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Everything posted by brianp6621
I know the restore overwrites the factory reset however, before and after the restore are both the same for me. I do have the off state as being dim, just much dimmer than I remember. In a pitch black room can you read the buttons on a KPL with all buttons off? And what I meant with off set to 1 is that the off brightness is so bright that it can be seen as lit during full daylight, and if there is no button in the ON state to compare to, you can easily mistake the lights for being ON.
I have once again confirmed that doing a factory reset does not get back what I think was the initial off brightness of the buttons. I see no difference in the off brightness from these states (in all cases the off buttons glow just ever so slightly but far less (I think) than when I had installed the KPL as new but never messed with the button brightness KPL currently set to 0/15 KPL factory reset KPL factory reset and then restored So unless I am completely misremembering the original off brightness (need to buy a new KPL of same hardware rev to confirm), then on my rev of the KPL, it comes with a brightness of the off state (that is bright enough to be useful but not so bright as to be mistaken for on during daylight which is what an off brightness of 1 gets me) that once modified can never be recovered. It is like there is an initial programming state that can not be recovered through reset or ISY programming. I have yet to try the HL2 software which will be my next step before I buy a new KPL.
At an off setting of 1, even the blue and green diffusers look like they're on in daylight.
I'm probably going to order another KPL soon to play with.
Already have some of those but that defeats the purpose (for me) of using the colors to indicate different lights.
OK so essentially starting from scratch on that KPL. Is there then a way to easily "restore" it on my ISY/configuration or do I have to set it all back up from scratch?
check my edit above. Just curious exactly what steps I would take after dling the software.
so you're saying a houselinc kit can modify the back lighting in ways the ISY/factory reset can't? What would I need for that just the software but then hook my PLM up to my computer? While adjusting the settings? Can I do that with my KPLs still linked to the ISY? What exactly would the steps be? So irritated that I didn't even mean to mess with the KPL brightness (I didn't realize what I was doing or the consequences ) and now I'm stuck.
I started at 0/0. 1/0 is already too bright and different from the default behavior. Nothing makes the off state dimmer than 1/0 but not fully off. Like I said in the open, it is as if the state from the factory can not be reprogrammed once the settings have been modified. Of course maybe I'm imagining things and the off state of 0 is the same as default. I don't have an unmodified KPL to check now.
I don't understand what you mean by this. How do you tell that heal "works" for all extenders and door locks. I thought you just do it and it completes.
i don't want it to be off. I want an off button to be slightly illuminated so they can be found in the dark. Unfortunately a setting of 1 is already too bright.
For reference my switch is a Rev 7.4 I did a factory reset and a query doesn't show the INST-ERX line. However after restoring, and not changing the LED brightness before/after restore, I get Sun 07/19/2015 03:10:49 PM : [iNST-ERX ] 02 51 33 CF 55 39 01 9C 15 2E 00 01 01 00 00 20 20 1C FF 0F 80 00 00 00 00 Honestly during the daytime I can't tell if the off backlighting is different than it was when I set it to 0/15. I'll check tonight.
Nope, 3/15 is even brighter than the unacceptable 1/15 in the off state.
I looked into that. They discontinued it because they said overall it didn't really help and even made it worse in many cases as it made the signal much more directional.
This is what Aeon tech had to say I'll be honest, I don't fully understand it all but with 2 sirens installed the door lock is responding near flawlessly. Overall though the zwave RF communication seems pretty weak to me.
I didn't do extremely exhaustive testing last night, all I did was confirm that from 0/0 to 0/15 I did see a continual increase in brightness of the on buttons. Also I confirmed that no matter what I did, I couldn't get the default brightness back. Can you give me the step by step for resetting the KPL without losing all my custom configuration and having to re-add to the ISY? I am not looking forward to that.
I'll keep playing but so far I have not found any combination that seems like it was the default. Unfortunately I modified both of my KPLs so I have no baseline to compare back to. Edit. My results are much different than you previous results. Basically 0/X means the buttons are effectively off (very very slight amount of light) and the light gets incrementally brighter as I go from x=0 to x=15. There doesn't seem to be a max 8 unit difference anymore, at least not when the backlight/off is off. I think the same holds true when you go to 1/X, I still see movement all the way up to 15. For me the real problem is the intensity jump from 0/x to 1/x is far too much. With the Off at 1, the buttons can actually be misinterpreted as on in daylight, while actually off. I may have to factory reset tomorrow.
So is there a way to "play with the combinations" that will somehow bring back the really dim setting? If what form of reset do I do on the switch to get the original default back and then do I have to reprogram everything from scratch?
While messing around with my KPLs today I mistakenly adjusted the backlight of the buttons. Now I set them back to 0(off)/15(on) and I don't know if it is my imagination or not, but 0 (which is not actually off and provides some glow, which is what I want) seems MUCH dimmer than it was before. I can tell it is illuminated but not enough to be of any real use other than finding the switch. However the 1 setting is far too bright and seems like the switch is activated. Has anyone else experience that the normal off backlight on an as shipped KPL is different than any value you can set from the ISY?
Which scene, the home scene or one of the individual scenes. I've tried both. No matter what I do, messing with stairs also controls the KPL home light. I have a home scene that has KPL Home as controller stairs as responder hallway as responder family room as responder I have a scene for stairs that has stairs as controller KPL home as responder
I'm sorry I thought I was following but obviously I'm not. Can you be a little more explicit.
that doesn't work because then when home is off (never pressed) and I turn one of the individual lights on, the home button comes on.