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Kevin Connolly

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Everything posted by Kevin Connolly

  1. Never mind. Found it in the wiki. Start.win
  2. Sorry if this is a repeat question. So I setup my eisy from the IoX launcher. No issues. Then got a little curious because the eisy is advertised as having a direct desktop. I plugged in all the cable and started the box. I ended up at a terminal both before and after login. I'm familar with linux since the late 1980s but have never used FreeBSD. So what's the command to start the desktop?....and what's the command to add it to the start up programs? Thanks
  3. @Brian H Thanks! I also asked Insteon support. they responded and said: Insteon is 120 Khz on the powerline and 915 Mhz on the Radio Frequency. In the past we have tested these tope of video and Ethernet over the powerline and they did not interfere with the Insteon signal. So, i think I'm good to go.
  4. @IndyMike That's exactly the information I was looking for. Looks like I might have a shot at making this work. Thanks In the last house, I had gone to great pains to run cat6 to all my access points. I don't have that luxury in this house and I'm hoping, if the end through put is acceptable, that this will be a solution
  5. @Geddy I sent an email to Insteon earlier this morning as well.....that said, this site has some of the best Insteon Geeks on the planet.
  6. I think I might do that. Thanks for the help. If anyone knows the answer to the Signalinc question jump in. Ha
  7. Thanks for the reply! I thought about MoCA for about a half second. I have a total of 4 jacks in the house but only one is on the same leg as the Optimum modem....so that's a nonstarter. As for powerline adapters, it's pleasant news that I have a shot of this working. The other thing I'd like to know is if Signalinc will pass the internet signal, as well as the Insteon signal, across phases. Otherwise how are you passing the internet across phases?
  8. I first did a search of both the Insteon site and here to see if I could find any information with regard to what band of frequencies the PLM operates on the power lines. I haven't seen anything. The reason I'm asking is that I'm investigating powerline adapters for ethernet and don't want any issues of harmful interference with PLM signals. As I have researched so far powerline adapters operate from 0 - 60Mhz. If anyone knows or has experience trying to use a powerline adapter and a PLM on the same power lines, let me know. Thanks
  9. Michel: You're truly the best. Do keep us all posted. Hopefully everything falls into place.
  10. Yikes
  11. I actually received the modem yesterday. I was really thinking that they'd contact me and say that there was a screw up in their inventory or that I'd get the unit only to find a USB modem instead of the serial.....but nope it was the real deal. I'd suggest that someone start a pinned thread titled: Modem Availability Alerts. That way any interested member of this forum can follow the topic an be alerted if and when any future modems pop up on the market. Even though I now have my back up modem and a USB option in place I'd be more than willing to keep an eye out for everyone else.
  12. Snagged one as well.
  13. @hart2hart did it with a USB Powerlinc. I believe this is just a bridge between serial to USB so if your X10 worked before it "should" work I believe. but nothing better than giving it a try ?
  14. In the construction field it isn't unheard of for a company to open another company just to avoid or get out of agreements/liabilities they have under the "old" company. If I were to look Smartlabs moves, as an outsider, since being taken over and installing a new CEO I'd really have to say that their moves and motivation(s) seem now obvious. It's a huge move on their part...and huge moves come with huge risk, at minimum, with consumer acceptance. If their new bridge is/will be compatible with the existing line-up of Insteon devices than they lower "some" risk with the existing Insteon user base since the listing price of their bridge is $40...and I think most of the casual users will, maybe grumbling, move to Nokia's closed system if that's the case.
  15. Good Morning @RabidSnailand welcome aboard. I'm far from an expert on these things but there's a couple of things I noticed while looking at this picture as well as the one you left on Git. Looks like you may be connected to the wrong pins on the RPi (a pinout is attached as well as earlier in this thread) I zoomed into the picture on Git because I saw shiny spaces between the terminals. In zoom the picture got blurry so I couldn't really tell and the picture here doesn't show the same....but make sure you didn't accidentally tie the terminals to each other. Other than that just make sure you boot the RPi before booting the ISY. Hope that helps.
  16. I did the project as a "just in case" as well. Like a lot of people, I just wish I knew, even in broad terms, what Insteon's furture direction is. With this little mod at least I have some time to think what I want to do going forward
  17. Little messy at the moment but it works. I used a WITMOTION USB-UART 6-in-1 USB to Serial Converter. Came right up (I do however hugely agree with Mr. Bill above! HAHA) I'll have to figure out how to get it all nicely tucked in my homemade server case. Right now the duponts go past the back case cover by a smidgen (annoying)
  18. ok, so I'm going to attempt this over the weekend and it seems pretty straight forward. That said, I can't tell you how many times I've sat down at one of my linux machines to do something straight forward only to be there for several hours...Ha Once I have everything connected, and initialized the bridge (for now I've cron'd the service off after boot) what should I see on the terminal? Anybody have any screen shots? Confirming that than what should I see in the terminal when I initialize the ISY? Just want to reduce the variables if I have to troubleshoot this pup. Thanks
  19. Question as to first start... Assuming whoever has done this has started with an ISY full of data is there any procedure to initialize the USB PLM with data? That said and again assuming this new setup is being used as a test of the interface, is there any procedure to be done after it's hooked back up to the "old" PLM?
  20. Michels reply: Kevin, You can send a SOAP command to reboot ISY. Please review our WSDK: https://www.universal-devices.com/isy-developers
  21. I submitted a low priority ticket on it a few minutes ago. I laid out the issue: One workaround solution to have a serial ISY use a USB PLM requires a RPi. In that solution the ISY needs to boot after the RPi. Questions: Is it possible to put a software delay in the ISY start up process...say 90sec. (preferable) is it possible to issue a command from the RPi to reboot the ISY
  22. Look in your polyglot menus or NodeLink menus. Good answer sort of....I'm sure its in the Polyglot code somewhere. I'm just too lazy to go look for it. Ha
  23. I think Polisy is different. Its based, I believe, based on FreeBSD so you should be able to do a lot with it including sleeping start up activities (which would be the best sequence to save wear on the SD card) and rebooting from another server. The 994i is another story...would be nice to know what protocol and script portal is using
  24. Is there not a way to send the ISY a command via TCPip to reboot?
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