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Everything posted by sloop
evidently i was not on randlinc's fruitcake mailing list because mine never arrived i don't think i am alone in this - but the isy is the ONLY reason i still have insteon - salvaged my $3753.39 investment - so i'll have randlinc redirect my fruitcake to the nerdlincs at universal devices i'd like to thank whatever elves put the word on the plm manufacturer that a working device was needed - they deserve a fruitcake too - if we only knew who those elves were that will benefit those of us that use the isy as well as other products while the hardware is a remarkable little black box, the support deserves a major kudos - and their openness to suggestions - with the absolute all time best change being the one where i can have buttons on my keypads included in a scene as controllers and responders - though implemented with some reservations, its hands down the all time best - another fruitcake for that one AND a chicken casserole
in case she does not do it enough - i wanna remind you you have a gem of a wife - toys AND she lets you annoy her with home automation cool setup
um - i can't help with this - just have a question - how do you know what type of link is established between a dimmer (or relay or keypad) and the plm? when i operate a device, the status change must be reported to the isy because the gui displays the changed status
did you set up the port forwarding? there are some screen shots here of my port porwarding rule - at the bottom of this page http://mysite.verizon.net/respkm62/sloo ... asterplan/
i gotta write that on a postit note
the one at the end of the wire (sorry - had to be said) i know the plm insteon address is displayed in the admin shell at isy startup time - but i don't know a command to display the address or firmware version
it removes the links in the devices to the plm - not just the links in the plm
now i took hell for moving the armoire in my bedroom that holds my 200 pound tv - because i wanted the cable outlet to have a lutron screwless wall plate like all the other plates in my house (and yeah - the tv is literally 200 pounds) - so i'm kinda anal about that kinda stuff i love this thread because it reveals another one like me - with the philosophy 'function is a must but pretty don't hurt'
there is a solution for that - so it is possible to do what you want - the trick is to add the resources to the scene in the correct sequence - now the nerdlincs will chime in on the correct order, but this worked for me start with keypad buttons you want to participate in the scene as RESPONDERS then i added the keypad buttons i wanted to be CONTROLLERS i added the devices last - these were the keypad loads, dimmers, relays and lamplincs - which are all responders i think the general rule is responders first - controllers last - but i did mine in the above order and it works fandamntastic - and the news gets even better because those scenes will work with or without the isy/plm (after the setup) i have many, many scenes like that - with multiple controlling buttons - button sync is a must
and can i have a scene that turns some devices on and others in the same scene off? or would i have to use an event (or trigger) to set that up? so - scene on would turn on some devices and others off scene off would be a mystery in my head how could toggle mode be used in a setup like this? my stuff is not that fancy - just saw the question and was curious
found michel's instructions in another thread Since you cannot get to our admin screen, the only way to get this information is through telnet. To do so, please note the IP address of your ISY and: 1. Do Start->Run and type cmd on your computer 2. Type telnet [iSY IP address] 126 3. Type admin/admin for userid and password
its called the 'admin shell' - i have been calling it the console - old mainframe bigots embrace change slowly and reluctantly let me try to find the telnet instructions
there are 2 ways but i only know one the second plug on the top of the isy - it looks like the one that goes to the plm - plug that into a pc serial port on your pc (i had to buy a serial to usb converter at circuit city - they had it in a cart to throw away so there is not much demand for them) - then open hyperterminal and open the connection to that com port there is a way to telnet into it, but i have never done that i keep it open when i am doing setup stuff - there are a few commands (case sensitive) you can issue and when an error is encountered, a message is displayed this one H_ERROR: -2 : 15 LOGGER: -2 : n=[null] c=[15] a=[null] is the plm not responding to the isy the userid/password by default is the same as the gui - the RS command boots the isy - it will list a few commands for you this connection is optional and if done, is in addition to the other connections to your router and plm
is the plm led falshing? lol - i am obsessed with watching it when linking also, check the console (not the gui) for messages - the one with the [15] means the isy and plm ain't talking have you exercised the plm heavily today? that caused mine to go on strike until i let it rest - i know you have a test plm, just curious if it might be the same problem
i had problems until i did a fresh start like that - the factory reset assured me there were no old or broken links - and i did all linking through the isy - ever since then it was smooth sailing
i think the factory reset is a good idea - if you use the option (when adding a device) that the isy can 'crawl the network', it might find a link made outside the isy and follow it to another device, then another device and so on - i am not a fan of that option when adding a resource to a scene, the isy won't let you make the same resource a controller of 2 scenes, so you should be ok there - but the isy has to know about the links - is it possible that there is a link (made outside the isy) that uses any of the resources as a controller? how many keypads do you have? not to be insulting or anything, but are you sure you have the right one? i debated a long LONG time before renaming my buttons - because the sort order of the display would not keep them grouped together - silly question i know - just a thought i think its a good idea to make all links through the isy if possible - if you have more than 417 links, you can't do that yet - but i have found that if the isy knows about all the links in the network, it will save me from myself by not allowing stuff like 2 controlling links but - lemme summon the smart users - where are you randlinc? marklinc? anyonelinc?
one scene - both devices added to the scene as controllers that will sync the keypad button and the togglelinc - both will perform the same function AND - the keypad button will be in sync i have lots of that kinda stuff - like a button linked to a lamplinc - i name those scenes with a unique special character in the first position so they will be grouped together
my 2 favorite troubleshooting actions watching the plm annoying little blue/white led for activity when a command is sent opening the console and monitoring for error messages - they are a little cryptic, but meaningful to the isy nerdlincs - anytime i have the gui display an error, the console usually has a message (the one with the c=[15] or somesuch message with the [15] in it - means the plm has gone craplinc on you and needs to be unplugged and plugged back in)
i agree about the isy making it fun - for me, it has allowed me to set up my lighting with minimal knowledge of the internals of the insteon protocol - which i was dead set against learning - focusing on chicken casserole recipes instead and with these last few releases of the isy firmware, i can view everything as just another resource - without being concerned with the hardware limitations that prevent certain resource combinations - or if i am sending a 'group command' - what kinda crap is that - group command - something about patents on acknowledgments and - well - i can now leave that minutia to the universal devices nerdlincs (can you tell i have an aversion to anything ascii based?) i am glad you asked the question - i assumed the isy would handle it as michel described - but i was not sure about it - i have not set up any timed events yet - but have the same idea in mind that you are implementing - most of my lights will come on at sunset, most of those off at 22:00 and the remaining off at sunrise - but i want the option of going to bed early or staying up late so i want those buttons at hand so i can override the timed events - so i have 2 buttons on 14 keypads to do that i think i am the only one that would want one, but i'd like a photorectptorlinc - for days when its stormy outside and the lights need to be on before sunset - but i have those 14 buttons for days like that rumor has it that v2r7m5 will support the tazelinc secreted away in the la-z-boy and activate when the lawn needs to be mowed - now THAT would raise anyone's waf significantly - leaving only the question - is a tazelinc a controller or responder?
this is how i read the question copyron has a scene with 6 resources in it - one of the resources is a keypad button if he sets up an event using the name of the scene, will every device respond (including the keypad button)? so scene 'backyard' is assigned to keypad button h as its controller - and also has 5 other devices (or buttons) in it he adds these events at sunset turn on scene backyard at sunrise turn off scene backyard will the scene behave the same way if the event triggers it or if he presses the keypad button? more to the point, will the event triggered scene cause the keypad button to illuminate as it would when he presses the button? i assume the answer is yes the alternative was to make the events at sunset turn on keypad button h and turn on outdoor flood lamps and turn on driveway lights and turn on patio light and turn on porch light and turn on wallwashers with a corresponding event for sunrise to turn it all off
i went back and recounted my links - using these rules remotelinc - 6 links controllinc - 5 links responding device - 1 link controlling device - 2 links keypad (6 button mode) - 5 links keypad (8 button mode - 8 links each member of a scene counts as 1 link (its status as controller or responder does not matter - the scene itself does not count as a scene - only the participating devices) devices keypads (6 button mode) - 18 - counts as 90 links keypads (8 button mode) - 5 - counts as 40 links relays - 14 - counts as 28 links (controlling device) dimmers - 13 - counts as 26 links (controlling device) lamplincs - 15 - counts as 15 links (responding device) 199 device links scenes 45 scenes with 223 participants in these scenes 199 + 223 = 422 links an interesting observation - my 5 keypads that operate in 8 button mode are pedestal mounted - so they have no load 422 - 5 = 417 417 is the plm link limit
i bid a chicken casserole and sweet tea in texas the absolute best feature added since the isy's birth has been the workaround for the keypad load/button limitation
i had no luck with the theoretiacl plm that does not exist - but the problem was not the increased link limit, it was the same problem that all plms have: they go on strike when called on to work too much i never was happy with the label that was attached to the microswitch nonexistent problem in the dimmers - 'paddle problem' - i mean - yuck so i have decided to label the nonexistent plm sleepy time problem - just have not decided what it should be - plm snooze is a possibility i do have the label picked out for the plm conversion phenomena when you hit 483 links: bricklinc
the isy generated topology of my setup is here http://mysite.verizon.net/respkm62/topology/ but you have to click the 'title page' on the left to see it
you can estimate the number of links - michel sent me this device links Every KPL counts as either 5 or 8 depending on the configuration (6 or 8 button) Every ControLinc counts as 5 Every RemoteLinc counts as 6 All controllers (SwitchLinc, ToggleLinc, …) count as 2 All responder types (InlineLinc, LampLinc, ….) count as 1 scenes Each member of the scene counts as 1 i hit 483 before i converted my plm to a brick i have 60 devices (well - 5 or so are not working so they are not in the plm) - i think about 24 are keypads - and i have a crazy number of scenes and participants in each scene i called support today - they said 417 is the limit for everything insteon(?)