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  1. Our neighbors aren't close enough to do trick or treating since we moved to a more rural area, so we don't do as much as we used too. But we made up for it during Christmas. Here's a link to one of our videos. Bonus Points: Some of it is run by Insteon and my ISY. ?
  2. Glad to help. HA is very powerful, but has a long way to go for setting things up with the UI vs yaml.
  3. That's not quite true. There is, but they don't make it as easy or obvious as the ISY does. In the trigger section of your automation select event and pick isy994_control. Here's a snippet from one of mine. Bonus Points: This one is a KPL. Just use the entity_id of the device you want to use. Hopefully this helps a bit. Here's the link to the docs with all of the options to watch for. https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/isy994/ platform: event event_type: isy994_control event_data: entity_id: sensor.lr2_h_good_night control: DOF
  4. Thanatar

    Forum Changes?

    Fixed for me as well. Thanks
  5. Thanatar

    Forum Changes?

    Running Firefox v 71.0 (64 bit). Just started today.
  6. Thanatar

    Forum Changes?

    Seeing the same thing.
  7. I use a raspberry pi to play my notifications through a NR. It'll only play prerecorded sounds and announcements though. Here's the link to the setup guide. Just a heads up, Looks like OpenELEC has become unsupported. LibreELEC is the current supported fork and uses the same API.
  8. Here is the link to the post with all of the instructions to set up Jullie HERE
  9. Does the scene work with you activate it from the admin console? Make sure to select the red (Controller) device under each scene and verify the settings match what you want. Chances are you only set the top level scene and that's why.
  10. I just noticed that. It's in both places on my iPhone. They take you to the same place.
  11. Amazon has finally added the routines ability. I have one that runs my good night program. Now you just say "Good Night" rather than turn on good night. Much higher WAF. Currently it lists News, Smart Home, Traffic, and Weather as available options to add to your routine. Routines is listed in the Alexa app under settings.
  12. Glad you got it fixed. At 400 you definitely have more files than I do.
  13. Open the file in Audacity, Select the entire track. Just double click to highlight it all. Select Effect and then Amplify from the top menu. I usually leave the settings at default to avoid clipping on the audio file.
  14. You can use Audacity and amplify the offending audio file. I actually did all mine that way. It will default to the highest level without clipping, so that when you play them back they are consistent.
  15. I wrote up a guide a while back to use a pi to do my alerts. You can find it here Hopefully it helps.
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