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    Lake Fenton, MI
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  1. This is the first time I’ve gotten a REST question on this plugin. You are correct it’s not in the docs, my memory was fuzzy enough I had to pull up the program to remember the command. You won’t find these kind of things in the WIKI for a plugin only in the config help or here on the forums. I can add it to the TODO to make it more match the norm, but would not remove this command as it would be a breaking change for someone. let me know how it goes!
  2. DON and DOF are for full on and off setDim will set the level so to use your example: http://admin:<passwd>@192.168.0.xx:8080/rest/nodes/n006_90/cmd/setDim/128
  3. A Polisy & an Eisy. Complete upgrade with no issues on both.
  4. sjenkins

    Yolink Local API

    I am seeing $98.99USD for hub three & its available ; am I missing something? https://shop.yosmart.com/products/ys1605
  5. I seem to remember that ns being to plug in a device directly to the 994 like a 1-wire temp sensor. In my mind I thought that any use case I had the device was remote from the isy. What is your use case? My use made sense to use a small WiFi or loRa processor ESP 32 8266 which then communicates directly to a variable with network messages . I have a few devices doing that. The code is c but could be made to work with simple parameters for variable and ip and password. Then your 1-wire can be farther from the eisy. anyway, interested in why a 1-wire connection to an eisy?
  6. @zGuy981 good to hear. If you wouldn’t mind post your log here. I’d like to take a peek & may optimise.
  7. @zGuy981 , thanks for finding this & the explanation. I did find the issue. Give the Beta a try & let me know, if all is well I will push to production if all is good , when I get back home next week.
  8. @zGuy981 I’m travelling through mid week but will take a look at debug a bit today. I may have a few questions as on first read of description I am not quite following everything, but I’m in my phone.
  9. Some debug for my G2 friends in the last two versions. Had to do with polling & with a left/right shade which has a very unique JSON coming from the gateway. Other than that, it's been quiet out there so I assume everyone is happy. I personally have this plugin in constant use with 14 shades and about 20 scenes. My programs are written to during the day move them around using scenes. Scheduling of those move is done in my programs & updated from UD Mobile. When I manually move a shade I usually use the HunterDouglas Powerview app, or in room remote. This plugin has my use case covered, so I do not have any feature map in the works. I am open to good ideas from the user base, but if none come along then I am in really in debug mode when/if they come along. Let me know. VERSION = '1.12.4' """ 1.12.4 DEBUG Gen-2 make a default capability if none exists in JSON 1.12.3 DONE G2 Scene event fix 1.12.2 DONE add shade-offline event handling to error log; currently not passed to ISY DONE add updating of scene activation status on longPoll as backup to event 1.12.1 DONE environment updates DONE small refactors 1.12.0 DONE change versioning to align with workflow DONE update docs: README, versionHistory, logging for previous version see versionHistory.md """
  10. Great to hear! I’ll push it to production.
  11. @zGuy981 Ready for you to give it a try ; its in the beta area same version, just reinstall 1.12.4 Appreciate your patience. I missed a second occurrence in the shade update routine. let me know.....
  12. No worries; I’ll check tonight after hockey. Sometimes need to peel the onion a bit. I likely missed it in another spot. Thanks for the debug.
  13. No worries ; thank you for finding the bug. I am treating this as a bug, I was depending on the variable being there and had no default if it wasn't ; my bad. So on the beta store is v1.12.4, I have checked it out locally but I have Gen-3, so would be great if you could check out and run especially this shade and make sure all is as it should be.
  14. ok, found the issue. Your second shade in the list, 35640, can I verify that is the left/right shade? It has a completely different json structure than the others (see below if you care). The GEN-2 system did this the odd time & is a lot of what they cleaned up in Gen-3. It has no "capabilities" reference & interestingly had a "motor" reference. The capability number is what you use to tell what kind of shade you have (there are many). I just need to set a "default" shade if one doesn't exist. Likely should have that and a log I was doing that anyway, but the error does flag something wrong ; you might not have anyone let you know otherwise. I will get my coffee made and go at this. I'll let you know when I need you to test, likely in the beta first. For those who might care beyond me below is the JSONs I am talking about: Below is a "normal" shade (your other threee): Below is your "Special" one (going to assume default type):
  15. @zGuy981, Thanks for including the all of the debug files ; I will take a look at it this afternoon, heading out for my daughter's hockey now. I see where to look & may have a question or two. Just to be clear it looks like you have four shades. They seem all the same type can you verify what type they are? (tilt, roll, from bottom, from top, both) Do you really have 18 rooms and 37 scenes defined in the app for these four shades? Not saying this is the cause but if they are not all in use then some cleanup in the app may help. Finally, are any of your scenes multi room scenes?
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