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  1. wrj0's post in Custom MP3 Files Cut Short on Bluetooth Output (Again) was marked as the answer   
    With excellent support from ttsMP3.com, some additional information on this issue has provided a simple to implement solution to the Bluetooth audio cutoff problem.  MP3 files from freetts.com played fine over Bluetooth, while the files generated by ttsMP3.com were cut short before playing to completion.  (As an example, entering "This is a test" would output "This is a" via Bluetooth audio)  Support from ttsMP3.com determined that that freetts.com uses a sample rate of 16k, resulting in a lower quality output, than ttsMP3.com that provides 24k sample rate with crisper output sound.  Additionally, freetts.com automatically adds a forced pause of 1 second at the end of the file.  So, using ttsMP3.com, and adding the tag
    <break time="1s"/>
    at the end of your text input to ttsMP3.com to generate an MP3 file, that allows Bluetooth to play the custom MP3 file without cutting off the end.
  2. wrj0's post in System [Current Day of Year] was marked as the answer   
    Chris acknowledged the bug report, and offered to investigate.
  3. wrj0's post in Reinstall: Can't find purchase option for license record was marked as the answer   
    Tried installing Climacell from the Node Server Store, rather than re-installing it from the Purchases tab; it gave me an Install option, and allowed Climacell to be installed again at the same slot it was in before.  Seems to be working fine now.  Not sure why the Re-Install from the PG3 Purchases tab didn't work, but glad to have this Node Server back in operation.
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