I'm a long time, very happy 994 user with a rock solid large insteon, some zwave installation. Every few months, I think about migrating onto my polisy (purchased as early adapter), and every time I am frustrated by issues that leave me feeling that the polisy is not fully production ready. Today I tried to install a PG3 node server. Finder would not find it - did power cycle.
I go to the store, choose a free node server (example, google holidays) hit install and nothing happens. The button pushes in and nothing. Tried restarts.
Figure maybe PG3 is out of date. I am at 3.1.16, it suggests 3.1.18. Go to admin console and do upgrade packages. Disconnects me, wait awhile, finder can't find it. Add it back manually (IP).
Still at 3.1.16. So upgrade is failing.
My polisy is at 5.4.5. Figure that is out of date, but upgrade packages does not update it either.
What am I doing wrong? Can't install new node servers, can't upgrade packages or versions.