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About GTench

  • Birthday 10/30/1946

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    Professional Electrical Engineer - Retired

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Community Answers

  1. @apostolakisl Not sure if this will help but this is how I check for armed status: https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/41305-installed-and-working-but-couple-items/#findComment-367200
  2. oops...I spoke too soon. I had not disabled by program that does a rediscover when a disconnect occurs. Just did test again and this time no automatic reconnect occurred. Still need to do a rediscover
  3. @bpwwer the automatic reconnect works well for me now. Did a blue iris update which shuts it down, installs updates, then restarts it. The AC showed node server to remain connected through out the process. The AC server status went to disconnected then back to green when blue iris restarted after the update install. Thanks again for this. Gary
  4. still won't update to 1.2.7
  5. @bpwwer thanks that installed ok. will test later
  6. Tried a Delete and Reinstall but still shows disconnected
  7. @ericmaas I experienced a similar problem but with random lights coming on (with older insteon modules since newer ones do not seem to respond to all on commands). Mine were triggered by DSC motion sensors which activated lights using programs when motion occurred. I believe the motion detectors were triggering too often creating collisions sometimes. I have restructured my programs to minimize the ONs being sent which has so far I believe been helpful. I had originally tried including the motion detectors as controllers in scenes but this did not work as I could not restrict them to only sending ON and not OFF commands Gary
  8. @bpwwer I just installed that version by doing an update. It says version 2.0.4 but it says disconnected. A restart or start did not help. Should I delete and reinstall? Gary
  9. @bpwwer don't know if this will help but I did a test where I stopped Blue Iris then restarted it. I attached the log file. Not sure if your message is there or not. Watching the AC blue iris screen, I noticed that the Server Status went to from Green to Disconnected after about 10 to 20 seconds or more. My program noticed this and after 1 minute the program did a rediscover. I noticed that the AC showed server status as green then went to disconnected than back to green 8 times and I got 8 emails saying it was reconnected. After that it stayed in the green state. Here is the program that I use to check for a disconnected state: Blue Iris Disconnected - [ID 002C][Parent 0001] If 'Blue Iris' Server Status is Disconnected Or 'Blue Iris' Server Status is Red Then Wait 1 minute Send Notification to 'Gary' content 'Blue Iris Disconnected' Set 'Blue Iris' Re-Discover Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Here is the program that checks for reconnection: Blue Iris Reconnected - [ID 0052][Parent 0001] If 'Blue Iris' Server Status is Green Then Send Notification to 'Gary' content 'Blue Iris Node Server Reconnected' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Here is a screen shot of the connected server: BlueIris_11-15-2024_24248_PM.zip
  10. I also noticed that the node server did not automatically reconnect but since the rediscover button now works, I use a program to do a rediscover if the node server becomes disconnected. I put a 1 minute wait in the program to allow the blue iris update process to complete Gary
  11. @Guy Lavoie very interesting. Having used the Ocelot and Leopard myself to control my X10 network in the 90s had often made me wonder about IoX's program execution order Gary
  12. @bpwwer Many thanks for doing this. Update did not work for me. I had to delete then reinstall to get your new version. I restarted IoX and the blue iris entry was there but I had to restart the plugin before it displayed a server status (green) I then updated blue iris to its latest version which forces it to shut down and restart. IoX plugin status then showed disconnected. I waited for a few minutes (maybe not long enough?) but no automatic reconnect, then clicked on the rediscover button in IoX. The plugin status then showed green. This was good because I can now hopefully use a program to do a rediscover if the plugin becomes disconnected. The rediscover button in IoX did not work for me in the older blue iris plugin. thanks Again Gary
  13. Thanks. I believe the variable or light status can only be changed by the code that follows the wait. I removed the 2nd OR condition from the program above just to simplify things but I still get identical times. Not really a problem since everything works ok but just puzzling. FYI here is the program that triggers the "OFF" one above Utility Room Lights On - [ID 0041][Parent 002F] If ( 'Alarm Panel / Basement Stairs Motion' Zone State is Open Or 'Alarm Panel / Furnace Motion' Zone State is Open Or 'Utility Room near Stairs' is switched On ) Then Disable Program 'Utility Room Lights OFF' Set 'Utility Lights' On $s_Utility_lights_switched_on = 1 Enable Program 'Utility Room Lights OFF' Run Program 'Utility Room Lights OFF' (If) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  14. Here is one of the programs. Utility Room Lights OFF - [ID 0042][Parent 002F] If $s_Utility_lights_switched_on is 1 Or 'Utility Room near Stairs' Status is On Then Wait 12 minutes Set 'Utility Lights' Off $s_Utility_lights_switched_on = 0 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') If I look at the status it shows the program as running (all green) and lights go off after in this case 12 minutes. Both conditions are true while the program is running
  15. I have a program that uses a wait for 20 minutes to shut off a light when it has been turned on. The program works correctly; that is, it shuts the light off after 20 minutes but I noticed that the last finish time is always the same as the last run time. Should the last finish time not be 20 minutes longer? Gary
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