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  1. Issue resolved, had to subscribe for onecall
  2. Having the same issue, but I notice from the logs: query:_get_weather_data: request = http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/onecall?exclude=minutely,hourly&lon=<longitude>&lat=<latitude>&units=imperial&appid=<API ID> query:_get_weather_data: {'cod': 401, 'message': 'Invalid API key. Please see https://openweathermap.org/faq#error401 for more info.'} If I substitute "onecall" in the request for "weather" or "forecast" I get data returned
  3. java cleared, firmware & UI at v.5.3.4, guess I need to look into swapping over to eisy and learning about node servers
  4. OK that is where I got v.5.3.0 as being the Official release and downgraded it Official 5.3 Release. Requires manual intervention. Consult https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/30939-release-530-is-now-available/
  5. I downgraded to v.5.3.0 while troubleshooting my issue after moving my ISY outside the firewall due to reading somewhere that v.5.3.0 was the current version, but I will go ahead and upgrade back to v.5.3.4
  6. Firmware is v.5.3.0 just downgraded yesterday from v.5.3.4
  7. That clears up a few issues, and yes I have tried rebooting my ISY, currently it does not seem to be failing other than unable to communicate with my EZFlora Irrigation controller, which I think started about the same time the networking module stopped working Robert
  8. Climate Module and mail was working up to about 2 years ago when I got hit with a power surge so I had to replace my ISY944i, after doing so I was never able to get the climate module or mail working again. I assumed that was due to my ISY being beihind a firewall. A few days ago I moved my ISY outside the firewall due to none of my modules working. The networking module was working without issue to control a Russound whole house audio/video system, 2 Onkyo receivers and a Onkyo DVD player, that all stopped working a week or two ago. Does the eisy work with a weather module or networking module? I was using the weather module to determine when and how long to run my sprinkler system, and the networking module to turn on and set the audio sytem according to a preset program
  9. When I click "Locate Me" in the climate area, nothing happens, also if I click "find" after I enter the city, no choices appear. Networking module appears to have stopped working also, I have programs set to turn on amplifiers after turning on power to specific TV's that use to work but stopped all of a sudden. Even with going to network section of the console and testing a command, none of my previously programs are working. Not sure if the mail portion is running from a specific module but it has stopped working also.
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