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Everything posted by Scyto

  1. Scyto

    Roomba How-To

    I have been attempting to use roowifi - but found the board to be very unreliable, I ordered an antenna off ebay, lets see if hat fixes the comms issues.
  2. I had a quick look on the pepper z-wave libarary I don't see any other attributes, so I guess the answer is "no you can't"... (unless there are secret attributes?) http://www.pepper1.net/zwavedb/?sort=name&sort_type=desc&filter_cmd_class=&filter_frequency=&filter_language=&filter_manufacturer=58&filter_generic_class=
  3. Awesome, please make it as easy an upgrade as possible (I mean transferring the z-wave config over - the physical install is what it is )
  4. Michael can I ask what virtual nodes will allow us to do as a community (if anything)? For example will virtual nodes let us take data from network resources and let us flag it as 'energy' or create support for devices that you don't support directly? Or is there some other purpose to at a platform level that gives you flexibility to do more, more easily, later. I don't mind what the answer is, just want to be clear on how I set my own expectations
  5. Nanny state like CA. I guess you are referring to Canada and New York?
  6. Could be static. Don't think it was a brown out - I have underground power so don't tend to get issues of power lines and trees and wind. Yes it was controlling a load - incandescent lights (about 300w worth)
  7. I think you are right, I just dug into that document, it needs a session token. Shame the app is a C++ app, if it was.net we could use it with mono on Pi and one of th automation shack apps to launch and control the app http://sourceforge.net/projects/harmonyhubcontrol/ ...
  8. I guess start here http://iweb.dl.sourceforge.net/project/harmonyhubcontrol/PROTOCOL.md this will help you use CURL or other apps to get the info, looks like this a little like setting up the hue network resource
  9. Last night I was turning off my KPD manually - ust pressing the off switch. It burped (beeped / buzzed / not sure which) at me and then all the buttons LEDs came on and the little status light was red. At this point it was not responding. So I pulled the little set switch out to removed power, pushed it back in after a few seconds and now all is ok. What happened? Is the KPD about to fail?
  10. Yeah I couldn't find one for the 599 either.
  11. I concur. I submitted a ticket to Schlage. I have asked them about firmware updates. Lets see what they say. I did find this for the BE469 - not a lot of support in these either http://www.schlage.com/content/dam/sch-us/documents/pdf/installation-manuals/24352403.pdf wish I had known this before I bought and fitted them. I like the physical aspects of their locks over kwikset. This sparse implementation of z-wave is disappointing.
  12. I was wondering if there was a way for the ISY to put the PLM into test mode (the 4 button tap test). Sometimes when I am walking the house it times out and I am lazy I would prefer not to walk back to the basement to tap the button 4 times again
  13. Thanks for checking, good to know it isn't some unique issue with my setup. Shame the schlage lock seem to be feature sparse. The Kwikset will let me set user schedules from the ISY in addition to all the other features that schlage appears not to have in the control list. Do you have any idea if the is the Schlage lock itself or the support in the ISY?
  14. Great minds think alike already did that as I can be pragmatic - just wanted to be as elegant as possible
  15. Thanks, I took a look at control. For the Kwikset I have all sorts of interesting options around battery life, remote lock/unlocking, local unlock using key or buttons etc. For the Schlage all I get on the control option for the 'is / is not' is Access Code 1 through 30 This means there is no way to use control to alert and do what I want. 1) Should I be seeing more options for the schlage? This lock has a direct association with the ISY. 2) it is non-intuitive to me the way the logic works with status. I only get the 'locked' message when both locks start out in the unlocked state and then I lock one of them. If they both start locked and I unlock one and then lock it again I get no locked message. Is this because at the pint of evaluation both = false i.e. the evaluation of the state is done after the action, not on the action?
  16. ok, but then why send me the true state of locked when it locks and not send it when I unlock one. For the logic to be consistent if I unlock one of the locks I should get one unlocked message and one locked message on the unlock, but it doesn't.
  17. I have a program that sends a notification when either of two locks are unlocked. For one of these locks (a schlage FE599 Door Lock) I also get a lock notification. This doesn't happen for the Kwikset Door Lock deadbolt. The behavior I expect is to only get the unlock notification for both locks and never a lock notification. (this is the only program I have that sends notifications or queries the lock status, all the text messages indicate this is the program that generated both the unlock and lock alerts) locks - [iD 0013][Parent 0001] If Status 'Ground Floor Hallway / Front Deadbolt' is Unlocked Or Status 'Ground Floor Hallway / Front Lever Lock' is Unlocked Then Send Notification to 'Default' content 'Door Unlocked' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  18. db Maybe an alarm clock module is a good product suggestion for an ideascale site?
  19. Scyto

    Keypads not in sync

    Yup I seem to do that with these devices a lot too....
  20. I opted for the MMS path - that's ok for my purposes at this time. I don't worry about SMS or MMS finding me - I do international travel and sometime I have the cell off for 10+ hours and the SMS and MMS generated in the US finds me in the country where I land almost as soon as I land and turn the phone on. I have email as my backup to that.
  21. Yes I am on ATT - how do I get it to use the mms?
  22. I have a program that alerts me when any of my doors are unlocked. The alerts come in with source numbers that sequential. Like 1-410-100-016 from the first doo event, 1-410-100-017. I am not sure what the logic for this is, but I would like them all to stack in my iPhone messages against one contact. Is this possible? (also is there any logic to the number chosen?)
  23. I will need to think about it a bit more, but it seems many of us hit similar issues. One idea I had for v5 was to treat (optionally) the keypad dimmers and switches as a virtual node. Meaning that one could configure the buttons at both the scene level and controller level, i.e. never even expose the two levels, keeping them both in sync. What I haven't given enough thought to is how this idea breaks for other scenarios, nor do I have enough insight to how insteon does it in their hub - maybe they came up with a different / better idea than mine. I guess this also goes to the root of me not understanding the history wrt to button grouping too
  24. If you find a way to control the russound can you let me know. I have a speakercraft and despite having a variety of network modules and eve an iPhone app haven't worked out how to control it.,..
  25. Also could you explain how much easier it was to program the keypads with the insteon hub? Perhaps we could persuade Michael for better workflow for these once they have virtual nodes in v5...
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