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    Mason, Michigan
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  1. setting clear_hubs to 1, then wait a few seconds and run discover again has fixed this issue.
  2. I do have .13 reserved in the router. It did used to be .12 when it wasnt static and it had changed maybe a couple weeks ago while i was messing around with some vpn stuff. But since this morning i have updated polisy to 5.7 and upgraded to pg3x. and have restarted the system a few times all while having static ip of the harmony at .13 so not sure why the logs would ever be showing the unable to connect to the .12 nag since.
  3. Is there a way to make my slider or switch to OFF only? I have a scene for all lights off and don't want to accidently turn them all back on. Maybe there is a way in the scene to set all the devices to never be allowed on?
  4. Thanks, I have yet to play with variables. I realize now that I do have most these in scenes, especial to get keypad Linc status to change. I didn't realize that in most cases I should have my Alexa command just switch on the scene rather than the switch. That will probably fix the few that are giving me the issues. Thanks for leaving me some ideas, now I will have to mess with getting those dimmer status to sync as well.
  5. When i create programs to change the status of a switch or keypad link which way is the best? the scenario i have is when verbally having Alexa turn on said device I want all switches that also control that device to change to the same state. What i have been using works for the most part but sometimes it goes into an on/off loop and I have to disable the program for a minute. At first i thought it was just when rebooting the polisy but i changed to not enable at startup and have caught this same program looping if someone just pushed the on button funny. Maybe add a wait 5s to the else line?
  6. @kclenden Thanks for the log breakdown. Often wondered this myself when i had previous comm failures.
  7. getting my zwave devices to respond in alexa was the most frustrating part to migration for me. I was using the alexa app on phone and deleting the old devices as they would show up 'not responding' in there. then verbally ask to run discovery again and wait for them to show up in the app again. From portal i had to delete the devices spokens and re add the devices in there. Almost seems I had to do this a couple of times.
  8. I have this issue a couple times as well with zmatter board installed.
  9. It's not overkill if tinkering around in SSH causes your drive to no longer boot......
  10. you just click on the save disk icon next to where a filename to load an image would be. then just type something like polisy1.10.23.img save as type on bottom to all files if you want to make it an .img
  11. alright that sounds the same as my experience as well, credentials were reset most likely so it could automate the next steps. I'm not in a hurry to switch over to it but have not seen anyone else post that it worked yet so I will just keep my ears open for successful trials.
  12. Trying to migrate from zooz dongle to the matter board. I only have 10 z-wave devices but it gets hung up and just loops forever after talking to neighbors part. I end up just shutting down and going back to an earlier image and the zooz dongle. Wonder if I would be further ahead to just remove the 10 devices and add them to matter 1 by 1. anyone use the migrate button in the console config page and all was well?
  13. Rufus works to read and backup the image file as well as writing. I also purchased the above linked usb device from amazon and had no issues.
  14. Flashing a new image to the ssd was the only fix for me. back up and running.
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