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Everything posted by nathagt

  1. I am very interested in this and have been looking for a solution for quite some time!
  2. Thanks for the reply, Can anyone walk me through how to install adb? Sent from my SM-G960U1 using Tapatalk
  3. Hi all - I received my polisy yesterday and I'm enjoying getting to use many of the nodeservers that were not in polyglot cloud for the first time. I'm having an issue with AVRemote and hoping someone can help. I have it installed and configured it with the correct IP address and port for my nvidia shield. The nodes show up in the ISY but the logs show that it not not connecting successfully using adb. I'm seeing the message "No such file or directory: 'adb': 'adb'" as well as "[ERROR] Connection to 10.0.1.XXX:5555 failed". I have successfully connected to my shield using adb in the past using network resources. I believe there was a popup on the shield where I had to allow it to connect. I have killed that connection on my PC so I don't think that is causing interference but maybe I didn't do it right? Not sure. I'm also using the harmony hub nodeserver and I actually thought I'd be able to send basic playback commands there but it seems I can only start activities despite a node for my Nvidia shield showing up. Maybe I'm missing something there as well. Appreciate the help. Happy New Year, Nathan
  4. I'd be happy to help you with populating the network resource if you have some code that you think might work.
  5. I have a Sony TV so the protocol is not the same. This link I found on google might be helpful or at least a place to start. I basically reverse-engineered some github code I found to create my Sony network resources. https://github.com/Ape/samsungctl
  6. Routines are definitely one of the best things about Alexa integration. You might also be interested in exposing variables in the portal as motion/contact sensors with Alexa. These "sensors" can also be used to trigger events. Perhaps a welcome home message when a door is opened or a reminder when the garage door has been left open for more than 30 minutes. Possibilities are endless.
  7. This is in the context of a routine where you can define any phrase as a trigger. Sent from my SM-G960U1 using Tapatalk
  8. Yes, you can use programs with Alexa. But Alexa does not have a category for "programs" so they are interpreted as scenes. It sounds like what you want is an Alexa routine that activates your program. I would set your scene to a switch in the portal (not required but it's better) and then set up an Alexa routine with an action that turns on the "switch" tied to your program. Turning the switch on will run the THEN and turning it off will run the ELSE for that program. You'll probably just use THEN. The routine can be activated by you saying "Alexa, watch movie" or anything else you want to define as the trigger. Sent from my SM-G960U1 using Tapatalk
  9. Scenes work for on/off commands but if you want to set a light to a specific percentage then it needs to be defined as a light in the portal. There are also some difference in what you can do with scenes in the Alexa app for routines. EDIT: I was thinking of brighten/dim, set to percentage won't work for ISY scenes regardless. You'll need to use the actual device for that or a state variable. https://forum.universal-device...-be-brighteneddimmed/?do=embed
  10. Glad to hear it! Enjoy!
  11. One other thing to check, what is the preferred ISY set to on your account?
  12. I'd say disable the ISY v3 skill and re-enable it on the Alexa App. Then go to that Settings page and log in with your ISY Portal. Maybe there is an extra step there because you have two ISYs? I don't see anything wrong but I'd try re-linking to the Portal.
  13. That all looks correct. You could disable and re-enable the skill if you're not sure what you're linked to. I've had to do that in the past and it won't mess anything up. But this makes me think your problem is in the portal. Can you provide a screenshot of what you see under Connectivity > Amazon Echo in the ISY Portal?
  14. First, is your Alexa app up to date? I ask because the screenshot you posted showing the ISY Optimized for v3 looks dated. I'm also running Android on a Samsung device. Second, if you click on the "ISY Optimized for v3" skill in the Alexa app, you should see two buttons: Settings and Disable Skill. If you don't see that, then the skill is not enabled. Even if the skill is enabled, it needs to be linked to your ISY Account. Click on settings and it should say "Account Linking | Linked". If you don't see that, then you need to link it by clicking whatever it says there and entering your ISY portal login, not your Amazon login. v3 means the third generation of the skill. The echo device has nothing to do with that. You don't even need an echo to make any of this work. As long as the skill is enabled in the Alexa app and properly linked with your ISY Portal account then you should be good to go. You'll only use the echo to discover devices (although you can also do that in the app).
  15. nathagt

    ISY app

    I'll second the Alexa app. I don't think you actually even need an Alexa device in your house to use it. Just connect the service to UDI Skill and let it discover all the devices. You can customize what shows up in the app through the ISY Portal. They've been making incremental improvements to the app.
  16. Also, here is the post that helped me get this set up. This guy initially had some trouble and he also had the question about where to put in the passcode. Make sure you're adding the authorization header to get the pop-up.
  17. There should be something that pops up that allows you to enter a password. You have to do it fast though because it times out. See the post I linked above for a more thorough instruction.
  18. Hey Leon, I have that and it works really well. Now I'd like that to integrated into the Alexa security panel API.
  19. People have different levels of risk tolerance. The ISY and Alexa app both allow for security panel integration. This is a thread about improving the integration, not whether it should exist. It does exist and if people are uncomfortable with what someone could do if their account is compromised then they should probably forego the integration in the first place. I'd just like to take advantage of the Amazon Security Panel API as it does provide more robust security, as is the case for door locks.
  20. Yeah I'm sure some people wouldn't want to but Alexa allows it so I say let the users decide. The security API allows for PIN authenticated disarming just like door locks. But I would set mine up so that that disarming would only work if the system was in armed - stay and no alarm condition was present. I'd do this with a program that is run by the disarm command but has these as IF conditions. I'm far more interested in being able to arm the system by voice and check the status.
  21. I'm not sure if this is possible but I was curious if we could get a virtual security system device in the ISY Portal similar to the virtual AV device. I'd like to take advantage of this new device type in Alexa but using the DSC > ISY integration that I already have. It would also be nice to ask Alexa if my system is armed or not. Here is a link to the Security Panel Controller API that I'm referring to: https://developer.amazon.com/blogs/alexa/post/7064802d-1f63-4be1-aa78-8a65bc1016b4/alexa-arm-my-security-system-customers-can-now-control-their-security-systems-with-alexa-using-the-security-panel-controller-api
  22. This might be a good place to start. This person is using python but you should be able to decipher how they're actually sending commands to the TV. Good luck! https://github.com/Ape/samsungctl
  23. Also found this post where I shared some basic playback commands and setup instructions which you might find useful. https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/24535-isy-echo-android-tv/?do=findComment&comment=244740
  24. I can't say every Sony TV, but the models that use Android TV, yes. Here are the details. Example: Launch Plex {"method":"setActiveApp","params":[{"uri":"com.sony.dtv.com.plexapp.android.com.plexapp.plex.activities.SplashActivity"}],"id":10, "version":"1.0"} To start, you will first need to register the ISY with the TV {"id":13,"method":"actRegister","version":"1.0","params":[{"clientid":"ISY:1","nickname":"ISY"},[{"clientid":"ISY:1","value":"yes","nickname":"ISY","function":"WOL"}]]} Then you can use the getapps command to get a list of all the applications installed on the TV {"id": 3,"method": "getApplicationList","version": "1.0","params": []} I'd recommend using something like ARC to do the getapps command. ISY does not handle the long list that is returned well. Make sure to look at the headers and URL in the register screenshot as it is different than what you use for getapps and launching an app. The register command is a one-time thing that you'll hopefully never have to mess with again.
  25. How old are you Samsung TVs? If they are newer than 2016 models, you could IP commands to control them using Network Resources on the ISY. You can set up an A/V device in the ISYPortal and map the various commands to network resources. This is what I've done for my Sony TV and it works flawlessly. There is more than likely a setting to allow your Samsung TV to control the volume level of the soundbar through CEC so you likely wouldn't even need to integrate with that. I'm able to do the following and more with Alexa utilizing nothing but network resources on the ISY: Alexa, turn on the TV Alexa, pause on TV Alexa, set TV input to HDMI 4 Alexa, set TV volume to 65. Alexa, mute on TV If you can also launch apps on your TV using IP commands (Sony allows this) then you could create "devices" in the ISY portal that map to these network resources to launch them Alexa, turn on Netflix Alexa, turn on Plex Here is a site where you can verify if your devices can be controlled with IP commands. If they can, then the ISY can be used to send commands to them over your network. https://www.simplecontrol.com/check-compatibility/
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