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  1. LeeG, A couple of week later, time to troubleshoot, to order, and to replaced the defective X10 PSC-04 module. Everything is working fine. Thank You, Robin
  2. I just replaced my ISY 99i for the 994i. Everything seems to work fine until I discover X10 receiving issue. I follow the recommended process. Downgrade the new ISY (994i) to latest 99i firmware. Restore from backup. Upgrade to 4.2.4. Transfer the modules (Weather, Networking, A10/X10) to the new 994i. ISY is able to send X10 messages. I see the messages in the Event Viewer. I have a few buzzers and the work fine. But ISY is not receiving X10 message. Nothing in the Event Viewer (level 3). My alarm system send X10 messages when doors are open and close. I have a X10 console to generate X10 message to confirm the problem in different home outlets. I upgrade to 4.2.5 this morning. Same problem. I suspected the PLM (2412S v85). Factory Reset and restore. Same problem. The PLM has 474 links. Total of 125 Insteon devices. I have a spare PLM (2412S v72) that I try. Factory Reset without a restore just to see X10 message. Still no X10 message. I also install the local power to 994i. With or without, same problem. Everything has been stable and fine for years with 99i. What else should I try? Do I have a defective PLM? Shall I reset and restore ISY? Thank you in advance for your help. Robin
  3. Updated from .13 to .14, no problem Robin
  4. No problem to upgrade from 2.8.11 to 2.8.13 following all the instructions. Robin L.
  5. Thank You Michel, I will communicate with support this week. Since I had to restore from Factory Reset for the first time, I notice a few configurations that did not restore from the backup. - Clock / Time Zone. I use custom location - System / Wait while busy and Send compact - SMTP Setting / I use custom setting Network settings, I use a static IP and the restore process asks before restoration. This is great. Robin L.
  6. Followed procedure. Upgrade from 2.8.11 failed. Only http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/2.8.12 works but to access the SLL Certificates mode. Factory Reset, Restore 2.8.11, Restore ISY from backup. I am back up and running. I initially try to restore 2.8.12 after the factory reset. It came back with 2.8.12 working. After reloading my backup, I was back to SSL Certificates. I started over again. Let me know what information you need to help troubleshoot the problem. Robin L.
  7. Rain Today is one of the field that is not working. Beside it is pretty cold today and we had some snow. All the fields with Rate, Light, and Rain do not work. R. Lavoie
  8. Yes it works from Canada, but with some limitation. I am locate in Montreal area. Here are the fields that I get. Those at 0 are not available. Temperature -7 °C Temperature High -4 °C Temperature Low -7 °C Feels Like -15 °C Temperature Rate 0 °C Humidity 73 % Humidity Rate 0 %/h Pressure 1011.18 Pa Pressure Rate 0 Pa/h Dew Point -11 °C Wind Speed 23 km/h Wind Average Speed 23 km/h Wind Direction NNE Wind Average Direction NNE Gust Speed 40 km/h Gust Direction NNE Rain Today 0 mm Light 0 %/h Light Rate 0 %/h Rain Rate 0 mm/h Max Rain Rate 0 mm/h R. Lavoie
  9. I did the upgrade, no problem with the download. I followed the 8 steps then tested a few scenes and programs. No issue so far. Robin L.
  10. Greak work Michel, Everything is back to normal running 2.8.4 with this latest version. Very hard to understand why anly a few of us had this problem. What is it that we have that is different? Thank You, Robin
  11. Hello Michel, I try the firmware only. It did not work. Try it again, samething. I reinstalled 2.8.4 completly. It did not work. I retried the firmware only twice. Samething, I can see the program folders. Just out of luck with this version. Let me know if you want to access remotely. Robin
  12. Hello Michel, Just upgraded to 2.8.4 from 2.8.2. Clear Java before restarting the console. - Good news; Current state is there, WeatherBug data is there, MobiLinc on iPad is working. Tested device on/ff via the console having the Event Viewer open. Triggered a program by changing the status of a SwitchLinc. This is fine. - Bad news; Impossible to access the Program Summary and Program Details folder via the console. The folder title does not even change, it remains Main or Configuration. Reboot the ISY, reboot my PC, clear Java, and try again. Same result, everything looks it is working fine, but impossible access the two Program folders. At least I don't need to downgrade. Thank You again, Robin
  13. Hi Michel, Just not stable. Console is back to no State and no Weatherbug. Programs are not running. Took me a few reboot to be able to downgrade back to 2.8.2. Thank you again, Robin
  14. Hello, Here is my results after upgrading from 2.8.2 to 2.8.4 since I had issues trying to upgrade to 2.8.3. I did the upgrade, no error message and clear Java. When I restarted the console, I got the username password twice from the console (plus once from Java before the console start) State of devices is not display. WeatherBug is empty. Event viewer level 3, try a query, nothing. From System folder, I reboot. Did not clear Java. I restarted the console. Got the username password once (not from Java). Query at start is running. State of devices are visible. WeatherBug is ok. Event viewer level 3, try a query, working fine. Try to use MobiLinc on my iPad. State of devices, not visible. Try to sync with ISY, could not. Via previously open Console, try a query again. Error Message: [-5011]Change of state failed: SID not found [uuid] Try the query again, working fine. Try to use MobiLinc, failed. Try to query from console, Request Failed. Look at the log in Excel. It looks like the Query at restart did work the first time even if there was not state result in the console. Waiting for further instruction to try to debug this. More than 100 devices on ISY. PLM v85. 4 modules (Open 010, Weather 020, Networking 040, A10/X10 060). Static IP address. Robin
  15. Michel. Yes, I am using a static IP address. Thank You for your support. Robin
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