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Everything posted by bcdavis75

  1. bcdavis75

    ELK issues

    Apologies... this might not be the proper place to ask this question, but I figured there might be some elk expertise here. A couple days ago after a random power outage, When the elk powered back up, I can no longer communicate with it. This includes the wall keypads, which are showing a communication error message. On the M1 panel itself I am not seeing any error messages. Meaning the status light is blinking once per second and the ethernet port looks like it's operating properly. I tried cutting power and plugging everything back in but that did not solve the problem. If anyone has ever experienced this and has any troubleshooting steps, that would be much appreciated.
  2. Hi all. this node server is still failing for me several times a week. Its seems to have gotten worse lately. @bpwwer thanks for you response above but wanted to make sure you saw my reply. Is anyone else having this issue with this frequencey?
  3. I'm confused by this. in PG3, if I go under Edit Current ISY, it says Port 8080. Restarting the NS, as usual, gets everything running again for a while... but then it will randomly fail again.
  4. Oops... so I jumped the gun it seems.
  5. Hey all. So I believe I've checked off all the prerequisites including installing the matter board in my Polisy etc. I just bought an EVE motion detector for fun to test things out. My question is, how does one actually add a Matter/Thread device to IoX? I have only ever had Insteon devices or devices added via Node Server. Thanks!
  6. I am also finding my Sonos NS in a failed state about once a day now. Log attached. ST-Sonos_1-3-2023_114314-PM.zip
  7. Bumping this. There was already an "Issue" listed on github. But as far as I can tell, this isn't being addressed. What's the the proper channell to get support for a Node server that's broken? It would be nice to get up and running again.
  8. Hey all. This NS has become totally non functional for me. As with some others, I was finding it in a failed state several times a week and having to manually restart. However, now it's just not working at all. It says 'connected' after restart but it is clear not connected in the admin console.
  9. I'm not seeing any reference to Thread in this link... or is the the point you're making?
  10. Very cool. How does Thread fit into this... or does it?
  11. That would be great. Thanks!
  12. Is it theoretically possible to add that functionality to the Node server?
  13. Hi all. Couple quick questions... I have a polisy and have migrated my ISY over. Currently I only use insteon devices and have held off investing in zwave etc as Matter appears to be the future. So, this upgrade looked exciting but what are the differences between the forthcoming eisy v. a polisy with this new upgrade installed? Are there good reasons to consider consider just upgrading to eisy when available (price difference notwithstanding). Also, is true there are no actual matter devices on the market yet?
  14. Happened a day ago I think. The Log says "report this!". I was able to restart it successfully. Log attached. ST-Sonos_9-7-2022_94019_PM.zip
  15. Hey All. I try to keep all my IoT devices on a IoT Vlan (using Unifi Dream Machine). My Isy (on Polisy) is on a different Vlan. Despite my experiments with firewall rules and Mdns settings, the Node server can seem to see the kasa devices. Has anyone else had success in a similar setup?
  16. Hi all. I just ordered this replacement cable on amazon before reading this thread: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08V539JMQ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Is this essentially the same cable that Smartenit sells? Or do I need to buy their cable to avoid frying my PLM?
  17. And I may have answered my own question. I found in the noderserver configuration window that the old IP address of the Polisy is hardcoded there. After updating to it's VLAN 2 IP, things are working! I'd still love any advice on network segmenting with Polisy and ISY though.
  18. So I definitely should have asked for advice BEFORE just plowing ahead but... I'm wondering if anyone out there has some advice on setting up ISY (still running on it's own box) and Polisy when running a segmented network. Here's my setup: VLAN 1: Admin. Has the ISY, all out devices (iphones laptops etc), and generally trusted devices. It also has my Sonos devices. VLAN 2: IOT. This contains things like my MyQ garage doors, Kasa devices, etc. My Polisy originally lived on VLAN 1. Recently, I was working with @Jimbo on getting my Kasa node server up and running--it was not able to discover devices on VLAN 2. We confirmed this was due to the network segmenting issue by moving one of the KASA devices over to VLAN 1 and seeing get discovered. Oddly, I have not had any issues using noderservers like MYQ where the MYQ openners sit on VLAN 2. So, I decided to try moving the Polisy to VLAN2 and then adding a firewall rule allowing NEW / ESTABLISHED / RELATED connections specifically between the Polisy's IP and the ISYs IP. The seemed to work--the devices can talk to each other. Moreover, the KASA, node was able to add all the devices. The nodes also appear in the ISY admin console. The only problem is, nothing works lol. When ever I attempt to execute a command on any noderserver in the ISY, I the below error. A few quick other notes: PGC nodes still work fine. Also, My Sonos devices are on VLAN 1 because I read they are fickle and trying to put them on an IOT network is more trouble then it's worth. Lastly, I did not move the ISY to VLAN 2 because I figured I stop and ask questions before potentially breaking more stuff... so maybe that's an answer.
  19. Good news. That all seemed to have worked. My PG2 nodes are working again. Thanks everyone!
  20. Yeah. Sorry about that. I should have trimmed the txt file. The ping failures were me testing something unrelated. I'll run "sudo service polyglot status" when I get home this evening.
  21. Corrected. Thanks!
  22. Not that I can tell. Also, it's not impacting PG 3 nodes. They seem to work fine. No other signs of network issues.
  23. Log attached. I don't know what I'm looking for exactly. Log.rtf
  24. Hey Goose. I followed the steps to install PG3. Specifically: curl -s https://pkg.isy.io/script/update121.sh | sudo bash sudo shutdown -r now cat /usr/local/etc/udx.d/static/update13.sh | sudo bash sudo shutdown -r now sudo pkg install pg3 sudo service pg3 enable sudo service pg3 start Also I tried restarting polygot on polisy in PG2. No go
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