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Everything posted by brianp6621

  1. I have a zwave door lock that seems to not be 100% reliable. I have 2 repeaters and am still working on communication but I want to make it more robust. Right now I have a program that says if the door is closed (sensor) and the door is unlocked then lock it. I'm concerned sometimes the comm might fail. What is the most elegant way to make sure the door is locked. Create an infinite loop between 2 programs that will check the status and lock if the conditions are met? Will that even work? Is this detrimental to isy/network performance? Better approach?
  2. so that only changes the button state but doesn't affect the scene state?
  3. brianp6621

    Home button

    I have a simple KPL home button that turns on 3 or 4 specific lights using a scene. The problem is as soon as I start using the individual light controls to change those lights, the button status gets out of sync because obviously the whole scene is no longer on or off. Basically as soon as any of the individual lights are controlled, I want the home indicator on the KPL to go back out. What is the best way to handle this? Should I make it programs instead so I can control the KPL light as a scene separately from controlling the lights that are activated when I press the button? Is there anyway to accomplish this with scenes instead?
  4. Got it. Thanks.
  5. brianp6621

    And/Or Logic

    I understand and/or logic usually very well and use it often in excel/JMP but the ISY implementation is confusing. What i want to do is if a certain button is pressed(so on/off) AND it is nighttime, I want to do one set of actions (THEN). If the button is pressed and it is NOT nighttime, do the ELSE However my logic implemented below executes the ELSE at both the beginning and end of the window I specify, even when the button isn't pressed. How do I properly implement the logic I want?
  6. I had seen that post but until now I had never seen the zwave "set configuration parameter" in the ISY UI. Thanks
  7. isn't it just 3 levels? And pardon me but how do I change those parameters from an ISY? This is only my second zwave and first to not really be supported fully.
  8. It turns out that I was correct. When you use a program in the dashboard of ML, the icon is determined by the program run state. If it is running, the icon is the ON icon and OFF for not running. So this method will not work
  9. Did you ever get this figured out? I have the exact same issue trying to setup a status/button toggle under a single icon on Mobilinc. I have used Xathros programs/posts and the program evaluates properly (true/open when really open, false/closed when really closed) but the icon only changes to open while it is running the Then statements, then it reverts back to closed regardless of if the door is open/closed or the program is true/false. it seems it isn't true that Mobilinc determines the icon based on the program state.
  10. Sorry, forgot I was in insteon. I have posted over there. I am doing the pairing RIGHT next to the ISY though.
  11. I can't seem to get my new Kwikset 910 to pair. I follow the instructions but the ISY never detects another zwave device. I also have no other zwaves so I have no idea if it is the lock or the ISY. Any ideas?
  12. I'm sure the program is being reevaluated as the states of the lights are changing. How do I avoid that? GPS - [iD 0006][Parent 0001] If $Brian's_128GB_iPhone_6_Home is 0 And $Heather's_iPhone6_Home is 0 And ( Status 'Chess Board Lights' is On Or Status 'Patio Lights' is On ) Then Set Scene 'Exterior / All outdoor lights' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Edit... Duh I think it just occurred to me. Don't check the states of the lights in the IF, just force a scene off command. That way it accomplishes what I want, and the program should re-evaluate as there is not state change to trigger the IF. This should work, right? I just confirmed from work, that if I make this change, the lights no longer turn back off if I remotely turn them on, so the program isn't revaluating on the light trigger. Now I just need to make sure they still shut off on their own when I leave, however there is no reason to suspect they won't. What if I DID want to actually check the state of something when leaving and prevent a later change in state from causing the program to re-evaluate. How would I accomplish that?
  13. I am trying to create programs that activate when I leave my home. Mobilinc has nice support for this in that it creates a variable for my phone on the ISY that changes when I leave. However I am finding that my program that evaluates the state of that variable runs constantly. The result is that my program does exactly what I want (turn off certain lights) when I leave, but if someone still in the house turn them on, or I do remotely, they get shut back off since the variable state on the ISY still shows that I am not home. Is there a way to have the program only execute upon leaving the house and not the entire time I am gone? Brian
  14. I'll definitely be looking into that if I have further communication issues.
  15. I am very limited in my PLM location. It is unfortunately plugged into the same outlet as my entire home theater setup. This is the only place that has IR visibility (to use the ISY with my HT remote) and has network connectivity (this is where my cable modem and router are for the entire house). If I hold the miniremote right next to the PLM, the miniremote could control my outside on/off modules >100ft away. However the PLM couldn't control them at all (via RF) and I had to be choosy with where to put the wireless extender indoors to make sure it was within RF range to bridge my phases. I don't actually know how strong the RF on the 2413s is supposed to be but it isn't as strong or is interfered with differently than my miniremote. I am going to begin building out my interior Insteon install now (6 247DDs, 3 hidden door sensors, 1 Kwikset 910 Zwave deadbolt on order) and as long as it keeps working, I'm ok with it.
  16. Just to close the loop here, a wireless extender in the right place fixed everything. So now I'm in to other questions /issues as can be seen in my other thread. I also realized the answer to my question about RF is that the PLM seems to have relatively weak RF by itself which is why the PLM wouldn't reach the outdoor modules but the mini remote did. I had to leave the wireless extender pretty close to the PLM to bridge the phases.
  17. Right. I get that now. So I really do need 2 programs and there isn't another way to accomplish it.
  18. Here is the On macro Patio Lights On - [iD 0005][Parent 0001] If IR 'IR_002' is Pressed And Status 'Patio Lights' is Off Then Set Scene 'Exterior / Patio Lights' On Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Patio lights is an outdoor on/off module. It belongs to 2 scenes, the one in the program above, and another that contains both it and 1 other outdoor on/off module. I have a corresponding off program as well as one that turns it on/off in conjunction with the other outdoor light. Everything works like I want now, I'm just surprised I need 2 programs to create a power toggle with a single IR code.
  19. What does control do vs status? I've read numerous wiki's and articles on it and I still don't get it and how it would help me in this instance. I also experimented but couldn't get it working. Care to walk me through it?
  20. it isn't multiple codes, the remote is only sending one code with each press. However I have to create 2 programs. 1 for on and 1 for off. So the remote button does work as a toggle but it takes 2 programs to do it. I found another thread that came to the same conclusion. http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/5587-toggle-with-one-harmony-button/
  21. Ok, so now that my insteon network is working I'm trying to add IR control. I have the ISY responding to IR and I wrote my first basic program but here is my issue. I want to create a single toggle button (meaning a single IR code) to turn the lights on if off and off if on. I thought it would be as simple as If button1 pressed and lights ON turn OFF, else turn ON. This mostly works however it seems that when the lights turn off, they then also immediately turn back on because according to the ISY IR page, the IR button is still in the PRESSED state. So basically a press, isn't a momentary press, but is like setting a last variable state as pressed. The only way around this I can think of is to use the double press state for OFF. Is this what others do? Edit.. And looking at that more, I will have to create 2 programs as I can't add another if to the else and I also can't set the IR control code state to something other than PRESSED (another thought I had). Edit2.. So a double press doesn't seem to work either as a double press is a temporary state and it quickly reverts to the pressed state and therefore reactivates the TURN ON program. So 2 programs for each light just to toggle them on and off depending on their state? That seems clunky. Am I missing something?
  22. I just realized I am further confused. When I moved the on/off module indoors it blinked green-green-red. What does that mean? These tests are not well covered and are even inconsistently stated from manual to manual. Please read my reply to oberkc above. I'm really confused how to interpret the results of the test I did. I just realized, maybe the greens were what I was supposed to interpret as "on the other phase" and the red was the status indicator showing the module was in the OFF state. Is this correct?
  23. Got it. So my hope of using the PLM to issue a command to the remote, to issue a command to the module, was illconceived. So if I want to set things up so that I can control the module from both my phone (via Mobillync) and locally through the miniremote I would 1. Link the module to the ISY 2. Link the remote to the ISY 3. Create a scene and set the remote as a controller for this scene 4. Set the module as a responder for this scene. Then by using the linked button on the remote it would activate the scene on the ISY and I could also do this be selecting the scene in Mobillinc? This all sound like it would work like I want IF I could get my ISY/PLM to communicate to my on/off devices, which is the bigger issue. I STILL don't understand why the miniremote RF direct to the modules works fine, but the PLM doesn't. And thanks, I now understand the beacon test is really only RF/phase.
  24. I have done this as described in my original post. I don't know what if anything I did wrong but I made the mini-remote the controller and the outdoor module the responder. When issuing a command from the ISY to turn the mini-remote on, its state changed to ON, but it did not seemingly issue the command to the outdoor module.
  25. Several things about this confuse me. I thought the test would indicate both RF and powerline connectivity AND phase. How do you distinguish between 3 different conditions(phase, RF connectivity, powerline connectivity) with only 2 responses (color of light and blinking). Second, why does my RF miniremote work perfectly from the same area but not the PLM (with respect to RF)
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