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Everything posted by MikeB

  1. Looks good here opened in Word 2007. I believe it's an XML file.
  2. MikeB

    My 2.4.9 report

    - triggers based on FAST OFFs from relay switches are now possible - "New Folder" button in the Program Details tab now creates a correctly named folder - Insteon addresses now showing in the Device View This is all I've been able to test so far. I've got something odd going on with a room when the ISY-26 is plugged in, but I'm going to recreate my programs related to that room, restore the devices, and test a bit more before I jump to conclusions.
  3. Very odd. After closing all my Internet Explorer windows, and then re-opening the ISY-26 interface, I saw all the changes. Almost as if my IE was still running a cached 2.4.8 - even though the ABOUT screen showed 2.4.9. Weird.
  4. Can you tell me what differences you are seeing?
  5. Let the Techmall posts begin.
  6. I installed this updated, but am not seeing any changes. Specifically I checked and: - Still can’t trigger FAST ON / FAST OFFs from relays - ‘New Folder’ still creates a folder called ‘New Program’ - Insteon address is not showing in the Device View My ABOUT screen is showing 2.4.9. Anyone else seeing this?
  7. I went ahead and installed the 2.4.9 update. Unfortunately, I did add a few devices and create a new scene or 2 with the 2.4.8 firmware, but I no longer have a pre-2.4.8 backup. Thinks seem OK after the update. What problems should I be looking out for?
  8. How do you configure a static IP on the ISY-26?
  9. On a side note, I'm a fan of setting my devices to static IPs whenever possible. Any drawbacks to setting the ISY-26 to a static IP? Is there a set of instructions anywhere? Thanks!
  10. Someone from UD will chime in I'm sure, but I imagine if you manually set the IP address of the ISY-26, you could use a crossover cable to configure it from your PC. Seems like a big hassle, especially when routers are so cheap nowadays. Any reason you don't have a router?
  11. Hey Mark - Just a note. I had my triggers setup the same way, but recently switched to STATUS instead of CONTROL because if the switch is turned off by something other than the switch itself (like another trigger, or another switch in the house), this timer will continue to run. Something to think about.
  12. Maybe I'm missing something, but if the event is detecting that you are turning the switch on with this line: Why are you having the ISY-26 turn it on again with this line: Wouldn't the switch already be on??
  13. MikeB

    Morning Scene

    Might want to reset the device or try to manually get that button out of toggle mode. Which reminds me - I'd still like the ability to change the toggle mode on the load buttons of a KPL when in 6-button mode. With the current firmware, this has to be done manually at the switch.
  14. Haven't seen any communications issues, but my Insteon install has always been very reliable. My events have been running fine since this, but I'm still curious what could have caused this. I'll report back if I have any missed events in the future.
  15. I've confirmed this as well - good find Mark! If I double-tap off a switch once, the ISY-26 will not recognize a 2nd double-tap off unless something else is done from that switch first. Can this be fixed?
  16. Right, my concern was if someone turned the vent on and it turned off unexpectedly. That's what my code looks like now, except I'm using 'control'. I'll try 'status' instead. Thanks!!
  17. I appreciate it.
  18. Thanks for the reply. I recreated all my schedules with the new version. My changes seem to be saving OK. Even after rebooting the ISY-26, they're all there.
  19. I have some triggers set for my bathroom lights/vents. One of them is a trigger based on CONTROL so that if I, say, turn on my main bathroom light switch, the trigger will wait 60 mins, then turn it off in case it was accidentally left on. However, I also have some FAST ON/FAST OFF triggers set so that if, say, both lights & vent are on in my main bathroom, I can simply double-tap the main switch OFF, which will turn off everything in the bathroom. So, I walk to the bathroom and turn my bathroom light on, and also turn my vent on. This starts a trigger based on control that will turn them both off 60 mins after they were turned on. However, when I leave the bathroom I double-tap the main light switch off, which turns everything in the bahtroom off. BUT - since I never turned the vent off via the switch, the original trigger continues to run and it will still try to turn the vent off in 60 mins. I believe the solution would be to make my times based on STATUS instead of CONTROL. Does this make sense? Any drawbacks that I'm not thinking of? Thanks!
  20. A few weeks back, with the old firmware, I had a scheduled event that did not run. It was a daily event, and the 'last run time' column listed the previous day, so the ISY-26 didn't even seem to try and execute the event. I had been doing some switch programming around that time, so figured the ISY-26 was busy and simply missed the event. I posted up on here, and Michel thought it might have been a bug. Since then, the few events I had configured have been running fine. I installed the beta firmware last night, and created a lot more scheduled events. Last night I had 3 events that were supposed to run. 9:30pm - front door lights off. This ran fine. 11:00pm - holiday inside lights off. This did not run. 11:30pm - holiday outside lights off. This ran fine. So, this AM I saw my 'holiday inside lights' were on. I went to log into the ISY-26 interface, and it gave me a java error after typing my username and password. The interface window would try to open, but it was blank. I ended up rebooting my PC, then logged into the ISY-26, and noticed that some events had nothing in the last run time (probably events that hadn't run yet), some events had accurate dates/times for when they last ran, but others - including my event that did not run - had today's date (not last night's) with all zeros listed for the time. I ended up powering down and powering back up the ISY-26 this AM, and I will try again to see if I have any issues. Anyone see anything like this before?
  21. Didn't even notice this forum existing. I've been exchanging emails back and forth with Michel & Chris today, but I'll summarize some things here for reference: - upgrade went fine, but like reported elsewhere all my schedules came in as OFF, even the ones that were originally supposed to turn lights ON. - also getting the 'Set 'My Lighting' null' for my nightly poll. - suggested labeling hours/mins/seconds fields when creating a new schedule. - requested option to 'copy' an existing program instead of having to create each one from scratch. would help when creating multiple similar complex programs. - requested the ability to trigger based on FAST ON/FAST OFFs from relay devices. currently only shows this option for dimmers. - requested display of the device ID when viewing the device itself. currently only shows when viewing the My Lighting list. Overall, what a fantastic update! I'm now using the ISY-26 for SO MUCH MORE than I was previously. Very impressed with the quality of this release. Very rock solid for a beta!
  22. Actually, I'm talking about the sticker on the front of the device. My ISY-26 shows most of my dimmers at v.27, and most of my relays as v.28.
  23. Curious - what is it about the pre-2.5 switches that don't allow the ISY-26 to read the status? Also, I believe those revision remarks apply ONLY to the dimmers. I have v2.2 Relays that report the status fine. I believe, as far as time of release goes: v2.2 relay = v2.5 dimmer v2.3 relay = v3.1 dimmer My initial purchase of v2.2 relays and v2.5 dimmers had the super-bright LEDs. My second purchase of v2.3 relays and v3.1 dimmers were a more pleasing LED brightness.
  24. Hey Michel - Thanks for the reply. That's the thing - in my instance anyway, the ISY-26 showed that it had NOT run. It seemed to just skip over the scheduled event. The last time run was listed as the night before. Thanks!
  25. Michel - Is this correct? If so, would it be possible for these missed events to be queued to run later if the ISY-26 is busy?
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