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Everything posted by jfai

  1. Today is not the day I've set aside time for arguments with my ISY friends. Suffice to say that byte-order has to be considered whenever data is serialized to an external transport, like a file or network socket. It is always best to use one of the standard network byte-orders when writing and reading. But you have to choose a byte order on the transport medium and stick to it. There are tons of discussions about this subject, e.g., When does Endianness become a factor?
  2. Actually, if you're exchanging binary data, there's nothing any higher-level language compiler can do to help you with the endian conversion...
  3. Hmmm, why does the so-called "self-driving" car coming to a city near me real soon now still have a steering wheel? Just wondering...?
  4. Angular's browser compatibility Angular supports the two most recent major versions of iOS and Safari.
  5. It may depend on whether or not your actually have Sidewalk or Sidewalk-bridge capable devices. Not sure. For Amazon Alexa app (Android) 2.2.407450.0 the Sidewalk options are in Settings > Account Settings > Amazon Sidewalk.
  6. Amazon does not force you to use any of their devices, nor do they force you to use Sidewalk. Can you point me to the source of your claim that "they have installed your WiFi password into another person's equipment"? I thought this thread was about the FUD surrounding Amazon Sidewalk. Again, Sidewalk has absolutely nothing, zero, nada, to do with Wi-Fi. If adding to the FUD about Amazon Sidewalk would stop, we may actually be able to discourse on Sidewalk objectively.
  7. You are making my point about FUD... Sidewalk isn't using your Wi-Fi and a neighbor cannot improve their Wi-Fi coverage through Sidewalk. Your LAN isn't used by Sidewalk in any different way than, say, your Internet provider is periodically checking your modem/gateway connection, without you knowing. I received at least two notifications by Amazon recently about opt-outs for Sidewalk, and those are just the ones I'm still remembering. I'm not defending anything that Amazon does, but I'm also not accusing them of anything immoral or sneaky, unless there is evidence. Do you have evidence that Amazon is spying on you with or without Sidewalk? I bet you do not even have an Echo or Ring device, and therefore your assessment of the capabilities of these devices is rather uninformed by personal experience. Each of us has to weigh risk and capabilities of every connected device. Just connecting an Amazon device to my network doesn't make me a shill... Peace.
  8. Can you spell F.U.D.? I am seeing all these "beware of Amazon Sidewalk posts - turn it off or the sky will fall", but none of them actually provides any solid, technical reason why having Amazon Sidewalk enabled should be concerning. Most of the articles basically say: Amazon is evil Sidewalk is a privacy issue, because your neighbors' devices are meshed with yours Sidewalk is a security issue, ditto Your neighbors are using your Internet connection for free If you have an Amazon Echo or Ring device, being worried about any of the above reasons is akin to trying to put the ghost back into the bottle - you already invited Amazon into your network. Sidewalk traffic is strongly encrypted and capped at 500 MB per month - at most you're contributing 0.05% of your 1 TB Internet capacity per month to Sidewalk traffic. That's equivalent to about 15 minutes of your favorite Full-HD Netflix episode.
  9. @MrBill, Concurring with your statements, the programs you posted aren't semantically different from my single program. You don't need the Wait statements if changing a trigger variable is the last statement of the block. Notice the order of setting the init value and setting the value of the variable in my sample program.
  10. That won't enforce 'program runs at most once each year'. If the TimeData NS restarts for some reason while Daylight Saving Time is in effect, it will set the 'DST' node to true. Then it depends on the status of the ISY and other conditions of the program whether or not the program runs.
  11. If the TimeData NS works as you describe, your programs don't need the time of day conditions, you can fold them into one program, and you can just leave the program enabled all the time. Just don't set [Run At Startup]. If it is furthermore required that the programs affected by DST run at most once each year, more state is needed, e.g., a state variable with an initial value of 0. Sample program: If 'Nodeservers / ISY Time Data' DST is True Then Repeat While $sDST_Run_State is not 1 // insert programs to be run at start of DST here $sDST_Run_State Init To 1 $sDST_Run_State = 1 Else Repeat While $sDST_Run_State is not -1 // insert programs to be run at end of DST here $sDST_Run_State Init To -1 $sDST_Run_State = -1
  12. Your suggested programs would run each day at the programmed times and not just once after DST changes. You need to detect the change of DST from false to true, and vice versa. Once that's achieved (e.g. with a variable), then you don't really need the time of day conditions anymore...
  13. Your program already does what you want. No other checks needed.
  14. Actually, for the same torque a 12V motor would require a higher current than a 24V motor. Therefore, everything else being equal, a 12V motor would require thicker wires than a 24V motor. Having said that, 18-gauge wires are sufficient for all but the longest runs to 24V motors (< 100 ft or so). I have no experience supplying power to 12VDC motors. If you can run 18-gauge to your windows, I'm not sure why you would choose a 12V motor over a 24V motor (noise, speed). Any of the RTS motors only requires a 2-conductor wire for power. The control interface is RTS (radio frequency), and no extra wires are needed for that. Motors with an RS485 interface require a CAT5 cable in addition to the 2-conductor wire for power, and an RS485 controller in addition to the power supply. RS485 motors provide status feedback, e.g. current position; RTS and Z-Wave motors do not provide status.
  15. 4-conductors are not enough for wired Somfy roller shades. You would need an additional CAT5 cable for the RS485 interface for each window. Having 4 conductors of at least 18 gauge is good to supply 24VDC power: you can run up to two shade motors per window, e.g., one motor for sun shades and one motor for black-out shades. That's what I've done. Battery-powered Somfy motors are significantly louder and slower than wired motors. The motor control interface would either be RTS or Z-Wave. Search for threads in this forum regarding pros and cons. I've chosen RTS and MyLink (two years ago) and am very happy with it. The MyLink app on its own is adequate. I'm also running my own relay server so that I can integrate the Somfy motors with the ISY: open curtains/shades when the window is opened, open/close shades/curtains depending on time of day and exterior ambient light level, close shades when interior lights are turned on, etc. Search for my earlier posts on RTS options for more details. You can purchase a 24VDC power supply box for home-run shade motor power from Somfy. I've assembled my own for about 60% of the cost and with a smaller enclosure that fits better in the wiring closet. For manual control and as backup, I have a Somfy remote in each room. The remotes hang on the walls close to the doors. However, we hardly use the remotes, because the window coverings are automated. For some windows, I use a KeypadLinc button to move the window coverings to the "My" position. Most window coverings are also operable using Alexa and Google phrases. The model of the motors depends on the size of your windows and the weight of the shade fabric. I'm using Sonesse ST30 RTS motors for all roller shades. Except, I forgot to wire an internal window and use a Sonesse 30 Wirefree RTS motor for that one.
  16. jfai

    UDX not found

    You're missing 'service' as the command name. 'udx' is the service name. Example: sudo service udx status
  17. What is the configuration of the notification?
  18. The Wait commands between consecutive variable assignments are not necessary. Run at Startup runs the whole program starting with the condition.
  19. Is there any other program that also changes the variable? (Programs > Details > Context menu > Find/Replace)
  20. I've stopped relying on program disabling for normal operations ever since that feature bit me a few years ago. I only use it during program development if I'm trying out different variants of programs. The intermittent enabling of programs happens rarely, but when it happens, it's a big pain and drain on time.
  21. Could you elaborate why you think that the use of variables would be more complicated?
  22. I've seen programs with all kinds of "clever" use of enabling/disabling of programs. This was just an example... The point is, don't use program enable/disable for state machine control.
  23. If you're using enabling/disabling programs for state management of a finite state machine, I recommend to use a variable instead. The unexpected enabling of disabled programs has been happening intermittently with every firmware version in the last few years. It's time consuming and cumbersome to double-check all disabled programs every time the firmware changes. You have to document every program that needs to be disabled, or come up with some clever organization/naming of disabled programs. Straw man example using pseudo code: Instead of: Program A: IF condition A THEN do something; enable program B; run program B; Program B (normally disabled): IF condition B THEN Wait 60 s; do something; disable program B; Use a state variable: Program A: IF sState is 0 AND condition A THEN do something; sState = 1; Program B: IF sState is 1 AND condition B THEN Wait 60 s; do something; sState = 0;
  24. The 'Overnight' program runs Else each time the motion sensor turns off (time doesn't matter). I suspect that's not what you intended. If the lights should turn off when the motion sensor turns off, you need to have a separate program.
  25. Marvelous! Scenes don't work right. "On" or "Fast on" just turn every device on. Maybe I don't get the UX. See closed issue.
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