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James Peterson

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    Blackhawk, CO
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  1. This has been resolved. I had not upgraded from PG3 to PG3x
  2. I have not been able to back up my Polisy for a while. I have been getting this error. 1) I have cleared my java cache 2) Running Linux 3) have attempted on multiple different machines with the same result. 4) I nuked the entire setup and factory reset with no change. 5) attempted Config -> Upgrade Packages with no change
  3. I have gotten very busy and have not had time to keep up with Agave. The Android version is still on the market, but I have had issues on the iOS store. There is an issue between the 994 and the polisy/eisy platform. I was able to get it updated in the Android side, but I have not had time too do it for the iOS version, but I will need to work out the iOS store issues first. I apologize to anyone using it and having issues. I just got to be too much work maintaining it. I may have some time coming up in the holidays and I will do my best to get the iOS version back up. Keep in mind, that I have made Agave free so I can not devote as much time to. I still appreciate the continued use and maybe someday I will be able to get back to it.
  4. I can see the error right away. There appears to be a zwave family change in eisy for zwave. Instead of the expected family of 4 I am seeing family 12. I have contacted support and will see if I can get any information on the change to update Agave.
  5. Please send me a full node dump of the device. https://www.agaveha.com/docs/node-dump/
  6. Yes, this has been fixed as well as an ELK issue that was also causing a crash. I cleaned up a few more things and updated the support for PolISY as well. I apologize for the issues.
  7. Please download the free version from the app store. With the release of this I am shutting down any servers that the previous version needed.
  8. Frank. Sorry about this error. I was able to find it rather quick. I'll push an update after I run a few more tests.
  9. I have re-released Agave back on the market at freeware. I will support it when I can, but I do not have time for active development. I want to thank those that did supported me in the past. It was a lot of fun. I just just don't have the time to devote to something that in not financially beneficial.
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