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Everything posted by Scyto
for ubuntu start here https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/docker-ce/ubuntu/ and obvioulsy try out on a machine that is not you production home theater machine not sure what you run on the box for home media but look at https://hub.docker.com/r/emby/embyserver and https://hub.docker.com/r/plexinc/pms-docker - though that last one is probably a little scary looking, start with simpler container first like the nodelink one (assuming my container works - lol)
@ulrick65 All great questions, I started using docker on my synology NAS because a)they provide a UI (i am old school windows server person and like UI) and b)because when you run custom apps via SSH on a synology their support people get pissy (understandably). So this was a way to run apps as discrete units that don't affect the OS. What did i learn (in no real order): the synology UI misses so many docker features.... that it is awesome that upgrades to the underlying OS don't change what happens in the docker - no pissing about with multiple python or perl versions on the host OS that cause conflicts etc because each app is in its own container with all needed dependencies that while this seems inefficient most containers are tiny and that really you only trade one management overhead for another (managing docker vs managing inter-relationship of apps running natively on the host) - so for example if you blow away the host so long as you kept the state you mapped into the container - you just repull the container image, map in your backed up state and boom you have the app running again (even if you moved from debian to windows).. ...ability to user docker desktop on windows to run linux.amd64 containers on windows - freaking awesome. Uses hyperv but is turnkey) by default you hide docker container apps behined a virtual NAT so only the port you want exposed to your LAN is exposed If the app needs root in the container you can avoid having that app run on the host as root (YMMV as some apps need host root access and need to be run as privileged) the ability to use github, docker hub and docker hub autobuilds to auto build new version of the container when i change the config in github OR the underlying base image gets updated (still need to manually pull the image to update the container locally) note this doesn't work when doing multi-arch builds (like the one 'tag (aka image)' i have that supports 3 linux archs and now windows - just figiured that out!) ability to user docker desktop on windows to run linux containers on windows - freaking awesome ability to use thinsg like portainer to manage across hosts with a UI - what can i say i like UI - but setting up can be complexy Linux (and thus docker) has too many ways to do the same one thing - so this is a rathole project like HA here is my set of containers on my synology - let me know if you have more questions (note most of that CPU and RAM usage is not from docker but from a windows server VM i run on the synology VMM app.) (influxdb, grafana and unifipoller - oops not running - pull data from unifi network system and display pretty graphs; nginx is my secure reverse proxy for inbound ingress to my network,' portainer and agent are for managing with portainer and playing with things like docker swarm) Next-up maybe a polyglot container pre-loaded with a bunch of polyglot stuff, havent looked at polyglot since early v1 betas so need to refresh my knowledge - heck hadn't done anything to my ISY in maybe a year until the last firmware)
If you have docker running you might want to look at my image https://github.com/scyto/NodeLink or look at the dockerfile.linux and shell script to see how I installed it.
I created a docker for this thanks as always @io_guy for the breadcrumb trails. If you don't already know docker this is probably not for you. My full set of tags is as follows: scyto/nodelink:latest - dotNet 3.0.0 Core and nodelinkv10.x (linux/amd64 & arm32v7 & arm64 and windows/amd64) Linux Version For linux use the following command to run the container - replace $pwd% with path to your host mapped files as required (where nodelink will store its config).. docker run --name=NodeLink -v $PWD$:/NodeLink -p 8090:8090 scyto/nodelink Windows Version For windows use the following command to run the container -replace $pwd% with path to your host mapped files as required docker run --name=NodeLink -v $PWD$:C:\NodeLink -p 8090:8090 scyto/nodelink:latest Let me know if you find issues. You can bug them on the dev github branch. Dockerhub page here https://github.com/scyto/NodeLink/tree/Dev
CLOSED --- Z-Wave 500 Series Beta
Scyto replied to Michel Kohanim's topic in Z-Wave - Series 300/500
locks seem to be working after setteling down after a couple of tries (remote lock / unlock / query features) I had a couple of light switches that were working now not seen at all, weird. will troubleshoot and now heal the network --edit -- and i spoke to soon, the schlage BE deadbolt is unresponsive; a couple of my jasco wall switches are unresponisve. I have attached log incase it helps, don't have more time tonight to look at this I wish UDI had a vendor database to allow for better identification of the device in UI' also the multistream support still leaves a lot to be desired as grouping is still imperfect. ISY-Events-Log.v5.0.13A__Mon 2018.07.16 19.59.13.txt -
CLOSED --- Z-Wave 500 Series Beta
Scyto replied to Michel Kohanim's topic in Z-Wave - Series 300/500
Elapsed 00:00:11.113 : Loading Variables Elapsed 00:00:11.355 : Loading Node Definitions Elapsed 00:00:12.481 : Loading Nodes Elapsed 00:00:15.743 : Creating Widgets Elapsed 00:00:18.202 : Creating Widgets Complete Mon 07/16/2018 19:15:04 : Starting Subscription Mon 07/16/2018 19:15:05 : Completing initialization Mon 07/16/2018 19:15:08 : Refreshing Status Mon 07/16/2018 19:15:08 : Refreshing Views Mon 07/16/2018 19:15:52 : [ZWAVE-RESTORE ] Restoring Z-Wave dongle using backup created on 2018-07-15 14:01:23 Mon 07/16/2018 19:16:03 : [ZWAVE-RESTORE ]: In programming mode Mon 07/16/2018 19:16:08 : [ZWAVE-RESTORE ] Failed to Restore Z-Wave dongle using backup created on 2018-07-15 14:01:23 Mon 07/16/2018 19:16:57 : [ 28 93 E7 1] ST 0 (uom=100 prec=0) Mon 07/16/2018 19:16:57 : [ 24 E2 3 1] ST 0 (uom=100 prec=0) Mon 07/16/2018 19:16:57 : [ 2A 2F ED 1] ST 0 (uom=100 prec=0) Mon 07/16/2018 19:16:57 : [ ZW002_1] ERR 1 Mon 07/16/2018 19:16:57 : [ ZW003_1] ERR 1 Mon 07/16/2018 19:16:57 : [ ZW004_1] ERR 1 Mon 07/16/2018 19:16:57 : [ ZW006_1] ERR 1 Mon 07/16/2018 19:16:57 : [ ZW046_1] ERR 1 Mon 07/16/2018 19:16:57 : [ ZW034_1] ERR 1 Mon 07/16/2018 19:16:57 : [ ZW037_1] ERR 1 Mon 07/16/2018 19:16:57 : [ ZW042_1] ERR 1 Mon 07/16/2018 19:17:21 : [ZWAVE-RESTORE ] Restoring Z-Wave dongle using backup created on 2018-07-15 14:01:23 Mon 07/16/2018 19:17:25 : [ZWAVE-RESTORE ]: In programming mode Mon 07/16/2018 19:17:45 : [ZWAVE-RESTORE ] Z-Wave dongle successfully restored using backup created on 2018-07-15 14:01:23 Mon 07/16/2018 19:17:45 : [ZWAVE ] Setting our application node info Mon 07/16/2018 19:17:45 : Restarting the Z-Wave dongle Mon 07/16/2018 19:18:01 : [ ZW044_104] ST 100 (uom=78 prec=0) Mon 07/16/2018 19:18:01 : [ ZW044_104] DON 100 (uom=78 prec=0) Mon 07/16/2018 19:18:02 : [ ZW044_104] DON 100 (uom=78 prec=0) Mon 07/16/2018 19:18:13 : [ 2A 2F D1 1] ST 0 (uom=100 prec=0) Mon 07/16/2018 19:18:14 : [ ZW013_143] TPW 12825 (uom=33 prec=3) Mon 07/16/2018 19:19:24 : [ ZW044_104] ST 0 (uom=78 prec=0) Mon 07/16/2018 19:19:24 : [ ZW044_104] DOF 0 (uom=78 prec=0) Mon 07/16/2018 19:21:00 : [ZW-TX-FAILED] enc=Fail uid=14.0 cmd=0x62.01 DOOR_LOCK Mon 07/16/2018 19:21:05 : [ZW-TX-FAILED] enc=Fail uid=14.0 cmd=0x62.01 DOOR_LOCK Mon 07/16/2018 19:21:10 : [ZW-TX-FAILED] enc=Fail uid=14.0 cmd=0x62.01 DOOR_LOCK Mon 07/16/2018 19:21:10 : [ ZW014_1] ERR 1 Mon 07/16/2018 19:21:17 : [ ZW014_1] ERR 0 -
CLOSED --- Z-Wave 500 Series Beta
Scyto replied to Michel Kohanim's topic in Z-Wave - Series 300/500
The second attempt at restore worked. the first looked like this.... (i have no idea why it was querying the devices as i turned query at restart off - those missing devices are known missing devices) -
CLOSED --- Z-Wave 500 Series Beta
Scyto replied to Michel Kohanim's topic in Z-Wave - Series 300/500
Am i missing a trick - this unit doesn't have a connection point for the external antenna - is that correct? I hope it has better range than the old internal which was not capable in my house... -
CLOSED --- Z-Wave 500 Series Beta
Scyto replied to Michel Kohanim's topic in Z-Wave - Series 300/500
@blueman2what tests are you doing on the BE schlage, my locks have NEVER worked when using nenighbours to reach them for certain actions (like incusion or user code changes), i had to take them physically next to the ISY. ISY support never solved this and I gave up as i have secondary controllers that work just fine with them. (those actions work finde when using the secondary controller like a Vera or HomSeer Key. I was hoping this new module was going to fix that issue. My new radio arrives tomorrow, what tests could i perform before then....? -
CLOSED --- Z-Wave 500 Series Beta
Scyto replied to Michel Kohanim's topic in Z-Wave - Series 300/500
email sent, invoice recivied and paid, any ETA (i only ask because i have some buisness travel coming up and want to plan accordingly) -
Not sure your point? I don’t have the word light as part of any spoken. Bottom line sequencing does matter, at least when using the iPad app. So it sort of works if you mess with enable/disable to ensure the scene comes after the lights - it’s a good workaround as one can say light on, lights off, lights 20% (note there is NO device called lights or with light in spoken, alexa applies the command to all devices that are light type). Ultimately this is just an echo limitation and as designed, I may go back to using scenes and defining it as a light in the isy portal. That way my lights will come on to the desired level even though it means I loose the flexibility of lights on a per room basis ( I have 5 echos, and now the verb light being context sensitive to each room is awesome). Of course one way UDI could help is if we could choose on in alexa to be instant on vs on at level set as default.
I added two insteon light switches and a scene that set them to 20%, to a group called bedroom, the bedroom echo is also a member.When I say to alexa ‘lights on’ it turns on the two lights to 100%, the 20% seems to be ignored or is processed first... -edit- I disabled the two lights, and the command worked, I re-enabled the devices and they now flash on bright and then are set to 20%. It seems the order of adding of the device is critical. Though the wife doesn’t like the bright to dim effect.... oh well...
great suggestion, thanks! i was stugglin with how to do this, does the sequence of the light devices and the light scene matter?
I noticed on v3 that the alternate spoken appears as a second device to the echo. Is this the expected behaviouor? Was it like this on v2? (i don't recall seeing it on v2 but i wasn't looking very hard!)
yes one would think that, but nope, no explicitly listed devices called bedroom, my echo devices have the same name as the group, that seems to be allowed. there is nothing called 'bedroom' in my device list or scene list i do have a device called bedroom sconces, but i also have a device called kitchen spots and i was able to make a kitchen group --edit-- hmm i guess it could be one of the other skills reserving the name, let me go see if it is the netatmo or harmony skill.... (they do not show as devices or scenes) --edit2-- confirmed it was the harmony hub name causing the issues, now renaming all my Hubs to <roomname>harmony
Scratch my statement above about deletions, I am still getting an issue trying to create a group called bedroom (I deleted scene of same name) yet alexa insists same name is already in use.... it isn’t.... I think that part is an alexa bug.
That fixed it, it was definitely enabled and had the green linked text in settings. Even disabled alexa told me I had a name conflict when I tried to create a group- I think it was with a scene spoken of same name (I guess delete of each scene in the alexa app isn’t doing a full delete) so I made sure to kill the app and do full device and scene discovery before re-adding the skill and performing the last discovery.
Yes, I linked it before you announced it (found it accidentally) will relink and report back.
Hi no, I can’t control devices or scenes, Alexa just says ‘ bedroom doesn’t support that’ for the bedroom scene. For bedroom cans device she says ‘the device or group bedroom cans is not responding’.
I have had broken alexa skill since moving to skill v3 when it came out - wife is annoyed (which is awesome, shows the WAF of the soluition) I will PM you my UUID so you can take a look before i disable / enable the alexa app just reports server not responding / there was a problem
Did you ever got hold of anyone? This person is a 2nd degree connection on linked for me.... http://linkedin.com/in/renee-niemi-300139
When using Devices in echo rooms first try fails 100% of time?
Scyto replied to Scyto's topic in Amazon Echo
The phrasing i choose is not relevant to the issue at hand. -
When using Devices in echo rooms first try fails 100% of time?
Scyto replied to Scyto's topic in Amazon Echo
I ask alexa to turn on or off a group, she says ok, nothing happens I ask again it works fine.Happens usually after I have not used her for say a day or two. -
When using Devices in echo rooms first try fails 100% of time?
Scyto replied to Scyto's topic in Amazon Echo
I am still seeing this from time to time, no idea why! -
When using Devices in echo rooms first try fails 100% of time?
Scyto replied to Scyto's topic in Amazon Echo
I removed all the greyed ones that said <device name (offline)> - that broke the echo/ISY integration entirely and resulted in "that device does not support that command". So i removed everything and rediscovered and everything was aok.