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Everything posted by nathagt

  1. Yeah I have the Home app and I agree it doesn't work in that app. I'm really writing this so that people who stumble on this thread in the future know how to make it work if they only have an Android device and no Google minis. You said it didn't work and I said it does if you use the Google (not Google Home) app. The steps I outlined are for that specific app so it makes sense that they would not work if you used the Home app. Sent from my SM-G960U1 using Tapatalk
  2. When you say GH app, are you referring to Google Home app or Google app. They are different (see step 1 in my post) I have a Samsung Galaxy S9 and no Google home devices so I know it works. Sent from my SM-G960U1 using Tapatalk
  3. Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. Sounds like you may have figured this out now that you have a mini but for anyone else that only has an Android device and wants to control ISY here is what you need to do: 1) Download the Google App (not Google Home) 2) Go to More > Settings 3) From that Settings Menu, under Google Assistant, click Settings (different than step 2) 4) Under Services, click Home Control 5) Click the (+) icon 6) Under Add New find Universal Devices (there is also a search at the top) That's all I can see without unlinking but that should give you the option to connect to the ISY portal. I don't have any Google home devices and this allows me to control devices with my voice thru Android Auto Sent from my SM-G960U1 using Tapatalk
  4. I can confirm that I have no Google home devices but I can still control devices using ok Google from my Android phone. Sent from my SM-G960U1 using Tapatalk
  5. Yeah, you can do this assuming you mean Android TV when you say Google TV. There are some steps involved and you'll need to be able to set up network resources on the ISY to issue the commands to the TV, it won't be Alexa, but the results are the same. 1) Register your ISY with Android TV by creating a network resource with the follwoing http POST {IP Address} 80 (port) /sony/accessControl (path) 500 (timeout) Raw Text (mode) Body {"id":13,"method":"actRegister","version":"1.0","params":[{"clientid":"ISY:1","nickname":"ISY"},[{"clientid":"ISY:1","value":"yes","nickname":"ISY","function":"WOL"}]]} 2) On your TV you should see some popup asking you to confirm and set a passcode. You'll need this to issue commands to the TV. There may be a time limit so do it quick. 3) Once you get that set up, just create additional resources to control whatever functions you want. Here is what I'm using to issue commands http POST {IP Address} 80 (port) /sony/IRCC (path) 1000 (timeout) Raw Text (Mode) I'm using the following headers X-AUTH-PSK: 0000 (whatever 4-digit passcode you set up on the TV) SOAPACTION: "urn:schemas-sony-com:service:IRCC:1#X_SendIRCC" Body <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" s:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"> <s:Body> <u:X_SendIRCC xmlns:u="urn:schemas-sony-com:service:IRCC:1"> <IRCCCode>AAAAAQAAAAEAAAAuAw==</IRCCCode> </u:X_SendIRCC> </s:Body> </s:Envelope> The <IRCCCode> block is the actual command being sent (TV on in the example above). Here are some other commands that I've found. PowerOff="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAAvAw==", ["PowerOn"]="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAAuAw==", ["VolumeUp"]="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAASAw==", ["VolumeDown"]="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAATAw==", ["Mute"]="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAAUAw==", ["Input"]="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAAlAw==", ["GGuide"]="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAAOAw==", ["EPG"]="AAAAAgAAAKQAAABbAw==", ["Favorites"]="AAAAAgAAAHcAAAB2Aw==", ["Display"]="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAA6Aw==", ["Home"]="AAAAAQAAAAEAAABgAw==", ["Options"]="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAA2Aw==", ["Return"]="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAjAw==", ["Up"]="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAB0Aw==", ["Down"]="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAB1Aw==", ["Right"]="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAAzAw==", ["Left"]="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAA0Aw==", ["Confirm"]="AAAAAQAAAAEAAABlAw==", ["Red"]="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAlAw==", ["Green"]="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAmAw==", ["Yellow"]="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAnAw==", ["Blue"]="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAkAw==", ["Num1"]="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAAAAw==", ["Num2"]="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAABAw==", ["Num3"]="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAACAw==", ["Num4"]="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAADAw==", ["Num5"]="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAAEAw==", ["Num6"]="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAAFAw==", ["Num7"]="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAAGAw==", ["Num8"]="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAAHAw==", ["Num9"]="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAAIAw==", ["Num0"]="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAAJAw==", ["Num11"]="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAAKAw==", ["Num12"]="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAALAw==", ["Tv"]="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAAkAw==", ["Hdmi1"]="AAAAAgAAABoAAABaAw==", ["Hdmi2"]="AAAAAgAAABoAAABbAw==", ["Hdmi3"]="AAAAAgAAABoAAABcAw==", ["Hdmi4"]="AAAAAgAAABoAAABdAw==", ["Google"]="AAAAAgAAAMQAAAA7Aw==", ["ActionMenu"]="AAAAAgAAAMQAAABLAw==", ["ChannelUp"]="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAAQAw==", ["ChannelDown"]="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAARAw==", ["SubTitle"]="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAoAw==", ["ClosedCaption"]="AAAAAgAAAKQAAAAQAw==", ["Enter"]="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAALAw==", ["DOT"]="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAdAw==", ["Analog"]="AAAAAgAAAHcAAAANAw==", ["Teletext"]="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAA/Aw==", ["Exit"]="AAAAAQAAAAEAAABjAw==", ["Analog2"]="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAA4Aw==", ["AD"]="AAAAAgAAABoAAAA7Aw==", ["Digital"]="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAyAw==", ["Analog"]="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAuAw==", ["BS"]="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAsAw==", ["CS"]="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAArAw==", ["BSCS"]="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAQAw==", ["Ddata"]="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAVAw==", ["PicOff"]="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAA+Aw==", ["Tv_Radio"]="AAAAAgAAABoAAABXAw==", ["Theater"]="AAAAAgAAAHcAAABgAw==", ["SEN"]="AAAAAgAAABoAAAB9Aw==", ["InternetWidgets"]="AAAAAgAAABoAAAB6Aw==", ["InternetVideo"]="AAAAAgAAABoAAAB5Aw==", ["Netflix"]="AAAAAgAAABoAAAB8Aw==", ["SceneSelect"]="AAAAAgAAABoAAAB4Aw==", ["Mode3D"]="AAAAAgAAAHcAAABNAw==", ["iManual"]="AAAAAgAAABoAAAB7Aw==", ["Audio"]="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAAXAw==", ["Wide"]="AAAAAgAAAKQAAAA9Aw==", ["Jump"]="AAAAAQAAAAEAAAA7Aw==", ["PAP"]="AAAAAgAAAKQAAAB3Aw==", ["MyEPG"]="AAAAAgAAAHcAAABrAw==", ["ProgramDescription"]="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAWAw==", ["WriteChapter"]="AAAAAgAAAHcAAABsAw==", ["TrackID"]="AAAAAgAAABoAAAB+Aw==", ["TenKey"]="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAMAw==", ["AppliCast"]="AAAAAgAAABoAAABvAw==", ["acTVila"]="AAAAAgAAABoAAAByAw==", ["DeleteVideo"]="AAAAAgAAAHcAAAAfAw==", ["PhotoFrame"]="AAAAAgAAABoAAABVAw==", ["TvPause"]="AAAAAgAAABoAAABnAw==", ["KeyPad"]="AAAAAgAAABoAAAB1Aw==", ["Media"]="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAA4Aw==", ["SyncMenu"]="AAAAAgAAABoAAABYAw==", ["Forward"]="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAcAw==", ["Play"]="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAaAw==", ["Rewind"]="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAbAw==", ["Prev"]="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAA8Aw==", ["Stop"]="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAYAw==", ["Next"]="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAA9Aw==", ["Rec"]="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAgAw==", ["Pause"]="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAAZAw==", ["Eject"]="AAAAAgAAAJcAAABIAw==", ["FlashPlus"]="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAB4Aw==", ["FlashMinus"]="AAAAAgAAAJcAAAB5Aw==", ["TopMenu"]="AAAAAgAAABoAAABgAw==", ["PopUpMenu"]="AAAAAgAAABoAAABhAw==", ["RakurakuStart"]="AAAAAgAAAHcAAABqAw==", ["OneTouchTimeRec"]="AAAAAgAAABoAAABkAw==", ["OneTouchView"]="AAAAAgAAABoAAABlAw==", ["OneTouchRec"]="AAAAAgAAABoAAABiAw==", ["OneTouchStop"]="AAAAAgAAABoAAABjAw==", ["DUX"]="AAAAAgAAABoAAABzAw==", ["FootballMode"]="AAAAAgAAABoAAAB2Aw==", ["Social"]="AAAAAgAAABoAAAB0Aw=="}
  6. So I recently got an e-mail from Yale locks saying that they now supported unlock by voice and through the Alexa app. Sure enough, if you click "edit" on one of your (Yale) locks there are now options to turn on unlock by voice (using a PIN) and through the app. It lets me turn these settings on but nothing happens. No error message, just nothing. I can lock them so I know the locks are communicating with the ISY properly. I'm guessing the ISY does not yet support this recently added feature? Is this something that is being worked on?
  7. That is how I use mine. It also keeps programs added to smart groups from responding to the new “turn on the lights” feature.
  8. Any further update on this? My devices still say “There was a problem” at the top.
  9. Switches can also be turned off using routines.
  10. Try this: 1) On ISY, create a program that executes your scene 2) On ISY Portal, add that program as a switch 3) On Alexa app, discover devices 4) On Alexa app, add that device to your routine This is how I execute my good morning and good night program using Alexa routines. It works perfectly.
  11. I'd also like to see this added at some point. I have a few use cases as well: - battery below x percent for devices y (front door, smoke alarm) - too many wrong codes on lock (or any other kind of tampering) - sensor open for more than x minutes (garage door left open) - door bell ring while occupancy set to away (package at the front door perhaps)
  12. Any update on when this will be working?
  13. Are you using v3? Did you disable v2, forget all devices and rediscover? You shouldn’t need to say the name of the smart group if it is set up correctly. It will only work with devices that have lightbulb icons in the alexa app. If your lights don’t have the lightbulb icon then something isn’t set up right. Alexa doesn’t recognize scenes as lights so those won’t work with “turn on the lights” either.
  14. One of the admins said previously that it requires v3 to work. If you look at your smart home devices in the Alexa app, they are all listed as type "Other." I think with v3 they will be correctly classified. Right now, Alexa is just looking for a device called "Lights". This would also allow for things like "Alexa lock all the doors" according to the Help page in the Alexa app. I'm guessing you could add a lock to a group and just say "Alexa lock the door" just like you would do with lights. Edit: Second post on page 3 is where Michael addresses this https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/22604-what-is-live-update-and-smart-home-skill-v3/page-3
  15. What does Alexa say when you try to run the routine via voice command? You might try using "good night' rather than "goodnight" and see if that makes a difference. If she replies "OK" then she understood it as a command. If she replies "Good Night" then she's just being polite. I'm using "Good Night" and it works.
  16. I found the configuration parameters for the Dome Siren listed here: link It looks like there are 10 different sounds available (parameter # 5) so you could have a program for each door that first changes the sound (using a network resource) and second tells the siren to chime. You might have to put a short wait in between the two actions to ensure that the chime gets changed before going off. EDIT: Here is an example of the http command you'd put in your network resource: 1) Network resource to change tone: http://{ISY IP Address}/rest/zwave/node/{Node Address for ZWAVE device}/config/set/05/{HEX}/01 Where {HEX} is ) 0x01, 0x02, 0x03,…, 0x0A 2) Network resource to change volume: http://{ISY IP Address}/rest/zwave/node/{Node Address for ZWAVE device}/config/set/01/{XX}/01 Where {XX} is 01 (low volume), 02 (medium volume), or 03 (high volume) You'll need to add an authorization header to both of these resources and enter your ISY username and password. I'm assuming your ISY is on port 80. If not, you'd need to add the correct port. You can find your z-wave node address by clicking on it in the device tree in Admin Console.
  17. This is great. Thanks for sharing. For anyone using Yale locks, I found the configuration parameters listed here. I've now added a network resource to enable 'Privacy Mode' as part of my goodnight program. And then the next morning the lock is set back to normal mode.
  18. When can we expect to see v3 rolled out? I'm very excited for these features!
  19. If anyone stumbles on this post or has this same issue, I resolved it by using the following: pip uninstall -y certifi pip install certifi==2015.04.28 I'm not sure if this is the best way to resolve it or not. If anyone has a better suggestion please chime in.
  20. I am trying to get this working again after getting a new iPhone awhile back. I'm having issues running the listdevices.py command. I'm getting back all this. I've downloaded the latest code from github and upgraded to python 2.7.9. The requirements.txt install reports back that every requirement is already satisfied. Just to be safe I did a pip uninstall and then ran the pip install requirements again. Both were successful. Any help would be appreciated. iphonelocation.ini exists, continuing. Authenticatin to the iCloud API. Traceback (most recent call last): File "./listdevices.py", line 95, in <module> device_string = str(api.devices) File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\pyicloud\base.py", line 270, in devices self.params File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\pyicloud\services\findmyiphone.py", line 2 8, in __init__ self.refresh_client() File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\pyicloud\services\findmyiphone.py", line 4 4, in refresh_client 'selectedDevice': 'all', File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\requests\sessions.py", line 555, in post return self.request('POST', url, data=data, json=json, **kwargs) File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\pyicloud\base.py", line 67, in request response = super(PyiCloudSession, self).request(*args, **kwargs) File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\requests\sessions.py", line 508, in reques t resp = self.send(prep, **send_kwargs) File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\requests\sessions.py", line 618, in send r = adapter.send(request, **kwargs) File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\requests\adapters.py", line 506, in send raise SSLError(e, request=request) requests.exceptions.SSLError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='p41-fmipweb.icloud.com', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /fmipservice/client/web/refreshClient ?clientBuildNumber=14E45&dsid=58102158&clientId=76D7750F-B4ED-11E7-8F58-38607705 FB73 (Caused by SSLError(SSLError(1, u'[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certific ate verify failed (_ssl.c:581)'),)) The other issue which I haven't even begun to tackle is I need to use two-factor authentication. I don't see a setting for that anywhere in the iphonelocation.ini file. For now, I've disabled 2FA for my iCloud account to help resolve my first issue.
  21. How much was the on/off? I picked up a dimmer switch for $28 but forgot to check back
  22. I'm not sure how they'd get out of sync. When you upgrade firmware does it also upgrade UI?
  23. So I did this and it worked! I'm thinking it could be interference since I have a lot of other devices further from the PLM than this that aren't having the same issues. Just for reference, I'm running 4.5.1 firmware and 4.4.5 UI. I have the ISY994i (1120).
  24. I was pretty sure I had done that at one point last night. I tried it again just now but it didn't change the results. Device still has the green arrow next to it. Can someone from UDI look at the log I posted? I found some similar threads where users were asked to run event viewer at level 3 so I did that last night and attached it to my post.
  25. Hello - I have a LampLinc that started giving me problems within the last few days, can't say for sure which day exactly. I have recently replaced a toggle switch with a newer dimmer switch, and added on/off switch and a 6-button keypad. The keypad has 4 halogen bulbs on it because I was getting a flicker with my normal LEDs. Just trying to include any pertinent information. I replaced the toggle switch in ISY using the "replace device with" and had no issues. I first noticed issues with the LampLinc when I created a new scene and all the other devices added fine but it had the green arrow on it. Today it still had it and I noticed it had not responded to the scene. I told it to write updates and it didn't work. I've been messing with it for a few hours now trying everything I can think of. I unlinked it from a motion sensor and did the unlinking procedure with two other devices that I thought could possibly be controlling it. I did factory reset per the manual, restore device in the ISY, and device links table comparison. I usually get an error when that runs (Failed writing/reading device link -2000000/-51). I managed to get those in sync by using the load/save/start tool. The device still has the green arrow and when the ISY is trying to talk to it the system is busy almost continuously. I've attached an event log that was running while I tried to write to the device and do a restore . The problem device in question is 14.2D.93. ISY-Events-Log.v4.5.1__Wed 2017.03.15 10.59.46 PM.txt
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