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Everything posted by MikeB
I thought you checked and your v1.75 labeled PLM had v63 firmware? Does seem odd... I'd give SmartHome a call to check what's up.
I'll try to explain... For example, in my son's bedroom I have a KPL at his bedside in a tabletop enclosure. 2 of the secondaries on that KPL are linked to 2 LampLincs in his room so he can control each of his lamps from his bed. Both the KPL secondaries and both LampLincs are members of my '2nd floor off' scene. The LampLincs are set with an 'on level' of 0 - that way, if my '2nd floor off' KPL secondary control button is off (becuase all the lights are off), and someone accidentally presses it ON, my lights will not go on. However, KPL secondaries do not have 'on levels', they will go ON when my '2nd floor off' scene is pressed ON. So, I have 2 problems if that '2nd floor off' button is pressed ON: 1 - Because my '2nd floor off' status program checks the status of those KPL secondaries, it shows as 'true'. This is easily fixable - I can simply not check the status of those secondaries, but check the LampLincs instead. 2 - The KPL secondaries controlling the lamps are left on, even though the LampLincs are off. I could write programs to say 'if LampLincA is off, and KPLSecondaryA is not off, then turn KPLSecondaryA off'. This should 'fix' the issue, but create some extra traffic and complexity. Does this make more sense?
Got my PLM in today, it is labeled v2.75. I'd bet that the v1.75 label is a type-o.
Hey Blue - Thanks for the reply. I was doing that as well for KPL secondary 'scene' buttons, but since I've upgraded to v1.65 KPLs I am now using the KPL secondary as a controller of the scene, but run ISY programs like to to turn the KPL secondary off when the scene is no longer true. However, the KPL secondaries I'm having issues with are not 'scene' controllers - they are linked 1 to 1 to control individual lamp modules, so I don't use any programs to control their status. I could write a program to 'fix' their status if they get out of sync however.. I'll have to put some thought into that. Thanks!
??? Not sure I follow you. I don't know if it will be different. Like I posted above I'll report back what the rev label and firmware version is.
Thanks for the reply, Joe. I read your post a few times, but I'm not sure I follow. I do have these KPL secondaries in my status check program, which is actually how I noticed the issue. I was racking my brain on this for a while, because what would happen is I would press my '2nd floor off' button ON, and it would stay on, and the status check program would stay true! A scan through My Lighting showed that all my 2nd floor lights were OFF, which meant the program should show false. After a while of playing with it, it finally dawned on my that the KPL secondaries don't show in My Lighting, and those were the devices that showed as ON. So, basically what happens in my system is if someone accidentally presses the '2nd floor off' button ON, the KPL secondaries go ON, and the status button stays ON as well, until it's pressed OFF. So, sorry for being dense, but could you explain your suggested workaround with a bit more detail? Thanks!
I have a unit coming in tomorrow, I'll post back with what it's labeled. My previous extended memory PLM was labeled Rev 2.75, and firmware was v63.
Check out this tool: http://busyrat.com/plmtest
One issue I've found so far with this method... I'm pretty anal about trying to make my lighting controls bulletproof. One thing that concerns me is if someone presses the '2nd floor off' KPL button ON. By setting the on levels for all devices to 0, theoretically that's OK - the lights will stay off and the button will turn itself back off because of the status check program. However, what won't work well is any KPL secondaries that are members of the '2nd floor off' scene. KPL secondaries do not have on levels, so they will turn ON when this button is pushed. This also throws off my status check program, which I use to check the status of a coulple KPL secondaries on the 2nd floor. I know this isn't a huge deal, but it's an annoyance for me....
When you create your program to turn on the LampLinc via IR, turn on the entire scene instead. This will ensure everything in the scene is turned on (the LampLinc and KPL secondary).
My understanding is that Rev 2.7 and lower have the standard memory, while Rev 2.75 (and above) are extended memory. I've never seen one labeled Rev 1.75 - I wonder if it's a type-o?
Hey Joe - I didn't, but my setup was completely different back then and I had far fewer 'status' programs on my ISY. I've also been having some KPL flashing issues on a couple scene buttons within my kitchen. I'm in the middle of troubleshooting now, so I have my 1st/2nd floor off programs disabled, but I think what was happening was my status programs were stepping all over my scene cleanup commands - especially with large scenes and a large # of devices responding. At this point I don't think it is KPL related. I no longer have any v1.4 KPLs kicking around, so I can't tell for certain - but the v1.65s have been working so well for me otherwise (knock on wood), I don't think they're the issue. I also think others would have reported the issue by now. I should be re-activating my programs later today once I'm confident things are working well as-is. I'll post back my results.
Are you running Excel 2007? If so, instead of dropping your security level, when Excel 2007 opens with the blank formatted page, look for a 'Security Warning' above the A column with an OPTIONS button. Click OPTIONS, and choose ENABLE THIS CONTENT.
I verified it is working fine here with Vista/Office 2007 - I simply missed the Macro warning. Excel opens with no data, but there is a Macro warning. Once I acknowledge the macro warning, my data appears.
I'm running Vista 32-bit, Office 2007, latest ISY-99 beta firmware. In the Administrative Console, I click TOOLS, then LOG. The ISY then asks if I want to open the log in Excel, I click YES. Excel 2007 opens, but there is no data. I am able to manually open the UDReport.rtf file, however, and it does contain data. This same folder also contains a ud.xls file, which is blank.
I believe the PS3 has an inexpensive add-on that allows for IR control. If I decide to get a Blue Ray player, I will seriously consider a PS3. It has the best potential for future updates to keep it compatible with new features as they are added to the format.
Just tried this last night one my '1st Floor Off' KPL secondary button. Works well, except for 1 thing - I'm finding that I need to wait a solid 3-4 seconds before pressing another button on the KPL, otherwise that 2nd button press will go unrecognized. I believe this is due to the cleanup messages coming from all the responders in the scene. I didn't see this when using a program to trigger the scene in the ISY, and I believe this is because the ISY triggers the scene in a different way. Can anyone confirm seeing a difference like this?
Hey Matt - I just did my first one last night with a v1.65 KPL, so it should work with a new one. Older KPLs, however, were limited in that a secondary button could not control a scene containing the load button with a different ramp rate/on level. Try right-clicking the device you want to add the the scene, and choose 'Add Device To Scene' instead.
Just an update related to the newer KPLs - now that v1.5+ (I've tested with v1.65) KPLs allow secondary buttons to set different on-levels for the load, and the ISY 2.6.1 beta firmware supports this, I've been able to eliminate the 'control' part of this program. I simply create a lighting scene and make the KPL secondary a controller of that scene. To keep the KPL status 'accurate', I still keep my status programs. For example, my Living Room Reading scene status program: If Status 'LivingRoomControls1G' is not Off And ( Status 'LivingRoomControls1A' is not 90% Or Status 'LivingRoomMain1' is not 30% ) Then Set Scene 'LivingRoomReadStatus' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') The program first checks if the KPL secondary is already OFF. If it's not OFF, it checks the status of the lights. If they're not set at my scene levels, the program turns the KPL secondary LED off. Doing this has also allowed me to remove the WAITs I needed before setting the status LED. Feels like a much cleaner solution, and KPL use is much much snappier.
Hey Mark - Besides issues related to KPL v1.6 that Michel mentioned, I've had problems when removing/replacing or making major changes to my KPLs. Other KPLs in the house seem to get misconfigured. KPL secondary buttons that worked fine before no longer seemed to send status updates to the ISY, links no longer worked, etc. In the past I had tried Restore Device on the problematic KPL, which rarely worked. I ended up removing the whole KPL from the ISY and re-adding and re-configuring. Recently, along with a Restore Device, I went ahead and did a Restore PLM as a test per Michel's suggestion - and it fixed my issue. I'm not sure what the exact cause of the problem is, but you might want to try a Restore Device and Restore PLM next time you have this issue to see if it helps.
Anyone try accessing their ISY from a Treo mobile device? On my Treo 750 running Windows Mobile 5 I can get the login screen, login which brings me to the Devices list, then when I click a device it brings me back to the login. Tried updating to Windows Mobile 6, same issue. This is via HTTP or HTTPS. Tried a buddy's Treo 750, same thing, I'm curious if anyone else is successfully using a Treo?
Ahh, makes sense. You can't set the on-level for a KPL secondary to 0, correct? But, if you don't need an 'All On' button, but are just looking for an 'All Off', it should work fine.
Hey Michel - I was moving around between links every couple seconds, so I must be having a different issue.
Running a Palm Treo 750 with Internet Explorer on Windows Mobile 5. I can connect to the HTTPS page, confirm the certificate warning, which brings me to the login screen. Login information, however, does not seem to stick. I can get it to sometimes display the list of devices and/or scenes, however trying to do anything further (control a device/scene, switch to a different page) brings me back to the login prompt. I hope to upgrade to Windows Mobile 6 sometime soon and will re-test.
Oooooh.. I like this. Your a smart cookie. Can't wait to try this out!