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Everything posted by GDN

  1. Thanks for this information. I was wondering the same thing - the solution seems simple, but I hadn't thought of it and I guess to be real honest - I don't understand all of the bits and bytes of insteon, but it really is crazy you can turn the button on and off directly without having to create a scene !
  2. Michel and team - Thanks for the emails and help. I was able to successfully backup and then upgrade my software this evening. This was with my Norton firewall software running (I had opened a hole for the segment I'm on). Something from either now using the PLM instead of the external power supply or maybe even using the different PC - not sure - I had changed several things, but to say the least - I'm up and running - now its time to go install a few switches !! Thanks again.
  3. Looks like a ton of great help on these forums - both from Michel and other users. I am new here - have had x10 for some years, but moving to Insteon and ISY. I got my ISY99i over the weekend - I don't have any of my Insteon devices - including the PLM yet. I wanted to get started and play with the ISY and settings so I bought a power supply from Fry's and all seemed as though it would be easy. I can not for the life of me however get the firmware upgraded on the unit. I have tried just about everything and read most posts a few times. I know it sounds like it is probably a firewall issue, but I can't find anything else to turn off and I still have the same problem. Main PC - HP6200N runing Vista Home Premium Linksys WRT54G router and 3 Linksys switches I have power to the ISY and received a DHCP address. I've been able to telnet in and configure static I can launch the Java browswer and see the web pages. I have set the location and added a few email addresses under the configuration - however those always disappear - they don't save. I can not get a complete backup of the system, I get "Can not create the .zip file" and I can not upgrade the software - I get the "Upgrade Failed:Invalid or Incompatible upgrade file. I've downloaded 4 times to make sure I have the correct version. From the telnet VE command - I get: Product: (1020) ISY99i 256 App: Insteon_UD99 Platform: ISY-C-99 Version: 2.6.5 Build date: 2008-06-24-19:53:47 Other services: I'm running Norton Internet Security (which I actually hate - but I had paid for it so I run it). I have disabled the firewall for an hour at a time and then finally permenantly, i have disabled Virus protection, I have made sure the Windows firewall is turned off. I have been sucessful at getting the Internet access enabled - I can launch the ISY pages remotely - but I still can't do the upgrade. Thought I would throw in that I've cleared the jcache a few times and have checked that I'm running the latest version of Java - Standard Edition 6 version 1.6.0 (build 1.6.0_01-b07). I know it has to be something I'm doing - but I'm missing it. Looking for any help or direction. Thanks,
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