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DennisC's post in Newbie questions trying to get started Polyglot 3x was marked as the answer
Have you registered and approved your device (easy/policy) in the portal?
Follow directions in wiki to add your device in portal and then approve in admin console.
DennisC's post in Need help getting started with YoLink Plugin was marked as the answer
Sometimes the instructions don't populate until a reboot. But you need to fill in the 3 blank values.
Go to the Plugin store and click on the more button under the Yo link plugin. That should bring up the instructions.
DennisC's post in EISY don't see my Zooz 800 LR dongle was marked as the answer
Support ticket would be the only way to get an accurate answer to your question.
DennisC's post in How do you get wake on lan to work on a eISY? was marked as the answer
What brand Network card is in the computer you are trying to wake up?
One thing you can try is to modify your IP address on the configuration tab. Instead of Mac address:XXX.xxx.x.xxx where the DC's are your IP address, try:
Mac address:XXX.xxx.x.255
DennisC's post in I Paid for the Notification plugin but I see "Please upgrade to Standard..." in messages was marked as the answer
From the pg3 dashboard, select the plugin. You will find the version number at the top of the screen.
DennisC's post in Change Eisy from Ethernet to Wifi was marked as the answer
Multi Function Button
eisy's power button acts as a multifunction button
Update and Upgrade All the Packages
Click the button one (1) time. Please consult support before updating this route.
Recommended route for updating is through Admin Console -> Configuration Tab -> "Upgrade Packages" button.
NOTE: There is not a speaker on the eisy so there will not be any beeps on reboot.
Go to WIFI Setup or Leave WIFI Setup mode
Click the button two (2) times.
Reset Credentials
Click the button three (3) times This action resets the following passwords to the default (admin/admin):
ISY on eisy(IoX)
Be sure to change the passwords for these access methods after you log-in again.
Reset Networking
Click the button four (4) times
Click the button five (5) times
Click the button six (6) times
Factory Reset
Click the button ten (10) times
Please wait 5-10 minutes after factory reset before attempting to reconnect to system. If System is not found by finder after the wait period please reboot system by clicking the button five (5) times and waiting two minutes for system to come online.
UD Mobile
Quick Start Guides
Existing Portal Users
Upon Installation the app will prompt to setup using ISY Portal. Select Yes.
The app will prompt for ISY Portal login. Select Yes. If app prompts for Portal credentials enter your credentials and save. App may also show a dialog with existing Portal accounts. If this is initial installation select Add New Portal Account.
App will then show a list of ISYs on your portal account or a list of ISY Portal accounts. If a list of Portal Accounts is presented select the Portal account which contains the desired ISY. Select the desired ISY.
Select SAVE at the top right. Then select YES when prompted to synchronize. Wait for synchronization to complete. After synchronization the app will be ready to use on remote connections.
Adding Another ISY (Existing Portal Users)
These instructions assume the ISY is already linked to ISY Portal.
Select Settings-Tab > Systems > Add (top right).
The app will prompt for ISY Portal login. Select Yes. If the ISY is using the same Portal Account as your previously linked ISY(s) select the existing Portal Account from the list. If the ISY is using a different Portal account select Add New Portal Account.
After Portal Account has been selected the app will show a list of available ISYs. Select the desired ISY to add to the app.
Select SAVE at the top right. Then select YES when prompted to synchronize. Wait for synchronization to complete. After synchronization the app will be ready to use on remote connections.
DennisC's post in Populating widgets with variables was marked as the answer
Check here:
DennisC's post in Color of favorite based on program status was marked as the answer
Click the 3 dots in upper left corner of you Favorites tile and select Advanced Status Configuration. Next select Add and then fill in the boxes.
For more details, search the UD Mobile Wiki for Advanced Status Configuration.
DennisC's post in ISY to Eisy migrations instructions was marked as the answer
Try this:
Scroll down until you come to migration section.
DennisC's post in New Elk user here... Elk Controller shows up in ISY but zones do not was marked as the answer
Make sure you are using the non secure port 2101 on the configuration tab of the plugin.
DennisC's post in Favorite Variables - Current Values was marked as the answer
Try this:
Settings-Tab > Systems > Your System > Program and Variable Settings
DennisC's post in Think I Need To Replace My ISY994i was marked as the answer
That is used for a factory reset which would return the device to out of the box condition, erasing all programs.
If you are back in, make a backup of your device. If you are going to upgrade, and you probably should, you will need to update your firmware to a version that supports migration.
Be best to read through information supplied by @Geddy.
DennisC's post in Favorites Copied from iPhone to iPad or Mac? was marked as the answer
As long as it is the same platform (ios to ios, android to android), then you make a backup on the device with Favorites and restore it on the other device.
If you require specific instructions check the UDM wiki.
DennisC's post in T-Mobile texting from Eisy Program was marked as the answer
A quick search shows that is the correct format for TMobile.
eMail to text has been very unreliable at times for many carriers. Sometimes using a dedicated email account with Gmail has helped. Instructions are in the wiki.
However, for fast reliable notifications, if you are setup to use plugins, try Notification plugin. It is fast and reliable. Combine it with Pushover and you will not miss your text capabilities.
DennisC's post in Sonos Node Server can not Load Profile to Polisy Isy was marked as the answer
Does the nodes show up in the admin console?
You shouldn't need to be in that window. If there are no nodes in the admin console and you completed the configuration correctly, then the plugin didn't install correctly.
Check the plugin log for errors and if nothing shows up reinstall the plugin in the same slot from the Purchases tab of PG3.
I haven't used this plugin so I don't know the particular's of the configuration screen, but everything must be correct there.
DennisC's post in Constant System Busy message after Java update? was marked as the answer
Try power cycling your ISY.
DennisC's post in Programs go from enable to disable was marked as the answer
When was the last time you updated? This should have been fixed in v5.7.0.
Check your version of firmware and be sure to download a new start.jnlp after upgrading and to clear your Java cache before running the new start.jnlp.
Also, see this post:
DennisC's post in Remote access to eisy is not workingit says was marked as the answer
Do You have a portal subscription? A portal subscription makes remote access easy, obtain your unique portal ID URL from the portal, start IoX Launcher, click on add, and add the URL.
When and how are you seeing the text you posted?
DennisC's post in Using with ud mobile was marked as the answer
When creating a tile or widget of the command type, you can select and set display status and the command to run.
At the bottom of the screen, select add, followed by the node. You then select from available run commands.
Does this do what you want?
DennisC's post in cannot install the isy finder was marked as the answer
Can you provide a little more information on exactly what you are doing and what the results are?
Start be clearing your Java cache, being sure to check all 3 boxes and then delete files.
Download a new start.jnlp from UD website.
After download, click on start.jnlp to run.
If that doesn't work, try deleting your state files and try again:
Admin Console Minimized/Invisible and Cannot be Restored
This is usually related Admin Console state files not being updated properly and especially in case of multi monitors. All you need to do is to find the following files in Java temp directory (on Windows: c:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Local\Temp) and delete them. Or, you can simply search the computer for udi_*.state or ud_*.state file patterns:
DennisC's post in Polisy to Eisy benefit was marked as the answer
Polisy can do everything eisy can for home automation as of now, only eisy is faster.
There is also the benefit of being able to access eisy to use as a stripdown computer with it's own monitor. Don't now if that is important to you.
UD has committed to supporting Polisy for several more years.
DennisC's post in IoX Remote Backup was marked as the answer
Use the portal IP address and login using your portal credentials.
The IoXauncher is used by selecting add a d then entering the IP address of your portal device, which you can find on the portal.
Once logged in to the admin console, go to File Backup.
You can also find your portal IP from UD Mobile,Settings - System.
DennisC's post in ISY not Found? was marked as the answer
@Geddyis correct about this issue impacting several people last week.
The fix is too clear your Java cache, making sure to check all 3 boxes, then download a new start.jnlp from UD's website.
The link to start.jnlp is in the wiki.
After running start.jnlp a new IoX Launcher will be added to your desktop.
This should clear up your issue.
DennisC's post in Okay, new odd login problem was marked as the answer
Try clearing your Java cache making sure to check all 3 boxes and download a new start.jnlp from UD site. The link is in Wiki.