the lamp on manually. But just to make sure I understand, when you turn the lamp on using the manual lamp switch, the OutletLinc sends a signal to your ISY immediately saying "i am on"? No query necessary? Thanks!! Correct. I set up a scene with 2 OutletLinc Dimmers as Controllers. Turning either on turns on the other one, and the ISY Admin Console sees the update. Here is a level 3 event viewer. Both lamps had the physical switch on, but were "Off." I turned the one lamp physical switch (24.0E.05) off, then back on a couple seconds later. Wed 05/21/2014 10:05:19 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 24.0E.05 00.00.01 CB 13 00 LTOFFRR(00) Wed 05/21/2014 10:05:19 PM : [std-Group ] 24.0E.05-->Group=1, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2 Wed 05/21/2014 10:05:19 PM : [D2D EVENT ] Event [24 E 5 1] [DOF] [0] uom=0 prec=-1 Wed 05/21/2014 10:05:19 PM : [ 24 E 5 1] DOF 0 Wed 05/21/2014 10:05:19 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 24.0E.05 24.1C.5A 40 13 01 LTOFFRR(01) Wed 05/21/2014 10:05:19 PM : [std-Cleanup ] 24.0E.05-->ISY/PLM Group=1, Max Hops=0, Hops Left=0 Wed 05/21/2014 10:05:19 PM : [iNST-DUP ] Previous message ignored. Wed 05/21/2014 10:05:20 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 24.0E.05 13.02.01 C7 06 00 (00) Wed 05/21/2014 10:05:20 PM : [std-Group ] 24.0E.05-->13.02.01, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1 Wed 05/21/2014 10:05:20 PM : [iNST-INFO ] Previous message ignored. Wed 05/21/2014 10:05:24 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 24.0E.05 00.00.01 CB 11 00 LTONRR (00) Wed 05/21/2014 10:05:24 PM : [std-Group ] 24.0E.05-->Group=1, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2 Wed 05/21/2014 10:05:24 PM : [D2D EVENT ] Event [24 E 5 1] [DON] [0] uom=0 prec=-1 Wed 05/21/2014 10:05:24 PM : [ 24 E 5 1] DON 0 Wed 05/21/2014 10:05:24 PM : [D2D EVENT ] Event [20 E8 6D 1] [sT] [191] uom=0 prec=-1 Wed 05/21/2014 10:05:24 PM : [ 20 E8 6D 1] ST 191 Wed 05/21/2014 10:05:24 PM : [D2D EVENT ] Event [24 E 5 1] [sT] [191] uom=0 prec=-1 Wed 05/21/2014 10:05:24 PM : [ 24 E 5 1] ST 191 Wed 05/21/2014 10:05:24 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 24.0E.05 24.1C.5A 40 11 01 LTONRR (01) Wed 05/21/2014 10:05:24 PM : [std-Cleanup ] 24.0E.05-->ISY/PLM Group=1, Max Hops=0, Hops Left=0 Wed 05/21/2014 10:05:24 PM : [iNST-DUP ] Previous message ignored. Wed 05/21/2014 10:05:24 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 24.0E.05 11.02.01 CB 06 00 (00) Wed 05/21/2014 10:05:24 PM : [std-Group ] 24.0E.05-->11.02.01, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=2 Wed 05/21/2014 10:05:24 PM : [iNST-INFO ] Previous message ignored.
  23. I just tried my OutletLinc Dimmer (2472DWH) which has load sense. ISY noticed the light turned on, so might the be an option. It's definitely not as easy, and requires an actual installation. To be certain, I also set two up in a scene as controllers, and turning one on turned the other one on.
  24. I thought about this a bit more. If you are using the main on/off buttons of a 6 button KPL, you can just do direct on/off, with no scene required. You would definitely need a scene if you are using other buttons on the KPL. Edit: Fixed phone typos
  25. Hey Garrett, welcome! I'd create 2 scenes: SceneA - has both light and KPL button, with KPL button as a controller, set the light to 75% in the main scene, select the KPL button (in red), and click "Copy Scene Attributes" SceneB - has just KPL button as responder Create a program like the following: If Status 'FanLinc-Light' is not Off Then Set Scene 'SceneB' On Else Set Scene 'SceneB' Off I think that will do what you want. If timing is an issue, you might need to add a small "Wait" before setting SceneB On or Off.
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