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Everything posted by chachdog

  1. stink sensor million dollar idea
  2. Do you do your bathroom lights too? I use to have one of those motion light switches. got caught in the dark a few times. kind of steering away from the concept.
  3. what does the fan scene look like? Just the scene with the toggle switch added to it as.... a confused by this part..a responder?
  4. sounds good to me. This the one to use? http://www.smarthome.com/togglelinc-relay-insteon-2466sw-remote-control-on-off-switch-non-dimming-white.html
  5. Just trying to figure out which would be a better way to go. Motion is good when it works. when the batteries are good etc. if i have a standalone toggle insteon switch could I just somehow program it so if it is turned on, it turns off in 10 minutes? If the fan is needed longer the switch can be turned on again for the next 10 min. Just trying to rule out having to rely on motion. Thx.
  6. ok Thanks!
  7. if i want the fan off in a scene. do I make fan off on level 0 or 100 percent?
  8. It wasn't a specific question or a mobile question really. I am confused trying to figure out what is happening vs what should be happening. was using the slider as a device control example. could be within isy admin console also. Do all 4 fan speed settings and motor speed need to go to every new scene that use the fan to keep the keypad linc buttons in sync? I guess scenes inside scenes isn't a thing unless that is just called a program.
  9. so it looks right then? was just concerned I missed something. so from mobile link. use only scenes no sliders? thanks
  10. I tried to follow some screen shotted instructions to program the keypad. The buttons do what they are suppose to but for example now I turned the fan on via the motor icon in the console and my keypad off is still lit.
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