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Everything posted by chrishick

  1. I have a couple of 2-wire dimmers at the staircase (1 up and 1 down), I think the upstairs one controls the load and the downstairs one has no load. These are linked together in a scene. So this morning when I get up both dimmers appear to be 100% dead. The LEDs are not on and the switches don't respond locally or through the admin console. Other lights on the same circuit are still working, so I know the breaker is OK. I pulled and reset the air gap on one of the switches, but no luck. I don't see how 2 switches could both go bad overnight? I'm wondering if something came loose in a junction box somewhere and both switches are no longer getting power. Unfortunately I didn't have time to troubleshoot before leaving town today. I'm thinking first order of business will be to pull both switches and verify they have power. Any other ideas what could have caused this? I'm at a loss.......
  2. The question isn't how many programs can the ISY handle, but how many programs can you handle? I find myself writing new programs that have an adverse affect on existing programs and then spending days troubleshooting problems.
  3. Make 2 programs. One to turn on at sunset and the other to turn off the next morning. The program will fire at sunset and then terminate and won't try to turn them back on if you turn them off manually.
  4. I just checked and it appears that adjusting the timing of the commands has solved the problem. Thanks again for the help!!
  5. I've adjusted my times. I'll check tomorrow to see if that resolves it or not. Thanks for the help. I doubt I would have tracked that down on my own.
  6. I looked at my programs and I also have some exterior motion lights that I turn off at sunrise (actually I'm setting the on levels in a scene to 0%). Looking at my log it seems that I started turning them off on 2/22 which is the same day I started having this problem. I'm thinking this has to be the problem. I can stagger the programs by a few minutes, but is there no way to have 2 commands issued at the same time? I guess I just assumed that the ISY would do some kind of traffic control.
  7. I initially thought I had a programming error so I was reviewing my programs. My wife leaves for the gym around 4:50am so I adjusted the time yesterday to 4:45am so the lights are on when she leaves. I realize there is no auto update, but I can't remember if I would have done a manual update that day or not. I can barely remember what I did yesterday
  8. The event viewer only goes back to about 10:30 this morning. Is there a way to see more? If not I will have to wait until tomorrow morning to review it earlier in the day. I will update firmware also to see if that makes a difference.
  9. The load is a 12v (or 24v?) landscape transformer. I don't think it can be noise because it has worked flawlessly for a few years and also works flawlessly every night at 11pm. I don't think the transformers would produce line noise in the morning but not at night.
  10. Yeah, but it's strange that I only have comm failure at sunrise and no comm failure at 11pm. It's also strange that both devices have comm failure starting on exactly the same day. I would think sometimes one might respond when the other does not, but in this case it is both devices 100% of the time. I have also cycled the scene manually in the mornings and the on/off modules have responded perfectly, so I don't think it can be a comm failure. I will have to do some more testing this weekend when I get home to be sure.
  11. I've got a strange problem. I have a program to turn my landscape lights on at 5am, off at dawn, on at dusk and off again at 11pm. There are two on/off modules in a scene to control the lighting transformers. This all worked just fine but recently I noticed they are not turning off at dawn. They do turn off at 11pm. This is my log from a few months ago. Everything works as it should. This is my log from this week. They are not responding to the scene off command at sunrise. It looks like they started doing this on 2/22. I'm wondering if I may have updated the firmware on this date?I'm on 4.2.21 right now. This is the program that controls the scene. If From 4:45:00AM To Sunrise (same day) Or From Sunset To 11:00:00PM (same day) Then Set Scene 'Landscape Lighting' On Else Set Scene 'Landscape Lighting' Off Any ideas why the scene is not responding to the off command in the mornings?
  12. I was able to get it to work once or twice with one of the MS, but not consistently, so I gave up and went back to removing the rear cover.
  13. The programming console only gives you the option to write updates to device, no query option that I can find. I wonder if this will do the same thing? I checked my garage MS and sensitivity was set to 1. I changed it to 128 but I'll have to wait until I get home to test it out. I haven't been able to successfully write device updates to the MS and still have to take the back off to put it into programming mode.
  14. Yep, that cleared the low bat node. Is there any way to do this automatically or do I just remember to log into the ISY and do it manually each time? I set the night only mode and stopped receiving On commands from the MS during the day. That disables my text notifications. When I disable night only mode it looks like the dusk.dawn node then always reports off, even when it is dark? I'm not home right now, so I can't check, but the garage is pretty dark during the day yet dusk.dawn still reports back as off. Is this the correct behavior?
  15. I've gone and gotten myself all confused now, but I know everybody here will have the answers in an instant. First, I have a program for low battery notification of the motion sensors. If Status 'Motion Sensor / Pool Motion-Low Bat' is On Then Repeat Every 24 hours Send Notification to 'Text' content 'Pool Motion Battery Low' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Now I realize that I've I think I've created and endless loop every 24 hours, even if the if condition evaluates false. Is this correct? How would you write this? I want a reminder every 24 hours until I change the battery so I don't forget. Also, I changed the battery on Sunday, but I just checked the status in the ISY console and it still reports as low bat On. Is there something I have to do to reset this at the motion sensor? Second, I want to be able to use the dusk.dawn sensor on the MS to detect ambient light levels and adjust lighting accordingly. I turned on the dusk.dawn setting on the MS, but then I don't receive text alerts on motion during the daytime. So I had to turn dusk.dawn back off to re-enable my motion alerts. Is there any way to use the dusk.dawn feature while the MS will still send on commands 24/7? Thanks in advance for any help!!
  16. Xathros, does this mean the degree symbol will be removed from the formatting in notifications? I want to have ISY email my pool temp to IFTTT to add to a google spreadsheet log of my daily pool temp. It won't work with the degree symbol. It would be great if this is going to be removed.
  17. Could you adjust the local ramp rate to the longest duration, like 20 minutes, so when they hit the switch nothing appears to happen? I'm not sure if you can adjust the local ramp rate programmatically or not. Then have a program to turn on in response to an off signal.
  18. I believe you have to buy the advanced version in order to receive feedback from your devices and be able to use variables. The programming and design uses a web based editor. The actual app itself is not cloud based and only connects to Irule to download the design the first time. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  19. Yes all communications are done through rest. I learned everything through forum searches and a LOT of trial and error. If you give me a couple of days I'll write a step by step and post it to the forums.
  20. Xathros Let me know if you have any questions. It took me days of trial and error to get iRule and ISY to communicate.
  21. I didn't mean to hijack the OP's thread with this. I notice there is no sub-forum for iRule. Maybe if the admins could start a sub-forum I could share a lot more info on how I got everything working?
  22. This is what the entrances for my pool page look like. Repeats every 2 seconds.
  23. If "isy add in graphics" means the ISY add on module that you purchase, don't bother. Very limited functionality and you are right, I don't think you can change the graphics. Total waste of money. To change button images you must use a variable to hold the button image name. If A=B then $button1image$ = XXX else $button1image$ = YYY Then on the button properties you just set the button image name to = $button1image$ You do pretty much the same thing to change text colors. The only bad part is you have to set up an entrance to each page to poll the ISY and set the variables. I have my entrances set to repeat every 2 seconds so everything gets refreshed whenever anything changes. Not quite real time, but close enough. I understand iRule "might" be able to subscribe to the ISY via soap and then state changes get pushed to iRule and then you wouldn't need to poll the isy at all. Apparently doable, but I have not figured it out yet.
  24. All graphics are custom I did them in Photoshop. You set the text color using conditional logic within iRule. If you're not familiar with photoshop and computer programming then it may not be for you.
  25. I'm using iRule. It has a very steep learning curve but I find it offers the most flexibility. I'm only about 1/2 done with my design, but here's what I've got so far.
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