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  1. I am not sure if I selected that option, but when I look at network resources, they are all still there.
  2. I was able to get my Sonos going and it sees all zones now. I can not yet get the itch to load the parameters. Can someone clue me in on Node address vs primary node address?
  3. Hi, Looking for video tutorials for how to get the parameters of the nodes to populate in the admin console. Since the initial upgrade to Polisy, I have lost all of the functionality of my network resources that controlled my Sonos and itach. I am able to get the nodes via polyglot 3x and see them on the admin console screen, but am struggling to get the fields to populate when I click on the nodes. Any help is appreciated.
  4. Hi, It occurred tome that for all of us having Insteon devices that fail with time that are linked to other devices, there could be a "replace existing product" option that took a non responsive ID from one product and gave all of its attributes to the same product so you dont have to rewire all of the programs, links etc, I know there used to be a copy attributes option. I thought that went away with an update, but I am not the most prolific user or follower or programmer type If there is an easy button for this, someone please spare me the long way. Thanks for any input in advance.
  5. Did you want to sell those? I don't have need for all of them currently but if we can agree on a price, I'd take all of them to make it less hassle for you to piecemeal sell them.
  6. I would think they could do a preorder/deposit to see what their demand is on certain products right out of the gate. I am sure others also have a few things then would like to add or replace. This could allow them to let the market decide what to make so the have more accurate forecasts. There would need to be a refund mechanism if the decide there is not enough demand to do a production run to avoid us from providing interest free loans. This could also provide some quick capitol upfront to offset their burn rate until they have money coming and products going out.
  7. Micheal, no matter what happens thanks for your service, timely and actually useful responses and all of the other enthusiasts who make this a great little community. the app is a welcome addition and negates the need for HomeKit integration imho. I look forward to using policy to program my switches to gain more control over some receivers without beating my head into the ground with network resources etc.
  8. As someone with 50+ switches and another 20 in the cart while they're on sale, and just bought the last policy online, I question my judgment on this. I feel like I'm too far in now to bail and these are expensive ways to buy out some more time and keep my current set up functional. I like my local control and rules. I bought a rain machine recently. that is my favorite thing right now. I have a pi with Homebridge, but its messy. For Micheal's comment on simple rules, I hope UD stays in the game and finds a way to keep their cult followers(myself included) pacified. I didn't wake up planning to stick another 20 devices on my network while I simultaneously wonder what will happen if the new usb plm I'm buying dies? I know there are more like me out there. If there is a way to tap into our interest and still be viable financially then I hope you can do it. I hope the pendulum swings in our favor. I know I'm invested in this. I know I don't like the insecurity of wifi let alone cloud based operations or the lag time. Sorry for rambling. just wondering if I should be spending the money on something with a more secure future. Do I need a usb plm for Polisy as soon as my serial one dies?
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