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Everything posted by Michaelv

  1. I have been running Homeseer for over 2 years now. I purchased my ISY in November of 2008 and have slowly integrating the two systemsover the last few months. As of last week, I finished swapping out all of the X-10 units for insteon. I now have over 120 insteon units in the home. The other day, I went to the Homeseer website to update the ISY plugin to the latest version as my previous one had expired. Now, when I restart Homeseer, the start up hangs when looking for Insteon devices so Homeseer will not complete start up and does not function. To make matters worse. the ISY is frozen and I cannot Telnet it and when I unplug it to restart it, I cannot login. Should I factory Reset? I am running Version 2.7. I have posted this issue and the homeseer site and so far, Bpwwer has asked me a few rudimentary questions and I am waiting for a response to my response.
  2. Thanks Mike, Serenity now!! MV
  3. I have a family member who will remain nameless that does not like the light being emmited from a Switchlinc relay in her bedroom. It keeps her up at night. Is there away to disable it completley? or atleast dim it down some what?
  4. Michaelv

    Control a fan

    I would like to be able to control a ceiling fan with one KPL button. The fan has 3 speeds. Right now, I have a Switch linc relay controlling power to the fan so when I turn it on, the fan comes on at the speed it was last set to. The fan came with an RF remote that controls speed and light. Remote works like this: Fan is off: press fan speed button once, fan is in slow speed, press again, medium, press again, fast, press again, Off. Light: press and Hold to dim or brighten. I do not care so much about the light but I would like to be able to press a single KPL and have that button act like the button on the remote. I thought smart home made something that would help this work but I can find it. Any suggestions?
  5. I can tell you that it is on the same circuit as when I turned the breaker off, the other switch went dead. I have the elcetrician coming next week to install more switches so I will ask him. If it is all the same to you and the electrician says it is ok, Would you combine the Hots? MV
  6. No they do not. Should they? The both have thier respectve Red wires,(load) connected to the load. What do ya think?
  7. I have one switchlinc dimmer that loses communication with the ISY constantly. It is part of a 4 way circuit. The other switches in the circuit communicate ok. I have tried resetting the switch, restoring the switch and I have swapped it out with a new one 3 times now and I still get request failed when I try to add it to a scene. I was able to add it to one scene with the other 2 switch link dimmers after several attempts to do so. I can control it from the admin console and the other switch linc dimmers in the circuit. The strange thing is that this switch is surrounded by switches that work fine. Even the switch in the same gang box that shares the neutral with the bad switch works fine. I have moved the access point to various outlets directly under and to the side of the bad switch. No help. Any Suggestions?
  8. Michaelv

    By Pass Logn

    Is there anyway to bypass the login? I do not need the security and I am getting tired of typing admin 4 times.
  9. Hi, it is the week end again so I attempted to put into practice what you have offered. I must admit I got quite lost when you guys started getting more and more sophisticated with your programming. I could not follow it. Maybe some day I will be able. Maybe if I started off with a simple scene or program, I could then get up to speed a little at a time. Here is what I would like to try and do. I have a single light controlled by a switch link dimmer (A). The same light is also controlled by a secondary key pad button ( via a scene. The light is also controlled by an IR Linc through a remote control button© and the same light is part of a scene controlled by another secondary Key Pad button (D).Furthermore, the same light (A) is part of an “all lights off at midnight†program. How will I keep the Keypad Status up to date when any of these controllers turn the light on and or off. I already 14 Key pads installed and I intend on installing at least another 20. I really hope there is an easier way to keep the status updated correctly. We are talking almost 300 buttons!! I really would hate to write a program or create a scene for that many!! I hope the guys at UDI could write a program that would do this for us. Thanks in advance. MV
  10. Mike B, First, thanks for your help. If I followed the instructions you gave me and it work great for one dimmer.What is the best way to dim more than one dimmer using an IR code. When I added multipe lights to your "Theatre Dim / Bright Program" the lights do not brighten / Dim at the same time so the first dimmer in the program are compltely on or off before the last one starts dimming / brightening. Is there a way to hold an IR button and have 2 or more brighten / Dim at the same time and rate?
  11. What do I need to do to have the Kedpad button status match the status of the device it is controlling? When multiple Key pad buttons contol the same device, because i want control of it from differnt locations,how can I be sure that each keypad button has the status updated? When a key pad button contols a scence with multiple lights, what should the status be if all the lights are turned off by the individual controllers? It is becoming more apparent to me as I walk around the house that there are these keypad buttons that are illuminated, but what they are controlling are off. Is there in depth documentation on this?
  12. Thanks Mike, I tried the combonation and it worked great. Thanks for your help.
  13. Can anyone show me an example of the best way to control a switch linc dimmer with using only two different IR codes learned into the ISY? I want to be able to turn the light on and brighten with one code and then turn it off and dim with the other. The difference, I think, would be that the buttons will be "held" to brighten / dim and "pressed" for on /off. I am not sure if how to use the fade up, fade down, fade stop commands here. I can't seem to get it to brighten when it is off. I have to turn it on then brighten Thanks MV
  14. Well, I did a device restore to the KPL A button and now everything works as Programmed. I won't ask why, I will content with it just working they way I want. Thanks MV
  15. I have an 8 button Keypad linc and an ISY99. Button A controls a load (recessed light) and works fine. Buttons b,c,d,e all control switch linc dimmers. The issue is, I cannot get them to turn the lights on and off. I can only dim and brighten. No fast on or off. I checked all the ramp rates thinking they were set to 9 minutes or something but they are all set at .5 sec locally and within the scene set up for each button. I have rebooted all the switch lincs as well as the KPL. Any Help? Thanks MV
  16. OK, so to summarize, set sliders in the scene " folder" when scene is contolled by ISY or a program will trigger scene and set sliders for devices on the contoller down in the file tree when local switch will control scene, correct? But I am still unclear how ONE Controller slider will have a bearing on the 4 devices in the scene. If I set the ramp rates on the 4 devices at .5 seconds, the on rate to 100% on one, 50% on two of the devices and 25% on the last one, what bearing does the controller slider set to say, 50% on that scene? As I write this, I think this only happens when the " A" button of a KPL is placed in a scene. Thing is, this particular "A" button does not control a load. So, is the slider setting for that contoller moot? I guess if the "A" button did control a load, the it make sense that you would want to set the level of the load it was controlling. Am I making sense?
  17. OK, So if I am understanding you correctly. I need to go through every scene that contains these devices and find the ramp rate that that matches the behavior of the devices and adjust that? What if I want to keep that ramp the way it is in that "First" scene? I thought I did go back through every scene. I will look again. Please tell me this, What bearing does the ramp rate and on level have for the contoller in a multi device scene? Say if I had 4 devices in a scene with a KPL button as a controller. I would set all ramp rates on the 4 devices at .5 seconds, the on rate to 100% on one, 50% on two of the devices and 25% on the last one. What should I set the contollers on level and ramp rate to? Agin what bearing does this have? Thanks MV
  18. I just set up some scenes with my IR Linc 2411R,my credit card remote and a ISY99 . 6 of the 8 scene buttons (A-H) controls 6 individual Switchlinc dimmers in one room of my house. All the scene buttons operate the lights perfectly. A quick touch, the lights come on or off. Hold the button, lights will brighten or dim. The problem is that when I use the "all on" button. Only 4 of the dimmers come on at a .5 second ramp rate, one ramps up at a rate of about 15 seconds and the other does not come on at all. When I press the all off button, the same thing happens with the lights going out. 4 go out at .5 ramp and the other one goes off at about 15 seconds. I then put the only light that does not come on at all on with the rest and pressed all off, 4 go out at .5 ramp and the other one goes off at about 15 seconds, and the one had to put on goes off at about 15 seconds. I have checked evey scene that contains these slow ramping dimmers and there are no indication that I have a ramp rate set for this long. Is there anyway to adust the ramp rates in the the ALL ON / ALL OFF scene in the credit card remote? I think I also need to add another dimmer, the one that does not come, as well. Thanks MV
  19. I have really tried to search the Wiki and the forums for these answers but I have not been able to find these particular situations. I have created a scene controlled by a key pad linc button and it works fine. I want to be able to run that scene by pressing another Key pad button on a different key pad. How is it done? Then , I want to be able to control the same scene with a remotecontrol / IR linc. How is that done? Thanks MV
  20. Is there a way to book mark a forum so you can keep refering back to it?
  21. Is there a way to change a responder to a controller in an existing scence? When I started to set up my network, I made Key pad buttons contollers and devices responders not knwing the implications regarding Led status on the keypad buttons. Now I have 12 Ked Pads that do not reflect the correct on / off status. I have read that the way to avoid this is to set up " everything as a controller within a scence. Why would you ever set something up as a responder in the first place in this situation? MV
  22. Can some one tell me how I can create a scene by holding down to Keypad buttons simultaneously ? I want to add two more scenes to a Table top controller and I have run out of buttons. I know I could get an 8 button Keypad but I thought I read in the manual that this could be done. Thanks MV
  23. GOT IT! Thanks again. MV
  24. UPdate!! I have been able to learn 2 Codes Into the IR Linc Through the ISY. I also got the request failed. Now, How do I associate the codes with the device I want to control. One code is for on and one code is for off. I hope that if I hold the on it will brighten and if I hold the off it will dim. Almost There!! MV
  25. Yes I am. Thanks again MV
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