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Everything posted by robertw

  1. I place my 2 cents in Hats off to you guys the support is outstanding and even though there is pain it is with a smile as I feel there is a team ready to help.... Regards Robert
  2. I must be slow the device is a 2486D v .29 is that what youe need sorry not finding any other info isy reports the ver as v.00 Regards Robert PS tried it with my old homeseer plm program found it right away and showed all setting as they are to be....did in on a test bed and no I have only one plm running at a time just wanted to see if it saw it and I have 2 plms...so did ot mess my setup Thank you
  3. I tried that mode and it still said it was ezio but i tried the manual add but set the mode to device report it loaded but the version is wrong and the device does not have the proper properties.. Regards Robert
  4. Can not add a KPL Regards Robert
  5. Ok so far restored remotelink and every time 1 extra link left Device Links Table : MasterBedroom:Remote-1 / A 21 53 1- - 4088 226 1 829445 1 - 4080 226 2 829445 2 - 4072 226 3 703630 3 - 4064 226 3 703667 3 - 4056 226 3 829445 3 - 4048 226 4 829445 4 - 4040 226 5 829445 5 - 4032 226 6 829445 6 - 4024 0 3 703667 3 2nd device keypad link restored 2 extra links left tried 3 times to restore same prob ver2486d v.2c as per isy Regards Robert
  6. Hi and thank you for the nice tool but I also have many such links and I belive there should be none a device restore does not clear the problem do we need to do a reset and then restore or will you be kind to give a clean up tool or the option to clean Regards Robert
  7. I did set to force the i1 during the process and it still timed out and failed unless there is more to it...Just thought you would like to know..... Regards Robert
  8. Hi: Michel just a fyi and thought when you are working with a remotelink if you have a number of links the remotelink it will time out and cause a err in your program if you adding or updateing or restoring ....could you make a warning come up requsting you to put the remotelink back in link mode thus avoiding your program to fail and pickup where it lost touch with the remotelink....kinda leaves a mess of things....Thank you Regards RObert
  9. Hi all I always have to delete each item in each scene then the scene anyother way it fails the same with adding if I add to many to a new scene it also fails......just abox with err in it very frustrating ver 2.6.13 in i1 mode Robert
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