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Everything posted by brianp6621

  1. OK. So the test from my PLM made the outdoor modules do nothing. Red light was on steady like always. When I moved one of them inside it immediately began blinking green green red. I assume this means I gave no power line signal getting to the middle when outside. So what are my options? Can I just link the mini remote to the PSY and tell the mini remote to issue the RF command? RF works perfectly. If so, how? I thought I'd need to bridge phases but since the module lights weren't blinking at all it seems like I'm getting no power line signal through. I'm also confused as I thought the PLM would work over RF so why is the miniremote working but not the PLM? Help!
  2. But I performed the linking inside of the ISY after I did the manual linking (didn't have the ISY at the time). I don't remember what I chose, but I do not have access to an option tab now. What do I need to do to resolve this part of the issue? Relink them in the ISY? reset somehow? I will perform the coupling test when I get home.
  3. I have moved the PLM around a bit without much change (although initially one outlet did seem better when I used an extension cord). Unfortunately I'm also somewhat limited as the ISY needs to be near my home entertainment system as I intend to use IR, and my only network connections are there as well. So the ISY/PLM are located on the same oulet as all of my home theater. The original links between the module and the remote were done the manual set button method. However then I linked the modules and the remote to the ISY. However I can't get them to work with one another. What exactly do I need to do to tell the remote to be the controller of the module. I THINK I've done that already as I described in my original post. Brian
  4. How do I do #2. I don't see that anywhere.
  5. So I got me new ISY994 (first one didn't have a microsd) and got it setup and working, sorta. I only have 2 Insteon modules, both outdoor on/off modules used in the new back yard. These were working perfectly with the mini-remote for several weeks. After installing the ISY, I linked the 2 on/off modules and 2 things happened. 1. The control/status controls are very flaky. Quite often the ISY can not get the status of these modules or can not control them. I am guessing this is an Insteon communication issue, never used Insteon in this house, that I need to troubleshoot. Any suggestions? 2. I can no longer control the modules with the mini-remote. I think I chose to remove all links (didn't understand what that meant, not sure I do now) when I added those modules to the ISY. I THOUGHT I should be able to do this somehow by adding the remote as a controller and the on/off modules as a responder within the same scene. I have done this and I see the status of the remote change on the ISY when I use the remote buttons, but it still doesn't control the lights. In this setup is the remote using RF directly to the on/off module (as it was originally and was working perfectly) or is it sending RF to the PLM and the PLM is trying to use powerline to the modules (which seems to not be working well). So this raises 2 questions. 1) How can I get the remote to use RF directly to the modules while the modules are also controlled by the ISY? 2) Can the PLM tell the miniremote to use RF to turn the modules on/off to help with my powerline communication issues and if so, how do I set this up. Sorry I'm so new to this, so any help would be greatly appreciated. Brian
  6. The error light originally was blinking which is how I figured out there was no SD card. After placing one in the device the left 3 blue LEDs are lit.
  7. OK. According to UDI, if the SD card is missing and you've never booted/run/setup the full firmware initially you can't replace the SD card and start over. So I have to return and get a new one.
  8. Those instructions don't work as I can't connect to the management console to get the help menu.
  9. Yes, from Amazon, and there was no microSD card installed.
  10. So I just jumped in to Insteon and the ISY994. First I found out that my ISY didn't ship with an microSD card so I found one from around the house and figured I've give it a go from scratch installing the firmware etc. WHen I try and connect, I get the following errors. XML Parse Error Socket Open Failed java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: no further information I get this on 2 different computers and nothing else I try allows me to connec to the ISY. The .103 IP address is the one that my router seems to have assigned to the ISY but that is as far as I get. Any ideas?
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