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Everything posted by toddhutch
Good morning, The Lime Tree is working great, albeit, I've been rebooting the ISY a number of times while working on the Polyglot, so I want to make sure it does get shut off after 12 hours of being on. That was a test case for the original issue, the wan work item. The problems has been resolved for Wan work. I've since upgraded to 5.11 since I first posted this, so I need reevaluate with the new options in 5.x.
Great job to whomever was involved in getting that all working together. Just had a note show up to see what is new, and it showed how to use the smart home functionally. Awesome, love being able to control devices and scenes via my iPad. Especially the dimming functions. Great job again, to everyone involved! Best regards, and merry Christmas! Todd
Doh..... I shouldn't multitask, you posted that earlier. I'll start using that instead of wait. Thank you!
This seems to be a mind bender, how can you do a 12 hour shut off based on sunrise without using a wait command?
Is the goal not to use the wait command in case that the ISY994i reboots? So which way is the best practice? Before the two responses above I set it up this way- Lime Grow Light - [iD 0054][Parent 0021] If Time is Sunrise Then Run Program 'Lime Grow Light - Trigger' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Lime Grow Light - Trigger - [iD 0065][Parent 0021] If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Set 'Lime Tree Lights' On Wait 12 hours Set 'Lime Tree Lights' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') If what I put is best practice, then I should remove the first program, and put the kickoff in my sunrise program which already turns other items on in the morning.
So this is expected, and when you put in a time condition like 3 minutes after sunrise that behaves differently?
Question about logic, and seems like a bug. (I'm wondering if this is an issue with this release, as I had other fan related programs (That I was using earlier this year) that I thought were working before I upgraded to 4.6.2) I have a wait at the beginning of the then because I don't want the house to go dark until enough time has passed for my wife to be in her car and pulling out of the garage. However because the Elk Zone Violated is only briefly positive, it appears that the then statement starts to run but is stopped. I changed the the Elk Zone to Physical Status is open, and leave the door open, and the then statement will complete. If I close the door before the second wait time completes, the remainder of the then status doesn't complete. It is a work around to put the actions in another program, and have this initial program just kick off the other program? Is this best practice or work around? Wan is gone lights off - [iD 004B][Parent 0022] If $Wan_Works_Today is 1 And From 6:15:00AM For 1 hour And Elk Zone 'Garage Home Door' is Violated Then Wait 15 seconds Set Scene 'Living Room' Off Set Scene 'Family Room' Off Send X10 'A4/Off (11)' Set 'Christmas Tree' Off Wait 1 minute and 30 seconds Set Scene 'Frontyard' Off $Wan_Works_Today = 0 Set Elk Output 'Output 103' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') ******** Update ******* The below code is working. Just confirmed this is working, after I added a wait at the beginning, as a test. I changed it back, and it is correctly showing Running 'Then' in the Activity column on the program summary page. Lime Grow Light - [iD 0054][Parent 0021] If Time is Sunrise + 30 minutes Then Set 'Lime Tree Lights' On Wait 12 hours Set 'Lime Tree Lights' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Best regards, Todd
@Teken Thank you for the response, so probably having a mix would be a good idea. Using the Insteon for lighting automation, and the Elk for security and lighting, since the price difference is significant.
I was just reading about this detector this morning, and came here to ask the questions that have had almost all of them already been answered! I was considering the motion detectors from insteon,but hearing about the fun before with them, I was going to go with the Elk-6030 http://www.elkproducts.com/products/elk-6030-two-way-wireless-pir-motion-sensor since I have a Elk M1 Gold connected to my ISY994. Has anyone seen both motion sensors work, and would offer some pros and cons? Thank you!
Yahoo Pipes is no longer, so this no longer works.
I decided to pull Yahoo Pipes completely out of this, as the new application ID includes a % which messes up Yahoo Pipes. This doesn't mess up Zapier, or something that I've used that is even simplier. www.hookify.io
If ISY is able to do json posts, or/and store text variables then this would be much easier. The biggest challenge is the security token, and not being able to store that at ISY, if we could this would be very simple.
DONE! MyQ opening and closing using yahoo pipes, Zapier and the ISY Network module. From Network Resources call Zapier which calls Yahoo Pipes, with variables for the device ID, command, username, password and next Zapier web service GUID. Pipes pulls security token, and exposes device IDs of garage doors so you can note the ID an use it in the query string. I can publish the pipes so you can clone them. Then pipes calls GET a Zapier catch, and passes security token and device ID and command, which then does a PUT with JSON to the MyQ API and the door opens or closes. Granted this took over 12 hours to figure out, but EVERYONE here loves a good puzzle right?! ISY->Zapier1->Yahoo Pipes->Zapier2->MyQ ISY example is attached Zapier1 Webhook -Catch Hook WebHook -GET You'll need the last part of the URL https://zapier.com/hooks/catch/zapier1guid/ it is 6 characters long inside the / / you'll use that in the ISY Path /hooks/catch/zapier1guidhere/ Fill in your information in the ISY Path Username and password (from Chamberlain https://www.mychamberlain.com/Login.aspx) door ID from Yahoo Pipes, thisparthere is the guid from zapier2 (you want to keep your zapier guids to yourself, as you only get 100 free from the zapier), openclose is 1 for down 2 for up. Update button in Resource Editor, Save, Save AGAIN, then test it. You'll need to do this to pass the information to Zapier service. Once you are down on step 5 of zapier you'll want to fill it in with this information, assuming you're using the Yahoo Pipe below. https://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/pipe.run?_id=97b233a1afcd20f24e035e2cdca1af01&_render=json&user=querystring__user&password=querystring__password&openclose=querystring__openclose&doorid=querystring__doorid&zapier=querystring__zapierWhere it saids querystring, you should use the insert fields button and completely replace each item between the = &. Send As JSON = yes JSON key = json Unflatten = no Test Webhook trigger Really all you're checking for at this point is to see the trigger sample and that the information you've pushed from ISY to Zapier is showing up. You can also See Action sample and view the URL which should be something like. https://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/pipe.run?_id=97b233a1afcd20f24e035e2cdca1af01&_render=json&user=youremail&password=yourpassword&openclose=1&doorid=yourdoorid&zapier=yourzpaierguid Name the Zap and turn it on. Yahoo Pipes Here is a link to the Yahoo Pipes which is used push security token to Zapier. (You'll also want to fill in your login information for MyQ, so you can get your deviceIDs (AKA doorID) from the two tails at the bottom left (view by clicking Edit Source) if you have two garage doors. If you only have one, one of the IDs will be the gateway ID and won't do anything when you use it.) Otherwise leave the login information blank, you'll pass that information in from Zapier, which is triggered by a call from ISY's Network Resources. https://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/pipe.info?_id=97b233a1afcd20f24e035e2cdca1af01 Zapier2 Webhook -Catch Hook WebHook -PUT You'll need the zapier guid for above https://zapier.com/hooks/catch/zapier2guid/ At this point if you've filled in everything above correctly, you should be able to click test on ISY Network Resource, and SecurityToken, DoorID and Openclose should flow into this zapier. The URL you'll use https://myqexternal.myqdevice.com/Device/setDeviceAttribute Payload Type = json Data AttributeName = desireddoorstate ApplicationId = NWknvuBd7LoFHfXmKNMBcgajXtZEgKUh4V7WNzMidrpUUluDpVYVZx%2BxT4PCM5Kx SecurityToken = Querystring Securitytoken select from Insert fields button DeviceId = Querystring DoorID select from Insert fields button AttributeValue = Querystring Openclose select from Insert fields button Wrap Request in array = no Unflatten = no Test Webhook trigger See trigger sample you should see data following in for the three strings Door ID, Securitytoken, and Openclose Name the Zap and turn zap on. Hopefully it's working now! ISY-NetRules-Backup.v4.2.30__ExampleMyQZapierCall.zip
MWareman, Oh the fun that is MyQ! I use alerts, and emails to note when the door is opened or closed. For emails I have an email that goes to Gmail, which I label and forward to zapier.com their zapier email parser (free service, and has up to a 10 second delay, but typically 2-5) which then depending on the content of the email open or close, calls using webhook the ISY rest call to set a state for garage door up or down. I then trigger lights from there. I didn't go through the final steps for allowing opening and closing the door via ISY, but I had this down to the last step. So this is how I tackled this, have you used Yahoo Pipes before? I have a pipe that go through and grab my security token, and takes the security token, and forms it into a URL that can be posted, and returns that full URL. (<rant> if ISY allowed text variables this would have been much easier </rant>) You have to then have something that can post that URL and it will open or close. The Zapier tool has something to do this as well, but I stopped. Ideally storing a variable in ISY, new functionality, would make this easy with the networking module. Just add a network resource, and use the security token that Pipes makes which then pushes into ISY via the rest api. (I gave up on ifttt.com for URL Get and Post, the hack for wordpress was a pain in the ___, so I switched to Zapier)
Good afternoon, I've been integrating the ISY 994 into a number of different applications, and I'm using a SSL connection for all of them. Since 1024 encryption is going away and the new minimum standard if you want a CA cert is 2048, the amount of time to establish your initial connection is taking a while. My use typically entails pushing a variable every once in a while, so I'm always hit by the initial connection delay. This is starting to become an issue with the garage door integration, by the time the ISY triggers a lights on, the wife can be in the house. Since I'm leveraging IFTTT.com and the ISY rest/var/set to change states, I'm seeing more or less a 10 second delay(In addition to the other delays), and I do understand that is because of the encryption. My garage door is controlled by the cloud MyQ so it's already a bit encumbered because I have to use the unpublished APIs. Hopefully that is published and supported in the future. I use however the rest/var for remote control of lights when I'm off site, and I prefer just using SSL and avoiding a VPN. VPN is not convenient for my wife who is a Apple products user. Has there been any discussion other than not using SSL or using a self signed certificate(Won't work with IFTTT.com because of a cert error), on how this might be addressed in the future? Is a peppier box, or encryption chip, or something else able to help with this? -Todd