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Everything posted by aaronb

  1. Me too. Good stuff! Nothing like a Dot for swag Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
  2. AWS Conference? Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
  3. aaronb


    Thanks for the feedback. I have to agree that it doesn't look like a good fit for me either. There are some interesting features but another controller would be a major headache. The Sonos and HUE integration is very appealing. I long for the day we have that with ISY.
  4. aaronb


    Has anyone purchased the Revolv (http://revolv.com) and incorporated into their ISY configuration? I haven't purchased this product but it several interesting features including sonos and insteon support.
  5. I am a long time and happy owner of the ISY99i IR PRO. Since I cannot expect future updates on this device, I am willing to invest in the right product to take its place. The website describes the ISY994i as a residential product and the ISY994i Z as commercial. There are variations within (i.e. IR, PRO). I currently have about 40 insteon devices and use the climate, network and elk modules. While I have IR capabilities, I have never used that feature. Are there future plans to use the Zigbee capabilities of the ISY994i Z beyond the current energy monitors? Which device would you suggest?
  6. I have also been seeing much more of this lately. Spontaneous popups when I have the admin console open. I am on the latest beta (3.3.10) but I have seen this since 3.3.8.
  7. I GREATLY appreciate the transparency and timeliness of updates. Please don't change your approach.
  8. I have been looking for a way to automatically shut off scenes after a delay while using motion sensors to turn on and/or keep on scenes. The problem I have faced in the past is that using motion sensors in programs as triggers has a noticeable delay when turning on when motion is sensed. Adding motion sensors as a controller to a scene allows for a much more responsive reaction to motion, however, by default motion sensors will turn off on their own delay interval. The best option I have seen so far is to make motion sensors only send 'On' signals (set through options) and to make them send whenever motion is sensed with no timeout and make the motion sensor a controller in the scene. This configuration only allows the motion sensor to turn on a scene and it will do so every time motion is sensed. Delayed auto-shut off is accomplished with programming by using to programs. One to listen for triggers and the other to delay the shut off. Whenever a trigger is sensed, the first program stops the delay program and restarts it resetting the delay interval. Here are the two examples: [Program 1 - Trigger Sensor - 'Auto Off - Master Closet'] If Control 'Master Bedroom / Master Closet' is switched On Or Control 'Master Bedroom / Master Closet' is switched Fast On Or Control 'Master Bedroom / Master Closet' is switched Fade Up Or Status 'Master Bedroom / Master Closet' is not Off Or Control 'Sensors / Motion-Closet-Sensor' is switched On Then Stop program 'Auto Off - Master Closet - Delayed' Run Program 'Auto Off - Master Closet - Delayed' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') [Program 2 - Delayed Auto Shut-Off - 'Auto Off - Master Closet - Delayed'] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Wait 20 minutes Set Scene 'Scenes / Master Closet Light' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') So far this approach has worked very successfully. Any new trigger to a scene resets the delay, so if someone is getting ready in the closet the light doesn't switch off until 20 minute after no motion (or switch on) has been received. Please let me know if you have found approaches that work better or have program changes you recommend. Thanks!
  9. Could something like this HomeLinc conversion kit (http://www.expressdoors.com/html/homeli ... n_kit.html) be connected to a triggerlinc?
  10. Yes. It has been a while (4 weeks), but that sounds right. Is there another way that would have preserved my devices and links? I didn't reprogram everything.
  11. I already replaced that one, but on the others I am finding, the ISY links matched the device links with a zero address. Restore didn't help. Remove and re-added and now it has my PLM address. I am pretty sure I did something wrong when I replaced my PLM, but will never know for certain.
  12. This is consistent across many devices that the PLM cannot see. I have not been able to fix this by a Restore. It has required removing and re-adding the devices. Not fun, but at least it is fixable. Any idea how this could have happened? PLM replacement? It looks widespread in my system. Thanks for your help in resolving my issue and helping me understand the problem.
  13. Could a device link table like the following be the reason my PLM / ISY doesn't 'hear' a device: 0FF8 : A2 00 00.00.00 FF 1F 00 0FF0 : E2 01 00.00.00 FF 1F 01 0FF8 : 00 00 00.00.00 00 00 00 This is on an icon switch that doesn't trigger programs anymore like it is supposed to. I assume I should at least see my PLM address and not zeros. Could this be a product of replacing my PLM errors occuring?
  14. The link calculator says I should have around 600 links. It also states that the PLM can hold 417 ... is this true of the newer models? I replaced the PLM within the last month.
  15. I removed the KPL and re-added it. Now the PLM can see that KPL! But now, two others that were previously working are having the same problem. It seems like adding the new ones pushed others out Can there be some system limit I have hit? My PLM is 2413S v1.0 My ISY is a 99i-PRO says v92 on the about screen ~50 devices including a few motion sensors, remotelinc and triggerlincs ~36 scenes I do have some Icon switches which are supposed to be limited to 30 scenes. Would this be the problem? No Icon switches are in every scene, but I believe the PLM is a part of every scene.
  16. I performed a PLM restore and now only have 144 links Unfortunately I still have the issue of two KPLs not being heard by ISY.
  17. Thanks Brian. I did a count and I am only at 158. So it sounds like it must be something else. Michael suggests removing the PLM from the ISY if only some buttons on the KPL act this way. However, all the buttons on 2 kpls in the same box can't be heard by the ISY. Would the factory reset still be a good idea or a waste of time? I don't see how this could be communication issues when I can program and control the KPLs with no issues.
  18. I used the event viewer on level 3 and could not see any traffic from either of the two KPLs in question. They are next to each other, but I don't see how it could be a communication issue. I can program them and get their status successfully from the PLM. I have filters on nearly everything in the house. I have a brand new PLM that I recently purchased to get the dual-band functionality. What is the link capacity and how can I see how much I am using?
  19. I have this same problem with 2 v.29 switchlincs. I can swear that I used to be able to hear the button presses because in the past I used them in programs. ( no longer using these programs ) I have around 50 devices and more than 35 scenes. Many of my new devices are dual-band (which marketing messages tell me should improve communication). My primary issue is that 2 keypads button presses are not seen by the ISY. These buttons are programmable through the ISY and I have 'restored' the keypads several times to clean them out. They participate in scenes successfully. Any ideas?
  20. No new scene. The old ones weren't working when I had the button as a controller and the device as a responder. I removed both from the scene and re-added them both as controllers and now they are in sync. I don't remember having to do this in the past.
  21. I have been plagued by KeypadLinc buttons not remaining in sync with devices they are linked to through scenes. I have tried replacing devices with no luck. Recently I added both the device and the button as Controllers for a scene with no responders. This seems to have fixed the problem in more than one location. Any idea why I am having the problem and why it would be resolved this way?
  22. I assume this sticky is out dated since the files referenced in the word doc are not current. Is this correct?
  23. Not sure it is the upgrade, but my 10 lights turn off whenever someone turns on or off another light. Anyone else seeing funky behavior?
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