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Everything posted by stillwater

  1. @Ross Clever, thanks. I have black KPLs and many Smarthome custom-etched buttons from when they still offered that but have a few additions I wanted to make. Compared to the black buttons your solution would also allow the LEDs to be seen (the geniuses at Smarthome never figured out how to let the LEDs show through). Have to experiment with how this might look
  2. @captainc What is your method for producing nice customized buttons with the clear covers? Years ago I bought a supply of the clear covers but never hit on a way of using them satisfactorily.
  3. stillwater

    WiFi Antennas

    I am sure this won't be helpful to current participants in this thread but it might be to any onlookers... Maybe a month ago I set up a new Polisy using the wiki as a guide and there was zero ambiguity about which RJ-45 port to use for ethernet.
  4. I am confused. The original program that wasn't working was looking for DOF command and now you are focused on DON not translating into proper state in IoP? Are you thinking these are the same problem (i.e. in the program the IoP thought the load was ON when it was OFF?)
  5. I believe you mean Polyglot (which is a software facility for node servers commonly run on a Raspberry PI or on a Polisy (which is a piece of hardware sold by UDI that can run node servers in conjunction with an ISY or now can also run ISY software obviating the need for a hardware ISY). There is a Polyglot V2 but not a Polisy V2. I suspect you don't have a Polisy. PGC ran on virtual machines in the cloud until it was shut down for security reasons.
  6. We are going to google for the answer. Seriously there are numerous threads already in the Smarthome subforum below. https://forum.universal-devices.com/forum/20-smarthome-channel/
  7. As others have noted, the "Nokia" devices were not a Nokia effort -- just a licensing of the Nokia name by Smartlabs. So the informed view is that the Nokia devices are dead as well.
  8. Thanks. This is the North American product index page -- listing of all certified Zwave products with North American frequency. https://products.z-wavealliance.org/regions/2/categories Lots of products.. Some of which are available!
  9. Thanks! The Zen51 and Zen52 appear to be 1.5 x 1.4" and I don't know how thick so they look micro size. They are 700 /S2 series. Thanks for the direction to Fibaro and Aeotec. The Fibaro Dimmer 2 is slightly larger and is 500 series. Aeotec Nano Dimmer is 2.9" x 2.9" x 1.1" and also 500 series. I see on the site linked by Techman that Silicon Labs is already out with 800 series modules that are available to be incorporated into products. ... haven't looked at whether that means 700 series stuff will become somewhat obsolete or whether 800 series just allows longer battery life or something.
  10. Thanks for this @lilyoyo1 With all the interest right now in moving from Insteon to Zwave (or adding Zwave devices to an Insteon system), It would be great to have a table that shows closest equivalents to the various Insteon devices -- I had the impression that Z-wave was mostly switches and outlets.. It looks there is more than I had assumed (for example. sensors). I have seen the Zen17 recommended as a replacement for the Insteon IO module. I was wondering are there Z-wave plus or (better) 700 series equivalents to the Insteon Micro On/Off, Micro Dimmer, and Micro Open/Close modules? Though they are not exact replacements I see the Zooz Z51 could work instead of the Micro On/Off and the Z52 instead of the Micro Open/Close. I looked at a few other brands but haven't yet found a Zwave 700 equivalent to the Insteon micro dim.
  11. @Michel Kohanim Apparently yes a KPL button. First sentence of first post from @arshishk was "I have the following program that checks the status of a keypadlinc button, and if the status is On, waits 1.5 hours and then sets the switch to Off."
  12. I would vote for having the keyboard node server even if someone has a nice special purpose IR interface that they write a node server for. The more standard-ish ways of getting in and out of Polisy the better.
  13. I don't think we on this forum should get too speculative about what UDI might or might not do if it succeeded in some way in licensing Insteon technology or buying some Smarlabs assets including IP. It does not help UDI if we talk up the value of the Smartlabs IP or assets! If resurrecting the existing product line were going to be a significant money maker the sale Smartlabs was negotiating would probably have gone through. If you look at modern equivalent products they have lots of features the existing insteon products lack -- like (for example in the Shelly pucks) Bluetooth Low Energy or wifi setup, software defined dimmer parameters (for example leading edge vs trailing edge, soft start, etc.). energy monitoring, etc. etc. Now the dexterity of the ISY or IoP makes up for some of that but not all of it. Making the insteon protocol a going proposition into the future would require very significant investment, in my opinion. It isn't impossible that it could work out, but it isn't a a sure thing either, even at a possibly very low purchase price.
  14. By default a Mac will often unzip the firmware file you downloaded. You want to upload the stil-zipped file to the ISY994. Can't guarantee that this is your situation but that's often the problem.
  15. 3-4 Insteon devices failing each year out of 53 seems high, unless perhaps they are very old. Do you have a whole-house surge suppressor at the electric service entrance or main panel? If not this is a crucial investment to prolong the life of insteon and other electronic devices. It's been a long time since I made the jump to 5.x but my memory is that it isn't very difficulprocess if you only have insteon. You will need to check your scenes and the controller scene menus after the upgrade. A few programs may indeed need to be re-saved and possibly edited. The good news is there is no hurry to do the upgrade if everything is working for you now. You will definitely need to upgrade firmware and Z-wave interface before making use of Zwave --especially the new and better Zwave products (series 700) which you will want to use exclusively if you move to Zwave.. [I am not a Zwave user and others will have more info on that. I believe that there is an intro to Zwave somewhere either in this forum or in the UDI wiki that would be helpful to you --- maybe search for that.]
  16. I don't use UD Mobile but if it's on an iPhone try disabling notifications for the UD Mobile App in Settings?
  17. @kurelgyer How does the new, now disappeared, "Nokia" product line, which required at least some investment, fit with a genius asset-stripping plan?
  18. "ISY Serial Controller" I assumed @Michael805 meant a 2413s, or maybe a 2413s+ISY994i, not an ISY 994i
  19. What is an Insteon server? I don't think I've ever used one. The insteon.com website is up.
  20. @simplextech If you don't mind, What's the best way to learn about RTI? My current project is a somewhat rustic lake compound where I have a somewhat complex self-designed heating /warm-up control system (with homebrew microprocessor control) and probably Shelly Dimmers in lamp boxes with DC keypapds wired to a central control box. I am assuming that Audio will be just Apple Airplay 2. (When I made this choice I wasn't sure I would have reliable internet so no Sonos but now I think I can get Starlink to work). Given all this I was thinking of using Home Assistant as the lighting/heating control interface -- just learning about Home Assistant. The learning curve would be a lot faster with Polisy but I certainly didn't want to do the node servers my self. (For several years I have had a very limited one on the ISY994i for Sauna control).
  21. I wouldn't trust our local installer to plug in a toaster.
  22. Of course this means that for those of us that would never use the Shelly Cloud for access to devices have to pay a share of the cost for infrastructure we don't intend to use. Just saying... On the other hand since I am sure the Shelly Cloud is a big part of getting the multitudes to adopt initially, by amortizing the development cost over a bigger number it gets the hardware cost down for those of us who wouldn't use it so maybe it's not a bad bargain.
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