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Everything posted by Mil

  1. I was using 4.8.0 and attempted upgrading the firmware. Z-wave wouldn't respond so I factory reset and reinstalled 4.8.0 and restored my backup. Now Z-Wave won't connect at all and it won't connect to any devices and I can't add any new devices. Any ideas?
  2. Wes, Thank you for the response. I will email you direct.
  3. The setup I have is at a remote cabin, so the only internet is a Hughes Net satellite internet. I can see them on the local connection but any cellular or external wifi they won't connect. This is with the Insteon cameras and D-Link. So right now, I have four apps and actually went back to the Insteon IOS app since Mobilinc wasn't doing much for the annual cost of having the IP camera plugin (which I've been charged for the past four years and I can't get it not to autorenew). I did try troubleshooting it on the Mobilinc forum last year without success. Asbril, I will be interest in seeing how yours was resolved.
  4. I'm just not happy with Mobilinc. I can't get them to respond how to setup IP cameras and just overall I would like to see what else is out there. What are some other options? Any advice on ekeypad or commandfusion? Thanks! R
  5. I have the 2441TH Insteon thermostat and I am trying to figure the wiring out to replace a Honeywell TH3210D. I'm not sure with the wiring and how they match up. Any ideas? https://www.forwardthinking.honeywell.com/related_links/thermostats/pro_3000/install/69_1775.pdf
  6. So add all buttons to every scene. Not just the one to be utilized? What about like the ceiling fan light. I have the Remotelinc and the KeypadLinc. When I push the Remotelinc <OFF>, I still have to double tap the KeypadLinc twice for <ON>. Thank you for walking me through this... For some reason one of my other non-dimmer switchlincs won't operate the light at all from the paddle but will from the Insteon.
  7. I am trying to setup the Ceiling Fan with an 8 Button Keypad Linc. I have the buttons setup as scenes but when I turn the fan from Off to Low to Medium to High, I have to press the corresponding button twice. How do I make them responders and controllers to the function of the ceiling and the light? Thanks! R
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