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Everything posted by RJ K

  1. RJ K

    ISY Launcher

    I'm seeing a similar thing. I just downloaded the start.jnlp on a new computer and it's coming up as IoX Launcher now and isn't finding my Polisy either.
  2. In case anyone comes here looking for information, @bpwwer was very responsive and all of the new devices are working great!
  3. Bob, Sounds good. I havent purchased any of them yet but have a Diva Starter Kit waiting for me to pick up and after I get it going and purchase the NS I'll let you know what I find. Thanks! RJ
  4. Lutron added a new dimmer and on/off switch which look great compared to the older versions: https://www.casetawireless.com/us/en/products/dimmers-switches I'm out town until Friday but I'm planning on picking one of these up this weekend to check it out. @bpwwer any idea if they will work with the NS or will you need more information to get them working? Thanks!
  5. @Hoosier Daddy and @Geddy thank you for that! I'm not entirely sure what happened by my IP's were all static but it never connected on the original one after switching to PG3. I changed the address to start from scratch but was following what are seemingly old instructions on the GitHub that say to use a parameter "IP" and no mention of the brackets. Thanks everyone!
  6. @Michel Kohanim I'm still struggling to get the hub connected due to the same issue many of the previous posts in this thread are related to. Not sure whats possible but a cleaner way to know what its trying to connect to and a way to remove the default/current configuration? Thanks! RJ
  7. I'm seeing this exact same thing, also tried swapping the IP address as mentioned above a few weeks ago but it still doesn't seem to find it. I created a ticket and asked @Michel Kohanim how to fully clear and reset everything as I'm just starting up from scratch in a new house but I'm still seeing the same thing. I've looked around but couldn't seem to locate any sort of database on my own that might be holding this.
  8. Our parallel story lines continue as I also purchased the open box item and will try to return them. Thanks @Michel Kohanim and @bigDvette for the clarification!
  9. I'm having this exact same issue and sounds like a very similar situation. Bought a polisy very early on (arrived in December 2019) recently moved and was going to be starting from scratch anyway so decided to attempt to migrate over. Likewise shows up fine on my macbook pro and was able to set up a network and then factory reset using Indigo.
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