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Everything posted by jratliff

  1. Thank you guys that did it! I had also opened a ticket and Michel suggested that this morning too. MrBill that makes sense now because I think I had done that in the past and forgotten all about it, which would explain why my old laptop stopped working at some point then my new one didn't work either.
  2. I came searching for this exact problem but I don't have the wrong UI... any other ideas? This started happening probably a few months ago on my laptop that I have always accessed the ISY console from. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling java and the isy console with no change. For the time being I had installed the console on my girlfriends laptop and it works fine there so I assumed something was wrong with my laptop. But now I bought myself a brand new laptop this week and did a fresh install and no programs there either! I'm at a loss of what is different between the computers that work and don't. All are Windows 10. Java 8 update 251 on my new one. The other laptop is Java 8 update 241 so I even tried installing the older version of Java but no change...
  3. That's true. I think same probably for washer and dryer, I already put relays on my old ones so they tell me when they're done through ISY and usually start them right away when using them. I'm curious how useful the fridge cameras are, I have been at the store and wondering if we have this or that but the way we normally throw things in the fridge I'm not sure you could see it. Maybe I can find a camera to add to my old one to try for cheap. Same for the touchscreen on the front. If it isn't Android based and customizable I probably wouldn't be happy with what I was limited to. Would like to be able to control Sonos from it. Have you seen that brand new Leviton Load Center? I am upgrading my electric panel soon too and debating whether to waste the lot of extra money on the coolness factor of it. https://www.leviton.com/en/products/residential/load-centers/the-leviton-smart-load-center Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk
  4. I am in the market for replacing mainly my oven to start but willing to replace all my appliances if new smart features are working well. Is anyone using or had experience with any brands and can you share your pros/cons/experience? Anything is fine oven/fridge/washer/dryer/dishwasher/microwave/etc. Currently I have my original circa 1967 oven wired with a temp probe updating the ISY as well as a relay monitoring the heating light so I can tell in the ISY when it's turned on and done preheating initially (and announce it over Sonos). But it would be nice to have a new oven that can be activated remotely as well. So curious what each company has to offer if you have experience! Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk
  5. I installed my new dongle about a week ago. I was on 5.0.13A. ISY placed vertical with LEDs down. Query at restart was off. Did not do a heal initially. Schlage locks - I have always had reliability issues with 3 of 4 of them. Those persisted with the new dongle. So everything seems to work for me the same as before. I decided to try an exclude / include on two of them. One is just messed up, wouldn't take the programming code so I tried a factory reset 3 times and it still won't take the programming code or default/any user codes. Oddly it seems to be working fine with the ISY! I was able to add user code back in from ISY and it seems to work fine. The second one wouldn't exclude at its present distance from the ISY. I tried a heal for the heck of it but no change. I moved the ISY right next to it. Exlcuded and included instantly. Seemed much faster than I recall happening in the past. It has worked well for the past week, so better than before. I'm going to try the same with the last lock today. Trane ZWave Thermostat - this continues to works well with ISY. A new node popped up with the new dongle - ZW Multilevel Sensor that lists Barometric pressure with no value. Somfy ZWave to RF blind controller - works fine as before. Aeotec Siren and Gen 6 range extender securely included - work fine but I didn't notice any difference getting my locks to work any differently. They are found and used in routing. So overall everything is working fine, locks better than before but not sure it that's due to the dongle or excluding and reincluding the one lock and messing with the other. I did notice that 3 of the locks always show this when requesting Link Details from them individually: Mon 08/06/2018 14:02:35 : [ZW-SHOW ] ---------------------------------------------- Mon 08/06/2018 14:02:41 : [ZW-TX-FAILED] enc=Ok uid=32.0 cmd=0x85.05 ASSOCIATION Mon 08/06/2018 14:02:48 : [ZW-TX-FAILED] enc=Ok uid=32.0 cmd=0x85.05 ASSOCIATION Mon 08/06/2018 14:02:55 : [ZW-TX-FAILED] enc=Ok uid=32.0 cmd=0x85.05 ASSOCIATION Mon 08/06/2018 14:02:55 : [ZW-SHOW ] Node 32 - Lock_Patio cannot retrieve association groups Mon 08/06/2018 14:02:55 : [ZW-SHOW ] Mon 08/06/2018 14:02:55 : [ZW-SHOW ] ---------------------------------------------- Mon 08/06/2018 14:02:55 : [UZW-CMD 38 ] Show Node Links : ZW032_1 Whereas the 4th lock which is also the newest and closest to the ISY shows this: Mon 08/06/2018 13:56:44 : [ZW-SHOW ] ---------------------------------------------- Mon 08/06/2018 13:56:47 : [ZW-SHOW ] Node 31 - Lock_Front has 1 association group Mon 08/06/2018 13:56:50 : [ZW-SHOW ] Associations for group 001 of ZW031_1 Lock_Front Mon 08/06/2018 13:56:50 : [ZW-SHOW ] Max Associations = 2 Mon 08/06/2018 13:56:50 : [ZW-SHOW ] - Node 1 - [This ISY] Mon 08/06/2018 13:56:50 : [ZW-SHOW ] Mon 08/06/2018 13:56:50 : [ZW-SHOW ] ---------------------------------------------- Despite that error the locks are working fine, trigger and respond to programs consistently, and update right away in the admin console so I'm happy with everything thus far.
  6. That is neat, I'll have to try it out. I wanted some way to push speech to an Echo last year but when I looked into it at the time they did not allow it, only way was pushing speech to a bluetooth device connected to the Echo that would play it's own speech / audio through the Echo. Or being creative with one of the remotes and having a pi or something talk through a headphone into the remote saying "Simon Says whatever you want to say" then the connected Echo would repeat your speech.
  7. I really like their ifttt setup. I wish it would let you run a script for the response though. Sent from my SM-N930V using Tapatalk
  8. Lots of ways to do it, my thought was add: If button A switched on Then disable basement laundry on If button A switched off Then enable basement laundry on Turn off (the 3 lights) Since your lights aren't directly linked to the motion sensor just to that program, disabling the program will prevent the off from the motion sensor from doing anything. Sent from my Note 7 using Tapatalk
  9. What model camera? Sent from my SM-N930V using Tapatalk
  10. I mounted a Pi Zero in my car with a Bluetooth low energy module that scans every 10 seconds for the BT mac address of your choice. I haven't finished deciding how I want to trigger the garage. The easiest idea I'm going with for the moment is when the Pi in the car detects a BT device in the garage (arriving home) it turns on a relay connected to an insteon mini remote button. The scene for that button will trigger a program in ISY checking if the garage is closed and if so trigger the garage to open. Here's the site that got me started: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/auto-locking-office-door-smartphone-proximity-sensor/ This is a new setup so I'm still experimenting. I'd like to get an iot 3g dongle so the pi in the car can always communicate both ways and then just call the ISY program directly over the Internet. Sent from my SM-N930V using Tapatalk
  11. Larryllix I thought the same thing first read through. As far as the script on the Pi I suppose you could have the ISY tell the script to start when the variable changes to 150 also. But like andyf0 said could just let it run all the time too. All kinds of ways to do it. Sent from my SM-N930V using Tapatalk
  12. I use Tasker (Android) to update a state variable in ISY. Tasker has geofence but I primarily use "wifi near" so you don't even have to be connected just near it. You can also combine them so that if one or the other has an error it has a redundant check. It's not instant though. Ifttt has geofencing that seems to work fine too. I like your arp scan, I'll have to play with that some more. In the past only problem I found with that was some phones don't connect until screen is on. I do use a similar mac address scan to notify me what guest is at my house since you can pull the mac address from your router of previously connected devices. I also just set up a Bluetooth scan on my Raspberry Pi that checks every 15 seconds for your bt mac address (doesn't have to be connected, can be phone or the mac address of your actual cars bt, etc). I use that to recognize when I arrive home to open the garage or unlock the front door. Sent from my SM-N930V using Tapatalk
  13. I got mine working with the bwssystems habridge. Just have to use port 80. All my devices currently in use with the Echo just showed up when pairing in the Google home app! https://github.com/bwssytems/ha-bridge I love the free speech ifttt triggers on the Google home! I can't wait to see the api for more advanced stuff. I have a lot of Amazon Echo skills but hate having to invoke skill names.
  14. I'd answer if I knew anything about that. I have just used the regular Raspbian on 3 different pi's for people and it is pretty instant. Only time I see a long delay is for a skill I made that imports data from a google spreadsheet. The first time you have called it in a while, it loads forever, then the second time its almost instant.
  15. I would encourage people to play around with skills if you're willing to learn and are comfortable with computers in general. About 3 months ago I didn't know anything besides basic html. Now I have learned quite a bit about javascript and nodejs. I started with a skill someone else made and started cutting it down to the basics and then pointing it to my own things then learning new stuff to add to it. Amazon has several example skills too if you're looking for how to do specific things. You can find other sites with how to's for making your first skill but here's what I used. There are many different ways to do it. I'll just pass along what I'm familiar with. You can write skills in python, java, or nodejs (javascript). The first skill I setup up used nodejs so I stuck with that. This is a Sonos skill that to actually work requires you running a Sonos nodejs http server either on a computer or raspberry pi in your network. You don't have to actually set up the Sonos server if you don't want to or don't have sonos. The skill will still interact with you, but it would send back an error when trying to actually do something. Mainly this gives you step by step instructions on setting up a skill, so just follow the steps (skip the first few relating to the jishi node server if you're not going to actually use for Sonos) and then go from there with new code or samples. If you do have Sonos I really like having the server running. You can send it text and it will speak it out over the chosen speaker or all speakers. https://github.com/rgraciano/echo-sonos This is the amazon site that talks a lot about the alexa sdk, lot of good reading information: https://developer.amazon.com/public/solutions/alexa/alexa-skills-kit/docs/defining-the-voice-interface I really like this site for learning javascript, I reference back to it often. I'd recommend just reading through the whole javascript tutorial: http://www.w3schools.com/js/default.asp You have to have a code editor for easier to follow code writing. Maybe others can give more feedback on different ones. What I've been using is this free desktop editor: http://atom.io I'm probably missing something but other than that I just do a lot of googling and reading through other peoples javascript, then cut, paste, and modify to try to get done what I wanted to do. My "tell me" skill just accesses the ISY REST commands for status and looks to see if the device is on or off. I can share my code when you get to that point. Let me know if you have any questions or get stuck I'll try to explain it better. I use it to ask alexa to tell me if the doors are locked, if the garage door is closed, if the sprinkler is on, what vents are open, and the temperature from my zwave thermostat. I send texts from Alexa two different ways, 1) forwarding to Tasker on my phone so the text comes from me or 2) passing the message and number to ifttt to send an email to the phone number, then my phone doesn't have to be on to send it. If anyone else has more info or tips maybe they can point you to it too. As far as problems with naming conventions and stuff, I hadn't tried using any trouble words yet until you asked. I just tried renaming my tasker skill to "tasker play". I said "Alexa, tasker play" and it opened that skill! So maybe you can use those words too! I have a TV skill I'm going to have to play around with copying out parts of it for play and pause and see if that works. The only issue I ran into so far was having a skill named "Jason" and then another skill I have prompts you for a name, so when I say "Jason" Alexa says "I can only help you with one skill at a time". Kind of dumb if you're in one skill it would try to open a second instead of just take down the speech as input.
  16. Barry, Yes turn on off stuff I use the normal device way. Asking a question that fits a "tell me..." structure I write into the "me" skill. I've been using skills a lot lately to make certain requests more natural. I have a skills with names for each of my Sonos speakers(Alexa, tell the living room to play/stop/speak a message), skills with family names used to send texts (Alexa, tell Jason some message), and I found out the other day you can launch skills by saying their name alone. So I made a skill named "where is Jason" and I can just say "Alexa, where's Jason" and it will get my location and speak it. Back to the emulator vs portal. I've been using the emulator since the beginning with no issues and haven't touched it. But the past week or so Alexa keeps saying my devices are not responding. Not sure why. I might just go ahead and switch to the portal if I can't quickly find a reason it stopped working. My original echo keeps saying it is having trouble connecting to the internet every so often as well for a few minutes, but if I yell out Alexa to the one in the other room it's always fine. Not sure if that's related but it's odd.
  17. I made my own skill and named it "me" so I can say "Alexa tell me the temperature" or "Alexa, tell me if the garage door is open" etc. Makes the questions feel more natural.
  18. I still use the emulator too. I don't have the harmony hub though and haven't updated it in a while. Still works well.
  19. I came across your project a few weeks ago I hadn't dug into it much yet since I had a lot of Auto Voice profiles made long before I had the echo so I was just using them but I was definitely interested in checking it out more when I had time! Looked like a nice smooth setup for commands. And yes the Alexa app updates the same as the web, I had no idea how to pull the info from there so I went with the pc to start. I was hoping someone knew how to either monitor the web page in the background without the need for the ocr stuff and screen on. But it would be awesome if it could be pulled directly from the app running in the background.
  20. Also interesting, I'm just playing with an old phone connected to the echo's bluetooth, if I use the "say" command in Tasker it plays through the echo. So all my verbal confirmations can play back through the echo too!
  21. Thanks! It has been working pretty well. I am able to use "play" "pause" "stop" and "turn up tv" commands among other duplicates built in as long as "play" isn't followed by anything it finds to actually play. "Turn up tv" however does cause the echo to turn itself up too. I added a few more macros to EventGhost as well. One to start everything back up when you reboot. Another to restart the computer weekly to help keep it from hanging on occasion. And another to turn the screen off at night. I'm working on setting up a profile in Tasker to send text messages too so I can just ask Alexa to send the text!
  22. "That command doesn't work on that device." For all 3 of my hue lights and everything else. Edit 8:26pm: now most stuff is working again.
  23. I just got a physical hue bridge Sunday and it worked fine. Right now none of my hue lights or emulator commands are working.
  24. UPDATE 3/8/16: Below is the original post of how I creatively found a way to send speech from Echo to Tasker. I now figured out how to make a skill as well that is much cleaner if you're interested in that too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSLdjHmf9K4 As many of you have probably wanted from the Echo, I wanted to be able to say any command and have that directly interpreted into my specified actions, without having to invoke a skill or use any limited Amazon commands and be able to chain commands... Well, I've done it! https://youtu.be/FOi9UkBKIgE Short story: I monitor the Alexa history page for change on a PC, copy the speech Alexa posts there when changed, use EventGhost to save it in a variable and send it on to Tasker for full interpretation and call ISY tasks or any other task! Long story how to: I noticed when viewing your history on the alexa.amazon.com website (go to settings then history) it almost instantly pops up whatever it heard. I got to thinking there had to be some way to copy that text as it comes up and send it off to be acted on by your desired third party. First I tried just highlighting the text but that is blocked on the site. So after some searching and trying a few programs I found capture2text. This is an on screen OCR reader. You press the hot key to start it, highlight an area of the screen, then click to capture that area. It converts it to text and can do several things with it via its options. I opted to copy it to the clipboard and prepend echo=:= to the captured text (this is in preparation to send it to Tasker on my always on Android box, =:= is a command operator for Tasker). Next I installed EventGhost. I have always heard about it but never really used it. Played around with it and installed the Tasker AutoRemote plugin. This plugin allows EventGhost and my Android devices to communicate. I set up a macro in EventGhost as follows: Send Message Macro 1) Event trigger - clipboard change (capture2text copies to clipboard, the macro is triggered) 2) Python script - (the following script opens the clipboard, assigns it to a variable, closes clipboard) import win32clipboard # get clipboard data win32clipboard.OpenClipboard() eg.event.payload = win32clipboard.GetClipboardData() win32clipboard.CloseClipboard() 3) AutoRemote message - send {eg.event.payload} as a message to my android device (eg.event.payload is the variable we saved the clipboard contents to) Next we want capture2text to highlight the proper area and capture the text on its own. I created another macro in EventGhost as follows: Capture Text Macro: 1) Event trigger - (more on this next) EventGhost command prompt command ("C:\Program Files\EventGhost\EventGhost.exe -event Echo_Activated"). This pops up the event "Echo_Activated" in EventGhost and starts the macro. 2) Move the mouse pointer to: x:21, y:265 (this moves to top left corner of text to copy) 3) Emulate Keystrokes: (Shift+Q) (this is the hotkey to start capture2text capture box) 4) Wait: 0.5 sec (this makes sure capture to text got the command and is ready) 5) Move the mouse pointer to: x: 650, y: 294 (bottom right corner of text to copy, box should be formed around it) 6) Wait: 1.5 sec (allows capture to text to register the area) 7) Left mouse button (clicking signals to capture2text to capture the area we just highlighted, this will also fire the previous macro we set up since text was just copied to the clipboard) Wait: 1.0 sec 9) Start Program: Pixel Check Echo.exe (this I figured out last and is explained below) Now we need a way to automate telling EventGhost when new text has popped up. First I was going to take the echo apart and wire an Insteon I/O linc to the leds so that it could look for text every time Alexa was called on, but I didn't have the right torx screwdriver so I stopped after taking the rubber bottom off the Echo (I did order a set of torx though my next project is to have hue lights come on blue around the house when Alexa is listening so I'm still going to try wiring in an I/O linc). After a lot of searching and trial and error I found this pixel check script someone had posted. It was written in AutoHotKey. Basically you specify an area of the screen to watch, it calculates a checksum for that area and compares it however often you like. I set it to 300ms. When a change is detected there are a number of things you can write in the script to do but I just opted to run the command line operation noted earlier that signals EventGhost to run the Capture Text Macro. Pixel Check Program: So here is the script that you need to put into AutoHotKey which can then be compiled into an .exe file and run independently. Every time the program detects a change it exits and needs restarted which is where the line 9 comes in above causing it to start watching the area of the screen that you'll have your Alexa History window running. Link to where I got the script: https://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/docs/functions/PixelChecksum.htm AutoHotKey script: I'm not going to go into using Tasker as that's a whole other story. But essentially I have a Task listening for an AutoRemote message of "Echo" (remember I prepended "Echo=:=" to the text Alexa heard). The part after =:= is saved in the Tasker task as a variable, by default this is %arcomm. I then use the action "AutoVoice test command" and input %arcomm as the command. This sends whatever Alexa heard to Tasker's AutoVoice. Then you can set up all kinds of great profiles to interpret the text received. The nice thing about AutoVoice is you can setup substitutions for commonly misheard words, write multiple ways to say the same thing (start music|play music|turn on music) or (tv|t.v.|t. v.), chain commands, break out individual words, it's almost endless... Anyhow, Tasker also has a Mobilinc plugin or can call REST commands on the ISY which is the endpoint for most of my Tasks. So that's it! Seems like a lot but it really isn't too bad. Hard part was finding all the tools and scripts. I wasn't familiar with most of these programs, just did a lot of searching and reading to get what I needed. I've changed this setup around several times as I've begun using it. I'm sure this could be done more cleanly or more efficiently so I welcome thoughts, comments, and suggestions! Jason Required Software EventGhost - http://www.eventghost.net/ Tasker AutoRemote Plugin - http://joaoapps.com/autoremote/eventghost/ Capture2Text - http://capture2text.sourceforge.net/ AutoHotKey - https://www.autohotkey.com/ And I used this site to capture mouse x,y position on my screen (I resized the window and moved it's capture box over the area I wanted to click, alt+tab to my alexa.amazon.com window and position mouse, alt+tab back to this site and click without moving mouse. It gives you the x,y coordinates where you clicked http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/tryit.asp?filename=tryjsref_event_mouse_screenxy_clientxy
  25. Two things I just wanted to mention related to Sonos: First I just came across this Sonos plan for the smart things hub that looks interesting: http://blog.smartthings.com/news/smartthings-updates/smartthings-labs-update-home-can-now-talk/ Second, I also use the Sonos network resource commands mentioned earlier but if any of you have an always on android box/phone/tablet (I use one for my TV), there is an app called Macronos that can do almost any Sonos functions (group, ungroup, set volumes, etc) and pick what to play. It is compatible with Tasker so I use the ISY network resources to send a Tasker AutoRemote message to the android box specifying a preset Sonos action. For example I say "Alexa, turn on Sonos Christmas" and I have that set to group all 3 of my main floor speakers and play my Pandora Christmas station at a preset volume. I do the same thing for bathroom music, patio music, kitchen music to just que my Pandora shuffle and reset the volumes.
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