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Everything posted by bob123

  1. I do not have have an active portal account linked to the polisy. My account is linked to my isy994. The polisy is linked to my ud account. But, I have been able to purchase/install PG3 node servers in the past and have a few installed Did this change so that I now have to purchase an additional portal account just to test the polisy and see if I am comfortable migrating to it? I set the log to debug and saw no activity at all when trying to install a node server. I tried installing Holiday and Google Holiday.
  2. The upgrade process worked for both the polisy and pg3. ISY 5.5.9, PG3 3.1.18. But, I still have my original issue. I cannot install any new PG3 node servers. I hit the install button, it shows depressed and nothing happens. Tried 2 different browsers thinking it might a browser issue - no help. Any ideas or just submit support ticket?
  3. Thanks Dennis, Ran the pkg install and rebooted. The tail -f log is now showing many, many upgrades happening. Will let you know the outcome
  4. I have continuous scrolling of The most recent versions of packages are already installed Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue... FreeBSD repository is up to date. Updating FreeBSD-base repository catalogue... FreeBSD-base repository is up to date. Updating udi repository catalogue... udi repository is up to date. All repositories are up to date. New version of pkg detected; it needs to be installed first. Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting) The most recent versions of packages are already installed Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue... FreeBSD repository is up to date. Updating FreeBSD-base repository catalogue... FreeBSD-base repository is up to date. Updating udi repository catalogue... udi repository is up to date. All repositories are up to date. New version of pkg detected; it needs to be installed first. Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting) The most recent versions of packages are already installed
  5. uname -a FreeBSD polisy 13.1-RELEASE-p5 FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE-p5 releng/13.1-n250174-753d65a19a55 POLISY amd64
  6. I'm a long time, very happy 994 user with a rock solid large insteon, some zwave installation. Every few months, I think about migrating onto my polisy (purchased as early adapter), and every time I am frustrated by issues that leave me feeling that the polisy is not fully production ready. Today I tried to install a PG3 node server. Finder would not find it - did power cycle. I go to the store, choose a free node server (example, google holidays) hit install and nothing happens. The button pushes in and nothing. Tried restarts. Figure maybe PG3 is out of date. I am at 3.1.16, it suggests 3.1.18. Go to admin console and do upgrade packages. Disconnects me, wait awhile, finder can't find it. Add it back manually (IP). Still at 3.1.16. So upgrade is failing. My polisy is at 5.4.5. Figure that is out of date, but upgrade packages does not update it either. What am I doing wrong? Can't install new node servers, can't upgrade packages or versions.
  7. Similar issue for me tonight. Cannot connect from Mobillinc through the portal
  8. I have 3 new in box insteon motion detectors (not 2nd gen) - 2842-222, that I am not using. Purchased them about 5 years ago but used my ELK hardwired detectors instead. If you are interested, make me an offer.
  9. Got it working. Used the Basic Auth V2 and my portal login. Stringify works great - almost instant response. Can now eliminate my ELK-930 to Ring hookup that has been pretty unreliable and recently stopped working.
  10. Gave up on the Ring to IFTTT a while ago due to the latency. Trying out Strinify - question on getting the stringify maker to work with the portal. I paste the IFTTT url from the portal into the uRL line for the maker for the HTTP post. It then asks for authentication type and login/password. What is the authentication type and is the login the my.isy.io login? Thanks
  11. Are you certain you have Preferred ISY set in My Profile in ISY Portal? That was it - it did not have the Preferred ISY set in the My Profile. Works. Much thanks
  12. Just changed to isy portal today from mobilinc connect. The portal is working in that I can use the console and connect from my.isy.io. But I cannot get mobilinc to connect. I followed the wiki explicitly. Host Type: ISY User Name - my isy portal user name Password - my isy portal Pwd Local http:// blanked out Local Port 80 - this was the setting so left it Secure http://my.isy.io Secure Port 443 Connect Method Auto (https) - I also tried http UUID of ISY - this says Remote ISY and does not let my type I do Tap to Sync with ISY and get Syncin with ISY Parsing Program Status It hangs for a few minutes then says Connection Error Retry, Stop, Settings. I added a 3rd profile to try from scratch - no difference Some additional info - before it hangs on Parsing program status I see quickly flashing by Parsing Devices and Scenes - I think that is succeeding, but the program parsing is failing. My ISY is at 4.5.4 Fustrated.
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