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  1. Sigh... I really wish I had read this before I spent my entire night getting the node server running on my pi! How reliable is the beta? I'm ok with a few bugs here and there, so long as things generally work ok. Programs/portal/alexa etc.
  2. Sweet! Port 8443 worked great! Thanks Michel!
  3. I've been struggling with this for awhile now. In the past I've always used HTTP to access remotely (I know it's bad) and am trying to fix that. My Home Server is already using 443 so i set my ISY HTTPS port = 555. The uPnP stuff doesn't seem to be working (even though my router supports it) so i tried disabling internet access and configured port 555 external to map to 555 @ my static ISY internal IP. The strange thing is, I can actually use the external IP:555 inside my home network and it connects (with a certificate error). However, externally, it does not work. I can still access port 80 as well as my home server just fine. I just can't seem to access ISY at port 555. Any help would be greatly appreciated. -Paul
  4. So, i'm trying to use this but it's just not working. I think I have all the settings correct but it just says "refreshing scenes" for about 15 seconds then that goes away and nothing. No error or anything. Any idea how to troubleshoot this?
  5. One year later... what's the status of this project? Will I ever be able to use my w800 with ISY?
  6. I could see the possibility of writing a program that would just notify you once for a tornado warning and then reset itself after the tornado warning or watch has passed. This could even be easier with variables. With the ELK M1G's ability to give audible messages/alerts, this feature would be quite useful when integrated with the M1G. So, last night my family and I slept through a tornado warning. Turns out a tornado actually touched down not far from my house. This has been a bit of a wake up call (no pun intended) for me to try and find a better way to be notified. Currently, i just get text messages to my phone for any warnings but I don't always have my phone near the bed. It would be really cool if I could use the Climate module to run a program for certain warning events. I'm not interested in most warnings, but things like Tornado warnings I do want to be notified for. Are there any plans for something like this? If not, can anybody think of any other ways to achieve this? Maybe a 3rd party app that can somehow notify ISY? Thanks
  7. It would be cool if I could trigger a program via a text message. I have a phone with a browser so I can always open up a bookmark and trigger things fairly easily, but my wife just has a basic phone. Right now she still likes to leave the outside lights on when we leave so that there's light when we come home hours later. Either that, or she's always asking me to use my phone to turn the lights on. I think she would really love the ability to send a text to ISY telling it we're on our way home. Would this be possible somehow with the network module? Is there a way to SMS to an email address maybe?
  8. paulbram

    Adjust Scene?

    I see. So, it sounds like i'd need to write programs to do what I want which isn't ideal from a delay perspective. I was really hoping to find a way for the switches to respond differently depending on time of day.
  9. paulbram

    Adjust Scene?

    I'm having a hard time figuring out this new "Adjust Scene" feature in 2.6.7. I have a 3 switchlincs (two slave one load) and two keypadlincs all controlling the staircase lights. So, each of these switches can turn the stairs lights on and off so all of the switches are controllers and responders. I created a program that adjusts this scene to change the on level to 100 percent in the daytime and 40 percent at night. Here's my program: If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then In Scene 'Stairs' Set 'Staircase Lights' 40% (On Level) In Scene 'Stairs' Set 'Staircase (Slave Down)' 40% (On Level) In Scene 'Stairs' Set 'Staircase (Slave Up)' 40% (On Level) Else In Scene 'Stairs' Set 'Staircase Lights' 100% (On Level) In Scene 'Stairs' Set 'Staircase (Slave Down)' 100% (On Level) In Scene 'Stairs' Set 'Staircase (Slave Up)' 100% (On Level) I execute this program from this one: If From Sunset To Sunrise (next day) Then Run Program 'Stairs On Level' (Then Path) Run Program 'Guest Bath On Level' (Then Path) Run Program 'Office On Level' (Then Path) Else Run Program 'Stairs On Level' (Else Path) Run Program 'Guest Bath On Level' (Else Path) Run Program 'Office On Level' (Else Path) As far as I can tell, the program looks to be running properly. I can also confirm that the "Stairs" scene shows the proper on level for the various switchlincs. Unfortunately, it's not working. Whenever I tap any of the switches, it always goes to 40 percent, day or night. Am I misunderstanding this feature? Does it only work when the scene is executed from software, not local taps? Is there any way around the "air gap" issue so I can use this adjust scene feature for single switches such as a single bathroom light? Thanks
  10. paulbram


    I checked this morning and the result looked pretty good actually. It's hard to explain how cool it is to finally SEE all these links that I've been creating over the years! I've already found a few issues that have been annoying me for awhile and fixed them! Why oh why did I wait so long to get this awesome device! I am however getting hung up on one issue with scenes. I just created a new scene with 3 responders. However, I'd also like those 3 devices to be controllers as well. Is there any way to modify the devices in an existing scene to be both controllers and responders? Thanks!
  11. paulbram


    Ok, here's the deal. Looks like my network switch was giving me problems so I had to reset it. After that, I was able to connect again and sure enough, it's still linking!
  12. paulbram


    So, I just got my new ISY-99IR and pointed it at my keypadlinc to start crawling my links. After about 30 minutes of linking I saw an error on the screen, something about a timeout I think. I clicked OK and saw a few of my devices on the main page, but not as many as there should have been. After a little bit if clicking around I soon realized that things were not working. I closed the administration console and tried to open it again but was never prompted for a username and password. I also checked the "View Computers and Devices" screen and no longer see my ISY listed. Do you think I need to reset the device? Or, is it still working? I see lots of blinking lights on the ISY and PLM so I'm thinking maybe it's still crawling my network. I have about 25 devices including 3 keypadlincs so there are quite a few links to discover. Should I just let it keep going and hope I'll be able to connect later? Thanks!
  13. paulbram

    ISY26 vs ISY99

    I'm trying to decide if I really need the 99 PRO, or if the 99i/26 would be good enough. Could you by any chance give me an idea of what these major improvements are going to be? I'm really looking forward to getting an ISY, but don't want to pay the big bucks for the PRO if I don't need to. Thanks!
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