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Everything posted by hthomson48

  1. I wish I had seen this last week. After updating from 5.5.4 to 5.6.2 I was having problems. Previously I selected CLOUD and had no problems. After the update I could not access the individual devices. After submitting a ticket I discovered that it worked correctly if I launched it with LAN.
  2. Installed. No apparent issues. The first thing I did is exercise my 2 KwikSet Z-Wave locks from the AC, and it operated as designed.
  3. Initially, the ISY was at v.4.7.5 when the locks were first installed. I have a Kwikset Smartcode 912 Lever door lock on the back door and a Kwikset Smartcode 914 Deadbolt lock on the from door, both on the first floor.. After adding both of the locks I have run a Node Detail query and both locks show that the security=S0 which is what I expected. I had initially added 2 Aeotec Range Extender 6 modules, one on the first floor about 6 feet away from the Kwikset 912 and about 20 feet from the Kwikset 914. I have also added a second Aeotec RE6 on the second floor, about 12 feet from the ISY. Running a Node Detail query shows both range extenders show that the security=None. No matter what I have tried, I cannot get security-S0. With this setup, the back door Kwikset would only work sporadically. Noticing that the Aeotec Range Extender 7 was available, I replaced both od my RE6 modules with the newer RE7 modules. I understood these modules would support S1 security but should fall back to S) with my locks. Again, no matter what I did, the results of the Node Detail query would always show security=None. The back door continued to work sporadically. I finally decided to upgrade the ISY and it is currently running v.5.3.2 software. I also updated the Z-Ware controller and its software. Unfortunately, I still cannot get either version of the range extenders to report security=S0 or S1. The backdoor lock continues to work sporadically. What am I missing or doing wrong?
  4. I have removed Avast, I will reinstall later, from my Mac and rebooted and I'm still getting the same problem. As near as I can tell, the SD is good, I was able to do the backups that I've seen posted to check it. I'm at a real loss here. By the way, I have AT&T gig service and their equipment, in IP-Passthru, and a eero router.
  5. I currently have an ISY with the zwave add-on. It is currently running the 4.7.3 firmware with the 4.7.5 UI. When I had attempted to upgrade to the 4.7.5 firmware I got the following message "Upgrade Failed:Failed uploading file (reported written size is invalid). I tried this on several occasions with the same results, downloading a new copy of the upgrade each time. I should mention that my desktop is the latest version of the Mac Mini with version 10.15.5 of the macOS. I initially attempted this with an old Mac Mini with an older macOS, always getting the same results. Today I finally decided to upgrade to ISY firmware version 5.0.16C and I am getting the same results. I'm stumped and unable to upgrade my ISY.
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