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Everything posted by MikeB

  1. If you swap your PLM, be sure to reboot your ISY and do a "restore modem (plm)" to recreate links on your new PLM. When you add a device to the ISY, it creates a link on the PLM so it will be notified of any switch presses (which will allow you to create your triggers). If the PLM is replaced, the new one won't have any of those links (until you run a "restore modem (plm".
  2. Great topic! I started off using my ISY-26 for some basic tasks, but lately I've been giving it a bit more work to do. Currently, it does the following for me: - use it to manage/link all my Insteon devices - turn my front door lights on at sunset, then back off later in the evening - turn on my inside and outdoor holiday lighting at sunset, then back off later in the evening - translates my X10 keychain remote to turn on my driveway & front door lights from the car - translates my X10 motion sensor to turn on my driveway lights when motion is detected at night, then turn them back off 5 mins later - allows me to double-tap certain light switches to turn on or off entire rooms (bathrooms, etc.) - sets lighting scenes in rooms via KPL secondaries, and keeps the LED lit unless the lighting changes (see: http://forum.universal-devices.com/view ... highlight= ) - turns off entire floors via KPL secondaries, and lights the LED if a light on that floor is on (see: http://forum.universal-devices.com/view ... highlight= )
  3. I agree... not showing a current status on the ISY was simply a symptom of the actual problem he found - that his program wouldn't respond to a control when he pressed the remote button.
  4. There hasn't been much public info on the IR yet, but I'm fairly certain you would send a single IR command that would trigger a scene on the ISY.
  5. Hey Michel - I'm seeing the same thing here. On one of my RemoteLincs, I've created links in the ISY for 4 of the buttons. Those show a status in the ISY interface (ON or OFF). The other 2 buttons, however, do not show any status in the ISY interface.
  6. Try plugging it into your router.
  7. Port forwarding is only needed to access the ISY-26 from outside the LAN. Like UpstateMike said - there should be a light on the Belkin switch indicating that the port you have the ISY-26 plugged into has a good connection. If it's not lit, something is wrong. You said the lights near the ethernet jack on the ISY-26 were blinking - is it a consistent on/off repeating pattern, or is it random flashing? Try a new cable between the ISY-26 and your switch if possible. If that doesn't help, try plugging the ISY-26 directly into the router instead, bypassing the switch. See if you get a good connection there.
  8. You could certainly do a single-tap for 10 mins, and a double-tap for 20 mins.... but I'm not sure how you'd go further than that.
  9. I have a couple KPL secondary buttons in my theater room that set a few devices to particular levels. I want those buttons to light if the scene is set, and turn off if anything about the scene changes. I created these programs to do it, but I'm wondering if there may be a more effective way to do the same thing. Here is one as an example. I have a scene called "TheaterParty" that sets "TheaterControls1A-Table" to 50%, "TheaterMain1" to 50%, and "TheaterMain2" to 50%. Here is the code I use to execute that scene: If Control 'TheaterControls1H' is switched On Then Set Scene 'TheaterParty' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') The button is in non-toggle mode, so when the button is pressed, the light goes on. Here is the code to keep the button status correct: If -( | Status 'TheaterControls1A-Table' is not 50% | Or Status 'TheaterMain1' is not 50% | Or Status 'TheaterMain2' is not 50% -) And Status 'TheaterControls1H' is not Off Then Wait 1 seconds Set Scene 'TheaterPartyStatus' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') I found I had to include the "wait 1 second", otherwise when I pressed the button to turn the scene on, and my lights would ramp up, this program would kick in and turn the button light off. Adding the wait seems to give the lights a chance to ramp up to their proper levels before this program tries to turn the button light off. Can anyone think of a more efficient way to do this? Thanks...
  10. Alright, alright - you convinced me! I'll add the LampLinc statuses to my conditions...
  11. MikeB


    Doh!!!! I didn't even see that! OK, so is this the equivelant? If Program 'Floor 1 Status Update' is False And ( Status 'MasterBedControls1G' is not Off Or Status 'FoyerControls1G' is not Off ) Then Set Scene 'Floor1StatusLight' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  12. MikeB


    Thanks... So, I can combine these 2 programs: If Program 'Floor 1 Status Update' is False And Status 'FoyerControls1G' is not Off Then Set Scene 'Floor1StatusLight' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') If Program 'Floor 1 Status Update' is False And Status 'MasterBedControls1G' is not Off Then Set Scene 'Floor1StatusLight' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ..with this: If Program 'Floor 1 Status Update' is False And Status 'FoyerControls1G' is not Off Or Program 'Floor 1 Status Update' is False And Status 'MasterBedControls1G' is not Off Then Set Scene 'Floor1StatusLight' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Correct?
  13. Rand - Sorry, I should have been more clear. In MY home setup, the only way a LampLinc or InlineLinc would be on is if a corresponding switch were on. I don't have any timers or anything that would turn a LampLinc or InlineLinc on without turning on the controlling switch. So, to streamline my program a bit, I don't have it check the status of the LampLincs - just the primary controlling switch.
  14. This is a re-write from another thread, but I thought it should be posted in this forum as well. I have a couple of KPL secondary buttons that I want to be able to press and turn my entire 1st floor off (before bed, when leaving the house, etc..). I originally did this by making them non-toggle controllers of a scene containing all of my 1st floor lights. This worked great, but offered no indication that a light was left on. Using the ISY-26, I was able to make it so the KPL would be lit if any of my lights were left on. Only downside is there is a 1 second or so delay from when I press the 'off' button to when the lights shut off (because that button press is executing a program on the ISY, whereas before it was directly linked to the appropriate lights). The obvious upside is that I now have an LED that tells me when a light was left on, which is real nice. Couple things I did to simplify the programs a bit: 1 - In my IF conditions to check the status of my lights, instead of checking EVERY switch on the 1st floor, I only checked the load controlling ones. So, if light1 and light2 were switches in a virtual 3-way circuit, the program would only check to see if light1 was on. Also, I only check the switches themselves - not any lamp modules, which are only on if a linked switch is on anyway. Even though Chris said the ISY could handle tons of conditions, I'd rather make my programs as simple as possible. 2 - Instead of checking to see if the light is ON, check to see if it is NOT OFF instead. This will catch any dimmed lights as well. Here are my final 1st floor programs. For my 1st floor, I created 2 "fix" programs because I have 2 separate keypad buttons that need to show the status and control: FLOOR 1 STATUS UPDATE If Status 'Bathroom1stLaundry1' is not Off Or Status 'Bathroom1stMirror1' is not Off Or Status 'Bathroom1stVent1' is not Off Or Status 'FoyerMain1' is not Off Or Status 'KitchenBar1' is not Off Or Status 'KitchenMain1' is not Off Or Status 'KitchenSink1' is not Off Or Status 'KitchenTable1' is not Off Or Status 'LivingRoomControls1A' is not Off Or Status 'LivingRoomMain1' is not Off Or Status 'PlayRoomMain1' is not Off Then Set Scene 'Floor1StatusLight' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') FLOOR 1 CONTROL If Control 'FoyerControls1G' is switched Off Or Control 'MasterBedControls1G' is switched Off Then Set Scene 'Floor1Off' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') FLOOR 1 STATUS FIX 1 If Program 'Floor 1 Status Update' is False And Status 'FoyerControls1G' is not Off Then Set Scene 'Floor1StatusLight' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') FLOOR 1 STATUS FIX 2 If Program 'Floor 1 Status Update' is False And Status 'MasterBedControls1G' is not Off Then Set Scene 'Floor1StatusLight' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  15. OK, I went ahead and reprogrammed all my 1st/2nd floor off buttons per my posts above, and it seems to be working great! Only downside is there is a 1 second or so delay from when I press the 'off' button to when the lights shut off (because that button press is executing a program on the ISY, whereas before it was directly linked to the appropriate lights). The obvious upside is that I now have an LED that tells me when a light was left on, which is real nice. I did make a couple changes: 1 - In my IF conditions to check the status of my lights, instead of listing EVERY light I only listed the load controlling ones. So, if light1 and light2 were switches in a virtual 3-way circuit, the program would only check to see if light1 was on. Also, I only check the switches themselves - not any lamp modules, which are only on if a linked switch is on anyway. Even though Chris said the ISY could handle tons of conditions, I'd rather make my programs as simple as possible. 2 - In my example above, my condition checked to see if my lights were ON. This is fine in my office, where my switches are all relays. However, in my final programs, I checked to see if the switches were NOT OFF instead to account for any dimmed lights. Here are my final 1st floor programs. For my 1st floor, I created 2 "fix" programs because I have 2 separate keypad buttons that need to show the status and control: FLOOR 1 STATUS UPDATE If Status 'Bathroom1stLaundry1' is not Off Or Status 'Bathroom1stMirror1' is not Off Or Status 'Bathroom1stVent1' is not Off Or Status 'FoyerMain1' is not Off Or Status 'KitchenBar1' is not Off Or Status 'KitchenMain1' is not Off Or Status 'KitchenSink1' is not Off Or Status 'KitchenTable1' is not Off Or Status 'LivingRoomControls1A' is not Off Or Status 'LivingRoomMain1' is not Off Or Status 'PlayRoomMain1' is not Off Then Set Scene 'Floor1StatusLight' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') FLOOR 1 CONTROL If Control 'FoyerControls1G' is switched Off Or Control 'MasterBedControls1G' is switched Off Then Set Scene 'Floor1Off' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') FLOOR 2 STATUS FIX 1 If Program 'Floor 1 Status Update' is False And Status 'FoyerControls1G' is not Off Then Set Scene 'Floor1StatusLight' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') FLOOR 1 STATUS FIX 2 If Program 'Floor 1 Status Update' is False And Status 'MasterBedControls1G' is not Off Then Set Scene 'Floor1StatusLight' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  16. MikeB


    If I create a program that contains both an 'and' and an 'or' in the IF statement, how does it get parsed? IF status "switch 1" is on and status of "switch 2" is on or status of "switch 3" is on Is it parsed like this: IF [status "switch 1" is on and status of "switch 2" is on] or status of "switch 3" is on or like this: IF status "switch 1" is on and [status of "switch 2" is on or status of "switch 3" is on] It might be nice to clarify that in the program content window when the commands are entered.
  17. Thanks Michel. I've found i prefer using the secondary KPL to trigger an ISY-26 program that sets my scene anyway, so it's not going to be an issue for me.
  18. LOL, just when I post this...
  19. Want to make sure I understand this before I go too far - If I have a KPL with a load and an on-level of 100%, I can't create a scene controlled by one of its secondaries that sets that same load to 60%, correct? If I understand correctly, the work around would be to create a scene and trigger that scene by a program on the ISY-26, which executes when I press the secondary, correct? Thanks!
  20. Awesome, thanks! Should I remove that ELSE command then? It seems like it's useless.
  21. Thanks Chris. Just curious - any reason why the RESTORE PLM doesn't simply create PLM links in the devices for the new PLM, even if they don't have any existing PLM links?
  22. Thanks for the clarification Chris. So, if I'm understanding this right: ..my understanding is that if you do a REMOVE PLM, and all your old PLM links are gone, and then you try to do a RESTORE PLM, it will not see the old PLM links in the devices, so it will not add the new PLM links in the devices. Correct?
  23. One more question... Why isn't this ELSE statement in my first program working?: Else Set Scene 'OfficeStatusLight' Off With this ELSE statement, I would think that if someone accidentally pressed my KPL status light to turn it ON, and all my office lights were OFF, that the status light would turn itself back off. It doesn't seem to work like I would think, which is why I had to create my 'fix' program. Can someone clue me in?
  24. OK, correction - my 2nd try is now working. I realized the ISY wasn't getting status updates from my KPL unless I did a query. I removed and re-added the device, and now it's working. So, here's what I've done, using my office as an example: Created a scene called "OfficeStatusLight" which contains the KPL secondary button "OfficeKeypadH". This button will be used to turn off my office lights. Its backlight will be on if any of my office lights are on. I also created a scene called "OfficeAll" which contains all of my office lights as responders. I created a program called "OfficeStatusProgram", which runs the following: If Status 'Office1' is On Or Status 'Office2' is On Or Status 'OfficeCounter' is On Then Set Scene 'OfficeStatusLight' On Else Set Scene 'OfficeStatusLight' Off This allows me to see the status of my office lights. If any are left on, my "OfficeKeypadH" button will be lit up. However, I still don't have control. All I want is to be able to turn all the office lights OFF. I DON'T want the ability to turn them all on. So, I created the following program: If Control 'OfficeKeypadH' is switched Off Then Set Scene 'OfficeAll' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') This allows me to turn all of my office lights off simply by pressing my "OfficeKeypadH" button to turn it off. The only thing I didn't like about this is that if my office lights are off (which means the OfficeKeypadH is off), someone could accidentally press the keypad button to turn the backlight on, making it look like an office light was left on. To avoid this, I created the following "fix" program: If Control 'OfficeKeypadH' is switched On Then Set Scene 'OfficeStatusLight' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') This will "correct" someone accidentally pressing that button, by immediately turning it back off. This seems to be working well for me (at least in my initial testing). Anyone have any comments on how I might do this more efficiently? Am I missing something? Also, if I wanted to have a single Keypad LED indicate if ANY light in my house was left on, I would have to create a huge program - with 60+ IF statements as conditions. Is this a problem for the ISY-26? Thanks guys...
  25. I understand, but wouldn't you want that? Your new PLM will undoubtedly have a new address, so why would you want to keep links from the devices to your old PLM?
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