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  1. larryllix's post in Storing program math results was marked as the answer   

    I had requested some form of indexing variables, years ago, but other expansions got in the way.

    Sent from my SM-G781W using Tapatalk

  2. larryllix's post in Control vs Status was marked as the answer   
    "Control" detects the device pushbuttons have changed, while 'Status' detects the state of the electronics controlled from anywhere, has changed..
  3. larryllix's post in Admin Console Text Size Reverts to Default was marked as the answer   
    You can increase the size of memory java is permitted and it will last longer but that will be temporary also.
  4. larryllix's post in 'If' and Variables was marked as the answer   
    It appears you used Integer variable instead of State variables. Only State variables will trigger programs to run.
  5. larryllix's post in Motion Detector not showing motion changes (On/0ff) on ISY was marked as the answer   
    Have you allowed enough time for the Linking mode to reset or reset it manually?
    Put the MS in linking mode and examine the options. Some can lock the MS out after motion for quite a long time.
    Have you tried a "Restore" on the device after it was set up?
    Can you show a screen shot here of your option page  after putting it in linking mode?
  6. larryllix's post in How to find what programs a device belongs to? was marked as the answer   
    Yup. Right click on any program name in the program tree and select Search, Programs, pick one. Keep clicking it repeatedly until you don;t see any update onscreen, and then it will be looping back to the beginning again.
    ooops! Select Device, not program.
  7. larryllix's post in Program with if(variable) condition doesn't run was marked as the answer   
    Too much complication for the usual and typical triggered light timer.

    A condensed version

    if Motion is switched on
    turn on light
    Wait 2 minutes
    turn off light

    turn off light...this handles some rare cases that other lines in if cause the Wait to be cancelled mis time out.

    When an if condition is triggered it causes the program to start over. 2 minutes can last forever.

    Sent from my SM-G781W using Tapatalk

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