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Everything posted by Harrisrc740

  1. Issue resolved, had to subscribe for onecall
  2. Having the same issue, but I notice from the logs: query:_get_weather_data: request = http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/onecall?exclude=minutely,hourly&lon=<longitude>&lat=<latitude>&units=imperial&appid=<API ID> query:_get_weather_data: {'cod': 401, 'message': 'Invalid API key. Please see https://openweathermap.org/faq#error401 for more info.'} If I substitute "onecall" in the request for "weather" or "forecast" I get data returned
  3. java cleared, firmware & UI at v.5.3.4, guess I need to look into swapping over to eisy and learning about node servers
  4. OK that is where I got v.5.3.0 as being the Official release and downgraded it Official 5.3 Release. Requires manual intervention. Consult https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/30939-release-530-is-now-available/
  5. I downgraded to v.5.3.0 while troubleshooting my issue after moving my ISY outside the firewall due to reading somewhere that v.5.3.0 was the current version, but I will go ahead and upgrade back to v.5.3.4
  6. Firmware is v.5.3.0 just downgraded yesterday from v.5.3.4
  7. That clears up a few issues, and yes I have tried rebooting my ISY, currently it does not seem to be failing other than unable to communicate with my EZFlora Irrigation controller, which I think started about the same time the networking module stopped working Robert
  8. Climate Module and mail was working up to about 2 years ago when I got hit with a power surge so I had to replace my ISY944i, after doing so I was never able to get the climate module or mail working again. I assumed that was due to my ISY being beihind a firewall. A few days ago I moved my ISY outside the firewall due to none of my modules working. The networking module was working without issue to control a Russound whole house audio/video system, 2 Onkyo receivers and a Onkyo DVD player, that all stopped working a week or two ago. Does the eisy work with a weather module or networking module? I was using the weather module to determine when and how long to run my sprinkler system, and the networking module to turn on and set the audio sytem according to a preset program
  9. When I click "Locate Me" in the climate area, nothing happens, also if I click "find" after I enter the city, no choices appear. Networking module appears to have stopped working also, I have programs set to turn on amplifiers after turning on power to specific TV's that use to work but stopped all of a sudden. Even with going to network section of the console and testing a command, none of my previously programs are working. Not sure if the mail portion is running from a specific module but it has stopped working also.
  10. My cameras are tied with my ISY994i, I can use the MobiLinc HD app to view all my cameras over my iPhones/iPads and the cameras are one of my inputs to the Russound system so I can view them in any room that is connected.
  11. I also have a lot of the same products and working to get my home automation seamlessly integrated. Currently focusing on the audio/visual aspect. Have the Russound MCA-C5 and VM1 connected with 7 rooms and back porch. I connected the iBridge Bay Kit BGK2 to my Mac Mini that is connected to my primary TV and holds all my Music and Video files. Very slow response but worked and displayed album artist info on the controllers. Going to switch that to one of my old G5 systems so I can have a dedicated system for the iBridge and have it backup nightly from my main systems HD to keep all the music/playlist updated. I also used the AppleTV as one of my sources and programed the IR's so I can control the AppleTV from my controllers or iPads/iPhones. I have most of my lighting and both HVAC systems and irrigation tied to my ISY994i and even a programmed a button on one of my Insteon keypads in the living room to turn on the TV, Onkyo amplifier and DVD and turn off all lighting in that room and adjoining rooms. I have not attempted to tie my alarm system or video cameras into this system yet, but plan t do so in the future. Still working out bugs with the audio/visual portions at this time. Very interested to hear how your project goes Robert
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