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Everything posted by chrishick

  1. swnewman, Can you please share how you were able to get subscriptions to work with iRule? Right now I have to query every few seconds and parse the response which is slow. I would love to get the subscription working but don't know where to even begin. Thanks Chris
  2. My problem exactly. It's so damn easy, but so confusing at the same time!
  3. THANK YOU! This needs to be made a stickie or something for others use.
  4. I have another question. I notice a lot of people are ending a then statement with a call to run the empty else statement of the same program. Program 'program 1' If Xxxxxxx Then Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Run Program 'program 1' (Else Path) Else -No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') What is the reason for this? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. Seems there are other having some questions also. Very Confusing, but I think I've got it now. Couldn't this be controlled programmaticly? If the lights are turned on manually then adjust scene level back to 100%? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. I think I've figured it out. I was using In scene "test" set on/off module 0% on level. I didn't realize I could also do In scene "motion sensor" set on/off module 0% on level. I'm thinking this will work. Won't be home till Friday to test it though. Fingers crossed. Thanks.
  7. I've tried adjusting the on level but couldn't get it to work. Maybe I'll have to try again.
  8. I've tried everything and I can't figure out how to accomplish what I want to do. This is what I have in the garage that works very well. Motion sensor and switch linc in a scene. Works great because it comes on instantly. The motion sensor is set to send on commands only. Program 1 looks for motion and turns off light after 10 minutes with no motion. Program 2 looks for on signal from switch and disables program 1 to override light and have stay on indefinitely. Program 3 looks for off signal from switch, turns off light and re-enables program 1. Now for what I can't figure out. I have another MS/light/switch combo by the pool. Right now there is no scene, only programs for control. There is a long delay from motion until the light comes on because it is being controlled by a program, not a scene. If I make a scene I can't figure out how I can disable the motion. I want to be able to turn off the switch and have the light stay off until I turn the switch back on. I've tried adjusting the on levels in a scene with a program but can't get that to work. Hopefully I didn't confuse the hell out of you. Any ideas on how to do this?
  9. My guess is it should work. I think most pool temp sensors are 10k ohm (I know both mine are). You could check your sensor with an ohm meter to confirm. It should read 10k ohms at 77 degrees and there are charts that will tell you what the reading should be at temps other than 77. I would just hook it up and see if it works. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. It would be nice if we could set a variable to the current time or date. I'll go find the suggestion thread and add that request. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. I wanted a email that said "power has been restored, it was out for xx minutes" but it sounds like there is no way to do that. Those are both good work arounds though. The UPS would give me what I'm looking for, but not ready to go that route just yet for various reasons. I think I'll take Larry's suggestion and just send a email "The time is now hh:mm. The power went out at hh:mm" If there are multiple outages in the same day then it will be useless, but that rarely happens and this is really just a little toy so I can say "oh hey, the power was out for a hour today" Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. I've search around but can't figure a way to do this. I know I can set a variable at midnight at count up every minute to track when the outage started, but I can't figure a way to get current time once the outage is over. Any ideas? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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