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  1. I refreshed the store It seems to have been solved, the Plugin is running now. I am not sure what you mean by free/standard? I reinstalled the standard and it seems to be working. I enclosed the purchase options. Thank you!!!!
  2. Moved from slot 11 to 14, same message: The subscription for this node server has expired I am going to guess this is a code bug that JimBo will have to look at.
  3. eisy, PG3x version 3.2.27, IoX version 5.8.3 I will try another slot
  4. I moved from the trial to purchased plugin. I am on 3.1.1 this message appears: The subscription for this node server has expired I have deleted and reinstalled the node server into the same slot. Available purchase/install options Version Price Purchase Install Type Installed 3.1.1 Free Trial Free /per 1 month Install ZIP package 3.1.1 Free Perpetual Free Install ZIP package Slot 11 Is this a bug or is there a workaround? Thank you
  5. on the Store page, click on the heading 'Modified'
  6. Try removing Broadcast address. In the hostname field I have the default of lgwebostv Port defaults to 3000. In the mac field just the mac address without the :'s Leave the client key file alone with the default. That's how my C8 and G3 are configured.
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