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Everything posted by KHouse

  1. Submitting the ticket + remote-in from Michel solved the problem! For other's future reference, I'm not sure what the issue was as all of the work they did to solve the problem went over my head, but the problem is now solved. Thanks again for all of the help @Javi and @DennisC.
  2. Ticket submitted. Thanks!
  3. Sorry for the basic questions. Where would I open the ticket at, and where would I find the node server log? Thanks again!
  4. I just tried rebooting the controller, still no fix. I've upgraded the UD Mobile App to current version, restarted the plugin in PG3x, rebooted the eISY, restarted the Elk M1, synchornized in the app, tried to restart the plugin from the app (that does nothing), tried to start the plugin in PG3x under configurations, checked the box to allow the plugin access to the eISY, tried to press start in the app...nothing has worked. I still have the same issue where it shows the plugin is disconnected. When I try to start the plugin, I get the error message that it's already running (see attached). When I try to press restart on the plugin in UD Mobile, I get the below error message.
  5. Yes, thank you. I did check that box, which resolved the orange error, however, I when I try to set the alarm in UD Mobile, I still get error "Node Status UOM". In PG3x, it shows that the plugin is disconnected. I try to press start, and it says it's already running. I try to press restart, and that doesn't change anything / do anything.
  6. Unfortunately I'm getting an error when tryint to restart the plugin there. The configurations tab says it's disconnected, however, when I press start, it says it's already running. When I press re-start, I get the error with the red/orange pictured below. EDIT: I found the little checkbox for allow ISY access, so that part is resolved. However, I still get the same error about it being disconnected and when I try to start or restart it doesn't do anything. It says it's already running.
  7. Would you be able to help explain how to do that? In admin console I dont see anywhere to restart the plugin. In the app, I go to ADMIN -> Plugins -> ELK (it says STOPPED on this screen) -> when open the node server information is highlighted in red. Says status is STOPPED. If I hit the start command at the bottom it says ERROR - ALREADY RUNNING. I've tried pressing re-start there but that didn't help anything. Thanks!
  8. When I open the admin console, it shows ELK as a plugin. I just completed a synchronization, and now when trying to set the alarm to armed I get the error "Node Status UOM". I tried restarting the app and restarting the Elk M1. Same error. Thanks again.
  9. A little bit of an update/issue. Ever since the app software update, I now have this error when trying to set the alarm to armed/ON. I did not have this error before, and the alarm still works fine through eKeypad app. Any ideas how to resolve the error? Thanks again!
  10. Just to update for now. I'll keep an eye on this over the next week or two, and then update the thread if this was a resolution or if there is still a problem. Thanks again.
  11. Sorry about that. That was from the eISY. Just looked there out of habit. My fault! Current firmware for UD Mobile is: 5.6. Updating to 5.8.3 now. *After the update, it showed it updated to 5.8.4. Thanks.
  12. Currently running 43.71.8v9E. Thanks.
  13. Does anyone know why UD Mobile might not be updating in real time? And it seems it's more delayed on some devices and not others, but sometimes it is all devices. Essentially it's tough to trust the status UD Mobile is showing me because sometimes (and often) it's wrong. (Note: I used MobiLinc prior, and never had issues, so I don't believe it's my network or setup, but I could be wrong). I'm running eISY (previously ISY994i), and mostly all Insteon devices for lights and things, with Elk M1 + honeywell devices for alarm. The two biggest culprits are my garage doors and my alarm. On the garage doors, I have it with what I would call the typical programming that was copied from this forum many many years ago. The garage doors are toggled by a relay (Insteon garage door kid that is wired into the garage door openers), and a magnet (reversed so it shows correct if magnet is "open" vs. "closed"). On MobiiLinc I remember it had a little garage door icon that showed open or closed based on the status (magnet). With the UD Mobile setup (which I like UD Mobile btw), there's a button on my favorites for the relays (press this to open or close the doors), and there's a button for the magnet status. If I toggle the relay (open the door), the relay lights up yellow as if it's ON. This eventually clears itself but is sort of annoying that it always shows yellow like it's on. But really should be a momentary on/off. (I have the color changed to yellow when devices are on). Then the door is open, so the magnet is separated and that device should show yellow (as if open), but it doesn't. If I query it, it then does show yellow / open. If I close the door, again it stays yellow until I query it when it shows closed / off. Even closing and re-opening the app doesn't update the status. Is there a way to get the magnet devices to update instantly in the UD Mobile app so that I know for sure if the garage doors are open or closed? Regarding the alarm...that's an ELK M1 system running Honeywell devices. It just doesn't work sometimes. I can turn the alarm ON from the UD Mobile app and half the time it doesn't do anything, although half the time it does turn the alarm on. Very annoying. And the status doesn't update in real time either. I don't know if it's ON or OFF by looking in the app. I then have to revert to eKPro which I've had for over a decade and still always works fine. I'd prefer to do everything in one app of course, so just very frustrating that half the time the alarm doesn't work and/or isn't updated in real time in UD Mobile. Anyone know if these two issues might be related or what a fix might be? As for the many lights I have in the house, 95-98% of the time those all do show the status correctly/update in real time when I toggle the buttons to turn the lights on or off in the app. Thanks for any help!
  14. Thank you both, and thank you for the offer @Goose66. To clarify, yes, I'm looking to have 3 thermostats in the out building connect to the eISY, so looking at the best way to do this. I also need 3 door sensors in the out building connected to the eISY, or security system. In my home I run an Elk M1 with Honeywell wireless devices. In this new build I will be using Insteon in the office (lights and some motion sensors), however, will also have a security system (brand/model TBD as of yet). I can choose anything to work with the eISY to get what I need in the out buildng and for security. Would you have any other recommendations that might work better knowing it's not tied to Insteon (but tied in one way or another to the eISY)? Thanks again.
  15. I have a new building going up that will have an office (1 thermostat for HVAC + 2 gas garage heaters), and another building going up about 1,000' away from the office. This building will have 3 HVAC's (3 thermostats). The office will be outfitted with the eISY and Insteon. The HVAC guys want to install Venstar T4900 thermostats. I've got Insteon throughout my home, however, use my Honeywell thermostats through their native app and not through my eISY. What would be the proper procedure to connect the office/building thermostats to an eISY in this new construction? I will have empty conduit ran for low voltage from the office to this far away building. Not sure how to get wifi out there / reputable signal that far, and not sure how to "hard wire" the thermostats to the eISY. Appreciate any help anyone can give. (On a similair note, also now trying to figure out how to use Insteon door sensors on the doors in this far away building. Again, can hard wire the distance, or if using some insteon devices along the way can repeat the signal, though I'm not sure how far that signal travels through powerline).
  16. Using the eISY. No z-wave in my setup. Just a lot of Insteon, Elk for security, and Alexa stuff. Buying game tickets is of course the preferred solution to my problem. I do have season tickets, but cannot go to all of the games so we watch from home also. Thank you. I'll take a look.
  17. Looking to see if anyone has any tips, input, good ideas on how to achieve this idea. We're big Chicago Blackhawks fans, and now with the kids older and "celebrating" goals, I'd like to install a police light (like those behind a hockey goal that turn on when a goal is scored), as well as a play a sound clip (Blackhawks goal horn followed by the goal song). When watching at home, when they score, I'd like to press a button by the couch to activate the light and siren/song. I'm running Instean, so figured I could trigger the light pretty easily by a remote to a light that is plugged in behind the TV to a Insteon wall outlet or plug in. However, I'm not sure how best to get the song to play. I'm not against buying a speaker or hardware to make it work. I do have Sonos in the area so maybe a way to trigger that, but not sure how to even go about it. Appreciate any guidance or ideas anyone can share.
  18. Thank you. Will try to run this as a program. Hopefully I can figure it out. Will toy around with it this weekend and report back.
  19. I wanted to ask the pro's for assistance with the ELK alarm voice integration. In my "old" setup using MobiLinc app and ISY994i, I could set my home alarm by voice (Alexa). (Elk M1) However, with my "new" setup eISY + ISY Portal + UD Mobile app, I haven't been able to figure out how to do it. I can add the device (alarm_N001_area_1) in the ISY portal, and give it a spoken name. However, I'm not sure what "device" to choose (light, switch, outlet, fan, device with open/close syntax, device with set/lower/raise sytax, motion sensor, contact sensor). I've tried "switch", and with disabling and renabling the ISY skill in the Alexa app it finds the device and spoken name, however, when I tell it to turn on or set the home alarm, it doesn't do anything. Can anyone assist with how to properly setup the ELK alarm for voice control? (I do have it in the UD Mobile app, and works fine to set/disable the alarm through the app without issue). *The wiki does briefly touch on the ELK, but nothing that explains how to set the alarm on/off with voice. **Looking to only set the alarm on with voice like before. We still manually disarm the alarm with the app or at the keypad. Appreciate any help that can be provided.
  20. Thank you both for the replies. I will toy around with what @dbwarner5 mentioned, but will also post in the appropriate forum. Thanks again.
  21. On that note...figured I'd ask the pro's for assistance with the ELK alarm voice integration. Using MobiLinc I could set my home alarm by voice (Alexa). However, with the ISY Portal and UD Mobile app, I haven't been able to figure out how to do it. I can add the device (alarm_N001_area_1) in the ISY portal, and give it a spoken name. However, I'm not sure what "device" to choose (light, switch, outlet, fan, device with open/close syntax, device with set/lower/raise sytax, motion sensor, contact sensor). I've tried switch, and with disabling and renabling the ISY skill in the Alexa app it finds the device and spoken name, however, when I tell it to turn on or set the home alarm, it doesn't do anything. Can anyone assist with how to properly setup the ELK alarm for voice control? (I do have it in the UD Mobile app, and works fine to set/disable the alarm through the app without issue). Again appreciate any help. *The wiki does briefly touch on the ELK, but nothing that explains how to set the alarm on/off with voice. **Looking to only set the alarm on with voice like before. We still manually disarm the alarm with the app or at the keypad.
  22. Just that quick it found the device/light. I disabled the ISY Alexa skill, re-enabled, and almost immediately Alexa found that new device/light. I guess for some of us we just need to do that extra step of disabling and re-enabling the skill. Not a big deal as it takes 10 seconds to do...but anyway seems to be needed for me.
  23. Thanks for the replies. I put the spoken name in the admin console out of habit I guess. I used to use the 994i with MobiLinc, and you would add the spoken names there. Now I'm using the eISY with the UD App, so the spoken names are in the ISY portal. I am also adding the spoken name in the ISY portal as it should be. Unfortunately even though everything looks correct, I still cannot get new devices to be found manually. If I wait long enough, they seem to be found on their own That was possibly my old thread from a while ago. While researching this again last night I found that thread myself again (completely forgot about it to be honest). In that thread I followed the direction to unlink and the skill and re-link and it worked. Going to try that again now as I've been unable to get Alexa to find this new device.
  24. Thank you for the reply. "Dog's Room Closet Light" phrase does not exist anywhere, but yet if you very clearly state that, it turns them on/off. I have other lights that are pretty similair, and it never gets those wrong. Believe it or not I have "basement hall lights" and "basement wall lights" and we never have issues with the Alexa choosing the wrong one. Regarding not finding a new device, does anyone know how to poll the system to find it? I added a wall dimmer, and Alexa cannot find that device. Actually Alexa never finds new devices. Only randomly after some time does the system find them. I can poll all I want (by speaking to Alexa to find new devices, or by doing so manually in the Alexa app). Is there something I'm missing in the spoken name on the eISY side? It shows the name under NOTES, and shows the name in ISY PORTAL. Why couldn't Alexa find it or how could I get her to? Thanks again.
  25. I'm having two issues with my Alexa/Echo spoken names / finding of devices.. One of which is pretty much recurring so figured I'd ask to try and find a solution. #1 - The recurring issue: Whenever I add a device (with name in the NOTE on admin console, or name in the SPOKEN field in the online portal), the Echo's never find the new device. I can see them and control them in admin console / UD Mobile app, but Alexa cannot find them. However, it does EVENTUALLY, on it's own, find them. After I add the device, I try to poll for it by voice (Alexa, find new devices). I also try to poll for it through the Amazon Alexa app by click on find new devices. It never finds the devices. Then randomly a few days or weeks later, they are there. Does this happen to anyone else? Is there a solution to be able to add a new device with spoken name, and have the Alexa's pick it up / find it right away? I must be doing something wrong. #2 - I have a closet light in a spare bedroom that we used to use for the dogs. Now for me son. Now that this is the boy's room, I changed the spoken name from "Dog's Room Closet Light" to "John's Room Closet Light". It was changed in the admin consol on desktop, and also shows correct in the online portal. However, both names work to control the light. I can say "Alexa, turn on the dogs room closet light" or I can say "Alexa, turn on John's room closet light". Both spoken terms work. Why/how is that? Shouldn't the old name that was removed not work anymore? Wondering where it is that it is still getting picked up and working. Appreciate any help that can be provided. Running eISY + UD Mobile + Insteon Devices
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