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Everything posted by awzulich

  1. Hi Michel - Strange ... Tools | Diagnostics | Show Device Link Table --> Count = 0 Tools | Diagnostics | Show PLM Link Table --> Count = 0 Tools | Diagnostics | Show ISY Link Table --> Count = 0 PLM rev 3.1 ISY release 2.7.0 Sounds like more than a Restore Device problem. Where do I go from here?
  2. I have: - a 2486D KPL v.29 - set in the 8 button mode - no load on the switch at position A The device will run scenes from all eight buttons, but the events will only show up on the ISY event log for buttons C, D, E, F. All events are missing from the event log on the other four - the KPL press as well as the scene devices. I tried to set up a Program on button H, but the program will not run. The same Program utilizing another KPL (if KPL-1H or KPL-2H) runs fine. (C,D,E,F are in use, so I didn't test whether program will run on those) I have tried a reset at the switch with no change. I can swap out the KPL for another, but I want to make sure I did not miss anything before I go through the aggravation of doing so. Suggestions? You guys are the greatest ..
  3. Thanks for the reply, but I guess I asked the question incorrectly .. On all my old Switch Links, I am able to control ramp rate via the ISY sliders. On the new ones, I can only control the ramp rate on the switch itself - the ISY sliders are grayed out. Is there a way to change the default to ISY control? Local control at the switch removes much of the flexibility of ISY.
  4. The new (v35) switch links I have installed default to having the ramp rate and on levels applied locally. This is stated when I open the switch in the ISY. Is there a way to have the on level and ramp rates controlled by the ISY rather than the switch? Thanks
  5. My deepest thanks to Darrell!! He remoted to my computer and straightened me right out!! Thanks again him and to all the UD staff!
  6. Thanks Michael - I tried it both ways - I disabled Avast and Bit Defender, as well as changed the settings as outlined in forum articles http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=1123 and http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=931 It's possible I still have programs fighting with each other, but I previously saved programs with this configuration. I will contact support.
  7. Oops ... meant reboot of the ISY, not reset ...
  8. Thanks all, for the suggestions! - I still cannot save when the firewall is turned off - I should use status, not control (wasn't thinking). I suspect it would also work without the 'and' statement at all - I have ISY-99 v2.7.0 .. been loading programs successfully for six months+. - I cannot save a copied program - either this new one, or an existing saved one - Hard reset of the ISY does not fix the problem
  9. I set up the following simple program: If time is 3:00:00 AM and Control 'Garage Light' is switched on Then Set 'Garage Light' Off When I try to Save Changes, the activity box opens briefly, but the program will not save. The computer is talking to the ISY-99 I'm not sure where to go to find an error message. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
  10. Thanks, Sub-Routine - I looked in the Wiki, and somehow missed it ...
  11. I seem to be having a mental block ... Would someone please give me an example of when the mutually exclusive box would be used within a scene?
  12. Oh, I get it .. I had to re-read the message to catch it (too much football). Seems like a Captcha would save a lot of work for everyone. Al
  13. Can anyone tell me why updates to my profile are not being saved? I am logged in, and get the following message after hitting the submit button: Are you an automated spam-bot? If not, please contact the Board Administrator. Thanks! Al Zulich
  14. Thank you both .. it helps a lot!!
  15. Thanks for the tips .. I'll give them a try! Al
  16. Would someone be so kind as to explain the use of a folder, as opposed to a program. I did a search and checked the wiki, but am not really finding an explanation of the concept. If it exists, a link would be helpful. Thanks!!
  17. to_lighter - Your "all off program" ( I also have a program that sets the LED of the "All Off" buttons based on the status of all of the lights (i.e. if all lights are all off, then Off, otherwise On)) is exactly what I have been trying to do, but have been bogged down in the programming. If not too much trouble, would you be so kind as to post or PM the commands you used? No need to list all the lights, just a couple as an example. Thanks!! Al Zulich ISY Newbie
  18. Thanks for all your kind replies .. I'm still working through it, but the system appears to function correctly without the icon, so I may just live with it for now until I know better what questions to ask. Michael - I have v2.6.5 Happy Holidays to all! Al
  19. Brian - Using the Windows firewall (XP) is there firewall tweaking info available? Did a quick search and did not find anything. Thanks!!
  20. Thanks, Michael - I'm running XP, the "Hide UPnP" is visible and , as mentioned above, the icon was originally there. I did find that the IP address changed, I need to figure out how to make it static .. I can now log in with the IP address, but still no icon in My Network Places .. Also unable so far to enable internet access, but I'm hijacking my own thread. Thanks Al Zulich
  21. I installed my new ISY 99i, and everything went as planned. The My Lighting icon showed up in My Network Places, and I was able to access the unit via IP address. I did a computer reboot, and My Lighting is gone. I can still access the ISY via universal-devices.com/99i, but not by the IP address. Any suggestions on how to get the My Network Places link back? Do I need it for remote access? About 75% of the time, the program cannot find all the installed hardware. Does one problem have anything to do with the other? Thanks for your Help!! Al Zulich
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