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Everything posted by Traditore

  1. And if I write it like this: ISY ALARM${alert.details} I get:
  2. I think you were right. There was an extra CRLF in there. But if the subject is: ISY ALARM ${alert.details} I get this in Gmail: Subject: ISY ALARM At: 2013/03/03 4:57:24 PM Body: Mime-Version:1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" Testing And I know I didn't leave out a CRLF anywhere. So why the Mime stuff? If the subject is: ${alert.details} ISY ALARM, I get this in Gmail: Subject: At: 2013/03/03 5:01:15 PM Body: Testing No mention of ISY ALARM... Unless I remove the space and write the subject like this: ${alert.details}ISY ALARM Subject: Body: ISY ALARM Mime-Version:1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" Testing But part of the subject ends up in the body... I'm puzzled...
  3. I set up a notification. Subject is: Testing Body is: Leak detected in downstairs bathroom Format is: Text No more, no less. No variables involved either. The e-mail I receive when I test this: Mime-Version:1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" Leak detected in downstairs bathroom. What's with the first two lines???
  4. Thank you, it works. But I don't understand the logic of the "Or" clause here. Does it me: "If the Set button is not physically pushed, execute Else"?
  5. After a factory reset, it seems to behave the way it should. If Control '11.A5.0E-Sensor' is switched On Then Set Scene 'SS Stairs' On Else Set Scene 'SS Stairs' Off Is this simple program supposed to turn off my scene when the motion sensors times out?
  6. Hi, Anybody knows why the sensor never "turns on" in ISY? I think it detects motion because the red light blinks when I wave. But current state in ISY is always off. If I push the set button, it toggles between on and off. And there is communications (good or bad, I don't know) when I do it: sam. 03/02/2013 12:42:29 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 11.A5.0E 00.00.01 C3 11 01 LTONRR (01) sam. 03/02/2013 12:42:29 : [std-Group ] 11.A5.0E-->Group=1, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=0 sam. 03/02/2013 12:42:29 : [ 11 A5 E 1] DON 1 sam. 03/02/2013 12:42:29 : [ 11 A5 E 1] ST 255 sam. 03/02/2013 12:42:29 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 11.A5.0E 00.00.01 C3 11 01 LTONRR (01) sam. 03/02/2013 12:42:29 : [std-Group ] 11.A5.0E-->Group=1, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=0 sam. 03/02/2013 12:42:29 : [iNST-DUP ] Previous message ignored. sam. 03/02/2013 12:42:31 : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 11.A5.0E 0E.DB.6F 43 11 01 LTONRR (01) sam. 03/02/2013 12:42:31 : [std-Cleanup ] 11.A5.0E-->ISY/PLM Group=1, Max Hops=3, Hops Left=0 sam. 03/02/2013 12:42:31 : [iNST-DUP ] Previous message ignored. Jumpers 1 thru 5 are off. Battery tests a solid 9.4V.
  7. That did it. Thanks!
  8. According to the screen capture on the Wiki, there should be a box on the far right that gives access to the calendar. But it's nowhere to be found here. Maybe it was removed in a firmware update.
  9. Call me crazy or blind, but I don't see where I can specify a date under Folder Conditions.
  10. I was asking about the months because the Elk engine allows for them. And it's real simple. But I agree with your point of view. Sometimes, it's just not worth the hassle. For now, I simply disabled the program. I'll enable it come April. It's nice to delete a bunch of rules in Elk and replace them with a single program in ISY.
  11. I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO not ready to tackle variables yet. I know they're a big deal for a bunch of people, but right now, it's out of my programming league. I'll read the post anyway. Maybe it's not so bad.
  12. Is there any way to specify months for Folder Conditions or some kind of trick to achieve that effect? I'm trying to transfer my Elk irrigation rules into ISY, but can't find a way to make this future program run only from mid-April to mid-August.
  13. Simpler than I thought. Thank you LeeG, it works.
  14. I wrote this: If Time is 10:00:00PM And Status '0F.D2.3D.1/SDJ / 0F.D2.3D.B/Heater' is On Or Status '14.7C.5C.1/SDJ Heater' is On Then Set Elk Speak Word '[800hz_Tone]' Set Elk Speak Word 'Warning' Set Elk Speak Word 'Heat' Set Elk Speak Word 'Is' Set Elk Speak Word 'On' Set Elk Speak Word 'In' Set Elk Speak Word 'Play' Set Elk Speak Word 'Room' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') How do I make this program repeat every five minutes until I drag my butt downstairs and physically turn off the heater? I assume it has to be done with some kind of if/then/else/true/false and at least one more program. Can anybody show me how? Thank you.
  15. That app is pretty good for CAAs and CAVs. But it does not play well with newer systems, like my MCA-C5. Good thing Russound came out with an app for the iPad. Now if only they could make something for iPods...
  16. I believe older systems, like the CAV, only use RNET over serial. I don't really know about the CAA series. I'm sure it's controlled through the serial port, but I don't know if RNET is the protocol used. If so, you might be able to use the Russound .zip file from UDI's wiki to control your CAA system. Check under Networks Resources. The newer MCA-Cx can also use RIO over IP, which means there's no need for an IP-to-serial adapter, like Elk's IP232. In this case, the client talks directly to the Russound controller. And I agree with you, working with this is difficult.
  17. Why is it that we often find the solution a few minutes AFTER posting a question in a forum?!? I used an ASCII table to convert my string EVENT C[1].Z[3]!ZoneOn(carriage return) and send it in binary mode. In this case, it looks like this: 69;86;69;78;84;32;67;91;49;93;46;90;91;51;93;33;90;111;110;101;79;110;13 And it works!!! But I have no idea why, because I don't have any programming experience. Going letter by letter with an ASCII table was a total pain. Afterwards, I found an online converter, but it does not insert the semi-colons required. Is there a tool that would do this? I could always use Word and search and replace all spaces with semi-colons, but that's not elegant... Any better alternatives? When I have a little time, I'll write a pack of network resources for the MCA-C5 and share it here.
  18. I'm trying to create a network resource in ISY to turn on a zone on my Russound MCA-C5 system. I'm using the RIO protocol, not RNET. Here's some relevant info from the Russound I/O (RIO) Protocol for 3rd Party Integrators document: The RIO Command Set is available as ASCII text via IP (using port 9621) and RS232 interfaces. RIO commands are made up of ASCII characters except for the terminating characters. All RIO commands must be terminated with a (0x0D hex) All RIO responses are terminated with a (0x0D 0x0A hex) Using PuTTY as a RIO Client When connected via IP, you may use PuTTY in ʻRawʼ mode or ʻTelnetʼ mode, depending on your testing needs. With either mode, specify ʻPortʼ as ʻ9621ʼ in order for PuTTY to operate as a RIO client. If you select ʻRawʼ as your ʻConnection typeʼ, PuTTY will interoperate with a RIO compliant Russound device without any further configuration. So using PuTTY, I can turn on zone 3 of my MCA-C5 by sending this string: EVENT C[1].Z[3]!ZoneOn But I can't seem to figure out how to translate this as a network resource in ISY. I tried a few things, but this is what seems most logical to me: Protocol: tcp Host: IP of my MCA-C5 Port: 9621 Timeout: 500 Mode: Raw text Body: EVENT C[1].Z[3]!ZoneOn What I'm missing are the terminating characters. As stated above, all RIO commands must be terminated with a (0x0D hex). How do I input this so that it is interpreted correctly? These variations don't work: EVENT C[1].Z[3]!ZoneOn EVENT C[1].Z[3]!ZoneOn EVENT C[1].Z[3]!ZoneOn\ When I test the string in ISY, a window pops up and says: TCP client read response failed I appreciated any input from you guys.
  19. Good evening Michel, As I mentioned in my original post, I'm running 3.1.0. I'll send my log to Tech Support right away.
  20. When I put the AP back where it was before, I still couldn't communicate with the dongle anymore. Fortunately, I found another outlet where the dongle works and won't have to leave it plugged into the PLM. @LeeG You are absolutely right. I was thinking about the Responder function when I replied and poorly chose my words.
  21. It's been happening for a few weeks now at no particular set time. I noticed it because some of my lights were not turning on when they were programmed to. AFAIK, there are no new router or switch involved. And the LEDs on ISY are not telling me there's a problem when I notice the "disconnect". To re-establish the connection, I unplug the network cable from the PLM and plug it back in. ISY reboots and starts working again, for a while... How do I go about troubleshooting this? I can't make heads or tails of the ISY error log. And there are so many pieces of equipment involved that I don't know where to start. I'm sure you'll need more info to help me, so ask away. ISY in on DHCP with a reserved IP address in the router. Lease is one day. Running latest beta firmware. And thanks in advance!
  22. Right now, the dongle is my only RF device. Well, I do have two RemotLincs and they work just fine, but I don't know if we can consider them to be RF devices in the same sense as the dongle since they only TX and don't RX. A few minutes ago, I called the Insteon Gold Line (I was on hold for barely two minutes!) and they had me plug one of my access points into the pass-thru outlet of my PLM. Lo and behold, ISY now detects the dongle... I don't like the idea of having an AP permanently plugged into my PLM, but I hear a few people here are set up like this. Things were fine and dandy before and I can't understand why it changed suddenly. I'll probably put the AP back where it was before and see what happens then.
  23. Yes. I tried both OFF and ON modes. And my nearest AP is two meters away. I even swapped my two APs, thinking the one close to the thermo adapter might have gone bad. No results. Something is odd, though. I can manually link the adapter and a RemoteLinc to turn on and off the furnace fan, or even activate the heat mode. (ISY's Event Viewer does not report any activity when I activate or deactivate the fan or heat mode.) But I cannot get the adapter to link to a nearby KPL. So it looks like I have partial communication with the adapter, but ISY just won't see it. Anything else I could try?
  24. Good afternoon, It looks like my Rev. 2.0 Insteon Thermo Adapter is acting up or failing. ISY would not communicate with it anymore (red exclamation point in the tree). So I removed it from my ISY, factory-resetted both the Venstar thermo and the Insteon adapter and tried re-adding it to my ISY. No joy... I end up with: Failed writing the highwater mark [-200000/-1] Node not added - failed removing links [-200000/-9] I think I've tried every method: Start linking... New Insteon Device/Autodiscover... New Insteon Device/[05.03] (2441V) INSTEON Thermo Adapter... New Insteon Device/[05.09] (2441V-SP) INSTEON Thermo Adapter... I've tried linking the adapter with the thermo on or off and/or with the adapter in linking mode or not. Still nothing. I know my two access points are working fine because I have no problem using my RemoteLinc. Any other ideas?
  25. Hi Michel, But I do. The KPL button is controller of a scene (BOB FM). This scene turns on my receiver and sets it to Tuner. If I turn off the scene using the KPL button, I doubt my IRLinc will do anything else but send the same two IR commands above. That's why I thought it was necessary to write a program. Am I missing something?
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