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Everything posted by gzahar

  1. Don't use momentary mode. Write program that turns it off after 75 mins. If Relay status is on Then Wait 75 minutes Turn off relay
  2. Why don't you just edit an mp3 file to be 15 seconds long (with the part you want). That's what I do (you will need to upload the file to a music service such as Apple Music and tell Alexa to use that service). Thanks for this tip. Previously I was only able to get the song on one echo device. Now I am able to play on all.
  3. I believe some sensors can be written to when they wake to report status (such as motion, not sure about door/window). If you search the forum you can find some examples of programs that write any updates when a status change is detected. Edit: this may only be available on ISY Pro or V5 firmware, not sure.
  4. They are.
  5. I was going with the assumption he wanted the lights on for the first Thursday of the month, hence disabling the Friday after (you will need the > 1 for that). Your example will disable on the first Thursday. May not matter. Other than that, I don't see how yours is any different than what I posted.
  6. Any day of the month after (>) the 14th will start being the third 'day' of that month. So once you hit the 15th day or greater and it is a Thursday, it will be at least the 'third' Thursday of that month. It may also be the 4th Thursday (Thanksgiving), but it doesn't matter because you still want the lights enabled (starting from the third Thursday). Keep in mind when using '>' any day after the 14th will be true for that line and it will also need to be November & Thursday for the program to run 'Then'.
  7. As per @Bumbershoot's suggestion, the following two programs would work along with his 3rd example. Balcony Enable - [ID 014B][Parent 0005] If 'ISY Time Data' Month is November And 'ISY Time Data' Day of Week is Thursday And 'ISY Time Data' Day of Month > 14 days Then Enable Program 'Balcony On' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Balcony Disable - [ID 014D][Parent 0005] If 'ISY Time Data' Month is January And 'ISY Time Data' Day of Week is Friday And 'ISY Time Data' Day of Month > 1 days Then Disable Program 'Balcony On' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  8. Does the old device really have to be powered? Seems like that limits the use of replacing a device that has completely died.
  9. Do you have any conditions on the folder these programs are in that would prevent them from running? As you mention, when the ISY reboots, it will restart the charging and a new 30 day (750 hr?) timer. There will be no memory of the last time charged. If this is not intended, you can create a state variable [X] and use as a timer. Everyday at a given hour increment X +=1 and then set X Init To X. This will preserve the day count during a reboot. Have another program trigger when X >= 30. Start the charging program and reset X and Init To = 0. If you really need 750 hours instead of 30 days, adjust to increment timer value ever hour instead of every day.
  10. With device unplugged!, run your finger over the end of the capacitor. Most electrolytic caps when gone bad will bulge (or completely blow out) at this location. You will generally see an X looking score used to accommodate the venting of this type of failure at this location. (The scoring is there always, not due to a failure).
  11. If you are talking about the status of the relay. When using momentary modes, the IO linc doesn’t send status of the change back to off. Create a program that queries the device 5-10 seconds after it detects a status change to on. That will keep the ISY in sync.
  12. gzahar

    Garage sensor

    This is not weird because clicking the relay in the console (or on your phone) causes it to activate every time you click it. Your keypad button is most like in a toggle mode, so one press sends an off and the next press sends an on. The on turns on the scene which activates the relay. The off turns off the scene which doesn't activate the relay. Now put the IOLinc in Momentary B mode. This should trigger on BOTH on and off. (let's hope!)
  13. gzahar

    Garage sensor

    Sounds right.
  14. gzahar

    Garage sensor

    So first issue is this should change (either open or closed state should be off). It is either wired badly or a communication issue. I would suggest again looking at the sensor status LED on the IO linc itself to see if it changes on/off (green LED) when door is open and closed. The sensor wires should be connected to the GND and S terminals (double check that any bare wires are not touching each other): If the Sense LED is on all the time (when door is in open and closed position), remove the sensor wires and verify it goes off. Also, did you change any keypad options relayed to toggle operation?
  15. gzahar

    Garage sensor

    Momentary A sounds correct. I wouldn't select trigger reverse if you didn't have it selected before. That would be based on if the sensor is NO (normally open) vs NC (normally closed) and if you didn't change sensors I would change it back. know others have had issues trying to get a trigger reverse setup to work, but they may have been trying to control it differently than you. If your Garage Door Sensor scene is setup correctly and the sensor is wired correctly (and you aren't having noise issues as discussed before), the keypad LED (D) should change when door is open and closed as before. 1) When the door is open, what is the status of the sensor in the admin console (on or off) 2) When the door is closed, what is the status of the sensor in the admin console (on or off) 3) Post a picture of the sliders in the Garage Door Sensor scene when you select the IO Linc in the admin console. Make sure it is the red Sensor line and not the top line that says "Garage Door Sensor". Edit: Trigger Reverse is only applicable I think if you are using Momentary C. Currently I am going by the assumption you want door to change state (open or close) every time you press button and not open only when the light is off or close only when the light is on. But can address that after you find out why the keypad light is not changing when door open or closes.
  16. gzahar

    Garage sensor

    I am talking about a small green light near where the wires attach that directly show the status of the sensor input. It should change between off/on based on the state of the door. If it doesn't, there is something wrong with the sensor circuit. (On your phone you are probably hitting the relay device vs they keypad where you have to press twice.) I'm assuming the keypad is set to a toggle mode and only activates the relay when switched on? At least that is what sounds like is occurring. You might also check your scene definitions for both the relay and sensor. Does sensor turn keypads on or off as desired in these scenes? Not sure how you have/had this setup to work before. Did you use any programs to update the status of the keypad LED? If so, did you update any programs with the new IO linc?
  17. gzahar

    Garage sensor

    Does the small green sensor light on the IOLinc change when door is open vs closed?
  18. gzahar

    Garage sensor

    Sounds like the sensor connection is not plugged in or wired correctly. Edit: If you hard wired into the screw terminals (vs using the 3.5mm plug) make sure they are in the correct spots and there are no wires shorting across the terminals. If you used the plug, make sure it is plugged in fully.
  19. The new MS II (2844-222) can be added to the 4.x firmware as if it were an older MS. You will not get the newer features of the MS II (that most have indicated don't work well anyway) as the sensor will show up as if it were the older sensor type. (At least the later versions of 4.x. Not sure when it was first allowed, but definitely the current version 4 should work)
  20. Try setting Off/On/Off with a program and see what happens. (with a few seconds delay) Probably not a good idea to use dimmer outlets on LED xmas lights (unless they are noted to be dimmable). The lamplinc is trying to monitor the load to detect if it is turned on/off locally at the 'lamp' to then turn on/off the power to it. This circuit is probably what is causing your issue. Why it works manually might have to do with on/off within a short period of time?
  21. On Windows, right click program name in details (not summary) and select copy (there is no paste, it automatically creates a copy of program). So not sure how to simulate right click in OSX if it doesn't have one. But you are looking in the right places.
  22. Yes. Here is my current MSII display (and options).
  23. Red to DC+ and IN. Black to DC-. (there is a jumper on that model that needs to be set to high position). C and NO go to I/O link sensor input (ground & sense).
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