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Everything posted by nathagt

  1. Ok I enabled macros but now I get an error pop up at says: Run-time error '75': Path/File access error Continue is grayed out, End and Debug are options. If I click Debug it goes to line 7 in the macro, ChDir (ThisWorkbook.Path)
  2. Do I have to turn on logging? When I go to Tools > Log it opens a spreadsheet that is blank except for having a sheet named UDI. Is this normal? I want to see what happened when a particular program ran and if it evaluated as true or false.
  3. In the ISY portal if you hover over your device name, what time does it say it last connected?
  4. 1. Both - admin console > portal says offline with the red flag. https://my.isy.io says offline since this morning at 4AM. 2. Yes, it is there but offline 3. Yes, I have rebooted from admin console as well as unplugging and restarting. I have also rebooted the echo.
  5. This morning my ISY portal went offline around 4:01AM. I have rebooted the ISY and it is still offline. I have internet access and I'm able to log in and control devices just fine through the admin console. None of my alexa integrations are working as a result. How do I get it back up? Can't seem to find any solutions in the forum.
  6. Question on this before I do it... if I do run 3 separate instances of the script, does this mean it will be checking my location 3X as much? Just trying to think about battery implications since that has been an issue for some.
  7. Thanks for the new feature! I have mine working now. I use the battery percentage along with the Alexa Tell Me skill so I can just ask what level my battery is if I have it plugged in somewhere else in the house. But I am also considering a notification to remind me to charge it if it gets below a certain level (10%, 5%). Here's the how to on setting up the Alexa tell me skill: http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/19749-how-to-guide-getting-alexa-to-provide-verbal-responses/
  8. This is easily one of my favorite additions to the ISY. I've never been thrilled about outsourcing my geofencing to IFTTT and now I don't have to. I'm probably most excited about the [future] prospect of tracking multiple locations (home, work, gym, etc.) and using those to delay certain programs such as heating and cooling. A few other requests would be the ability to pass lat/long to the ISY as variable as well as battery percentage. I would use the battery percentage alongside the Alexa Tell Me functionality. Passing lat/long could be a substitution for multiple location support I suppose. I also noticed that icloud.com now has the find my friends app. Would be cool to incorporate that in a future release. In the interim, I'm considering running three instances of script and triangulating my position from 3 different fixed points. (2 mi from A, 3 mi from B, 5 mi from C = work)
  9. There should be quotes around the @ in username?
  10. Yes, windows here too. Where does it writes the log file? I don't see it in the directory with the conf and tools folders.
  11. I am also have some trouble getting this going. I got to step 9 in the Read Me: 9) Change to the tools directory and run python ./listdevices.py and it will connect to the iCloud API using the credentials from the iphonelocation.ini file and list all the devices associated with your iCloud ID. Make sure the iCloud API settings in the iphonelocation.ini file are set, the listdevices.py script reads your login and password from there. When I run the listdevices.py, I get back "line 20 print 'iphonelocation.ini' exists, continuing.' SyntaxError: invalid syntax Not sure what I did wrong. I have my iCloud credentials in the .ini file which is in the conf folder. The list devices file is in the tools directory. I'm running using command prompt with admin rights.
  12. First, thanks for the guide. This is great! I have mine giving me security status, inside temp, and fan speed currently. Question: Is it possible to do an IF or CASE type statement in the body of the network resources code? Something like... IF ${var.2.3} = 1 THEN <speak> this <speak> ELSE <speak> that <speak> I don't know what the syntax would be, just trying to think of ways to create less resources.
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