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Jason Miller

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Everything posted by Jason Miller

  1. Thanks for the note. I don't even know where to begin on how to get the ISY to recognize them.
  2. My error. I mean my ISY 994i
  3. We bought out house about two years ago and the previous owner had a Vivint home security system. A series of audible door and window alarms, smoke detectors, etc. Since, I've installed the ISY device and lots of insteon switches, etc. Could I use the door sensors/windows/smoke detector within the ISY device? If so, any thoughts? I'm told they are Z-Wave.
  4. Hi! We have a heat pump with a programmable thermostat for ac/heat now. I want to upgrade to something I can program with my ISY994i. We use all insteon stuff now but the thermostats they have are "ugly" in my wifes opinion. Looking for suggestions on a good one with a digital touchscreen.
  5. I just wanted to say thanks for sharing this! I just hooked this up for my reef aquarium. I can now monitor temp from any device and with the ISY device I have alerts to e-mail my wife and I if temp drops. Very very nice! Once I use it for awhile, I plan to do this same setup for my hot tub to avoid issues if heater goes on freezing days. Thank you.
  6. Hello, Hope you guys aren't tired of all my questions yet! Thanks so much for all the help. I currently have quite a bit of progress made on my home automation setup. Nearly all outdoor lights are on the ISY and a few things inside. Tackling them slowly but surely. Here goes my question ... on my last outdoor light it's an outdoor light above the patio in the garden. Directly above this light is a floodlight that can detect motion and turn on to spotlight. My goal is to have the only switch that controls this patio light on an Insteon switch so I can configure my schedules, etc. Upon looking into this, I've discovered something I am simply not familiar with. Below is a picture: So it's one unit, with two switches. Top controls the patio light and bottom controls the other sensor light. Anyway I can have something in place so keep the switch for the sensor light and a switch for the patio light? My guess as to how this might work .. and the only way .. eliminate this unit with a single switch. Hardwire the sensor light into it where 1 switch controls both. If patio light is on, sensor light is on. Drawback .. if I want the patio light off and the sensor light on, that wouldn't happen. So I like having a switch to control (sometimes folks come over and I want sensor light OFF but patio light on). Thoughts?
  7. New guy here .. just getting my feet wet. I am curious if anything exists to hook into meter to see energy usage and monitor it. Ideally, it could hook to the ISY device. Perhaps when energy usage is peaking power non emergency items down,etc.
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