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Community Answers

  1. DennisC

    Yolink Local API

    Would it be possible to include a switch in PG3x to allow the user to select local or cloud?
  2. With the Notification plugin and Pushover your notifications can be sent as a message in Pushover app, very similar to text messages (with history), not an email.
  3. What procedure did you follow? To offer assistance, we would need to know what you have done to see where it is different from what you should have done, or to offer troubleshooting suggestions.
  4. While it is possible if you do upgrade packages the upgrade will complete. However, I highly recommend waiting until you hear from UD, in order to minimize risk. Often you can receive a response on Sunday.
  5. I would suggest opening a service ticket with UD.
  6. If you power cycle eisy and the upgrade button still doesn't work to upgrade you, you can try using the multifunction button. Look in the wiki for the correct number of presses of the button. If that still doesn't work, it would be best to open a support ticket.
  7. How have you tried to update?
  8. You should open a support ticket with UD. I also ran in to a problem on my test Polisy, waited over 3 hours with nothing happening & Polisy unresponsive. Finally tried a reboot and my router shows Polisy is on line, but that is it. Can not get in with start.jnlp or ssh & portal shows it off line. The Polisy is dead. Started a support ticket with UD and there is a method to recover, but you will need to get instructions from them. It requires an inexpensive hardware adapter, but since this is my test unit, I am not sure if I will proceed.
  9. What do you see on yours?
  10. First, you need to do a Zwave back up from the admin console under the Zwave menu. Then you back up IoX and the Zwave back up is saved there.
  11. Just to be clear, after completing the zwave back up, from the admin zwave menu, you must back up eisy the normal way. Zwave back up is saved during the eisy back up process.
  12. Try a new power supply if you haven't already.
  13. Try using your IP address in place of eeisy.local
  14. Ten pushes of the multifunction button will do a factory reset. https://wiki.universal-devices.com/Eisy:User_Guide#Multi_Function_Button
  15. @Javi are backups now interchangeable between Android and iOS?
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